Enterprise pancreatitis symptoms 2.0: new opportunities for sharing maps | Softbiz Blog Archive (2007-2010)
Each new wave in IT spitting in the forefront of new, often small businesses with fresh ideas and products. If a new wave of Enterprise 2.0, is it then a chance for a new division of cards in one part of IT?
Web 2.0 at work or Enterprise 2.0 is the use of "social" web tools - wikis, blogs, social networks and others - in the business. The aim is to stimulate the flow of ideas and knowledge in companies, through equal participation, commenting, voting, and tagging. To achieve this, Enterprise 2.0 tools have to be attractive to customers, and that means that everyone participates from self-interest, that there is no unnecessary rules, the structure of information builds on the fly, and that participation in all of this quickly and easily ("add page" , "replace", "evaluate", "tagiraj", "comment" ...).
What, me, everyone writes, deletes, changes to his Gusto! - Apt to think of someone who is IT governance in the job description. Yes, Enterprise 2.0 includes pancreatitis symptoms a little pancreatitis symptoms more freedom (but with the security and audit) that firms must give in exchange for use of the new "democracy". For now, just the most and gets stuck.
Here are the most common examples of the mentioned Wikipedia as opposed to today's corporate intranet. Wikipedia has popularized pancreatitis symptoms the concept of a wiki because it was able to prove that a large number of volunteers from all over the world can build a vast knowledge base using a simple web tool. How many companies would just like to have their own "mini-Wikipedia" local knowledge base with current information is always ... still do not have them. This is just one of the problems that the Enterprise 2.0 should offer solutions.
The concept of Enterprise 2.0 by Andrew McAfee wrote a detailed and Dion Hinchcliffe, pancreatitis symptoms and more articles can be found on the blogs of other authors. When we're on the subject could hear several notable lecture is the last year held Stanislav Prusac, founder and director of the Polara. In the continuation of this post let's pancreatitis symptoms look at who's Enterprise 2.0 opportunities and for whom danger, and who does lead in the match.
"Through 2010, the enterprise Web 2.0 product environment will experience considerable flux with continued product innovation and new Entrants, including start-ups, large vendors and traditional collaboration vendors. Expect significant consolidation as competitors strive to deliver robust Web 2.0 offerings to the enterprise. Nevertheless social software technologies will increasingly be brought into the enterprise to augment traditional collaboration. " pancreatitis symptoms
What should be noted: Enterprise 2.0 is becoming mainstream. The mere announcement of the new Gartnerovog quadrants (first time for Team Collaboration & Social Software) is a sure sign that the Enterprise 2.0 idea to reach the Head of IT in companies that are beginning to compare and choose pancreatitis symptoms from, some of them "go shopping", and Gartner received a large number of requests for such reports. Open race. Gartner does not see anyone in the "Leaders" quadrant. This means that the market is just being formed, and that those who were leaders in the field of enterprise collaboration (IBM, Microsoft) are not, at least for now, recognized as a leader in social software. New players are not the same that they know from Web 2.0. Enterprise 2.0 is not only the entry of popular online public service in the company. Similar ideas are packaged differently here and adapt to the rules of the business market. Natives with a new label. Leading players from other segments (enterprise content management, portals, collaboration) pancreatitis symptoms are included in this new race. These are IBM, BEA, Microsoft, Vignette, OpenText and EMC. All these "heavyweights" quickly build their products by adding their "social touch" The question is whether they see the market as part of the "new wave" or as "dinosaurs".
Although Google no comprehensive offer that would qualify him for Gartner MQ, it is certain that the very preparation for stronger penetration in the enterprise market. For now, Google offers Productivity Solutions for Business, where Google Apps. In particular, it will be interesting to see how Google will incorporate JotSpot enterprise wiki in your offer. To remind you, Google has bought JotSpot exactly one year ago. Then JotSpot was one of the three leading enterprise wiki tools (with Socialtext pancreatitis symptoms and Atlassian Confluence) and certainly would have been at the Gartner MQ is still an independent company.
Google announced OpenSocial, a standard which determines the way in which the social network (web applications) "accommodate" other web applications. Thus, independent producers easily expand the functionality of social networks. The closest analogy would be portlets or Web parts, only for social networks. Among the allies who supported this standard are Oracle, Salesforce.com, LinkedIn and others, which clearly shows that Google wants to partner with the set standards and ente
Each new wave in IT spitting in the forefront of new, often small businesses with fresh ideas and products. If a new wave of Enterprise 2.0, is it then a chance for a new division of cards in one part of IT?
Web 2.0 at work or Enterprise 2.0 is the use of "social" web tools - wikis, blogs, social networks and others - in the business. The aim is to stimulate the flow of ideas and knowledge in companies, through equal participation, commenting, voting, and tagging. To achieve this, Enterprise 2.0 tools have to be attractive to customers, and that means that everyone participates from self-interest, that there is no unnecessary rules, the structure of information builds on the fly, and that participation in all of this quickly and easily ("add page" , "replace", "evaluate", "tagiraj", "comment" ...).
What, me, everyone writes, deletes, changes to his Gusto! - Apt to think of someone who is IT governance in the job description. Yes, Enterprise 2.0 includes pancreatitis symptoms a little pancreatitis symptoms more freedom (but with the security and audit) that firms must give in exchange for use of the new "democracy". For now, just the most and gets stuck.
Here are the most common examples of the mentioned Wikipedia as opposed to today's corporate intranet. Wikipedia has popularized pancreatitis symptoms the concept of a wiki because it was able to prove that a large number of volunteers from all over the world can build a vast knowledge base using a simple web tool. How many companies would just like to have their own "mini-Wikipedia" local knowledge base with current information is always ... still do not have them. This is just one of the problems that the Enterprise 2.0 should offer solutions.
The concept of Enterprise 2.0 by Andrew McAfee wrote a detailed and Dion Hinchcliffe, pancreatitis symptoms and more articles can be found on the blogs of other authors. When we're on the subject could hear several notable lecture is the last year held Stanislav Prusac, founder and director of the Polara. In the continuation of this post let's pancreatitis symptoms look at who's Enterprise 2.0 opportunities and for whom danger, and who does lead in the match.
"Through 2010, the enterprise Web 2.0 product environment will experience considerable flux with continued product innovation and new Entrants, including start-ups, large vendors and traditional collaboration vendors. Expect significant consolidation as competitors strive to deliver robust Web 2.0 offerings to the enterprise. Nevertheless social software technologies will increasingly be brought into the enterprise to augment traditional collaboration. " pancreatitis symptoms
What should be noted: Enterprise 2.0 is becoming mainstream. The mere announcement of the new Gartnerovog quadrants (first time for Team Collaboration & Social Software) is a sure sign that the Enterprise 2.0 idea to reach the Head of IT in companies that are beginning to compare and choose pancreatitis symptoms from, some of them "go shopping", and Gartner received a large number of requests for such reports. Open race. Gartner does not see anyone in the "Leaders" quadrant. This means that the market is just being formed, and that those who were leaders in the field of enterprise collaboration (IBM, Microsoft) are not, at least for now, recognized as a leader in social software. New players are not the same that they know from Web 2.0. Enterprise 2.0 is not only the entry of popular online public service in the company. Similar ideas are packaged differently here and adapt to the rules of the business market. Natives with a new label. Leading players from other segments (enterprise content management, portals, collaboration) pancreatitis symptoms are included in this new race. These are IBM, BEA, Microsoft, Vignette, OpenText and EMC. All these "heavyweights" quickly build their products by adding their "social touch" The question is whether they see the market as part of the "new wave" or as "dinosaurs".
Although Google no comprehensive offer that would qualify him for Gartner MQ, it is certain that the very preparation for stronger penetration in the enterprise market. For now, Google offers Productivity Solutions for Business, where Google Apps. In particular, it will be interesting to see how Google will incorporate JotSpot enterprise wiki in your offer. To remind you, Google has bought JotSpot exactly one year ago. Then JotSpot was one of the three leading enterprise wiki tools (with Socialtext pancreatitis symptoms and Atlassian Confluence) and certainly would have been at the Gartner MQ is still an independent company.
Google announced OpenSocial, a standard which determines the way in which the social network (web applications) "accommodate" other web applications. Thus, independent producers easily expand the functionality of social networks. The closest analogy would be portlets or Web parts, only for social networks. Among the allies who supported this standard are Oracle, Salesforce.com, LinkedIn and others, which clearly shows that Google wants to partner with the set standards and ente
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