Saturday, February 28, 2015

Diagnosis holetsistopankreatita complicated by the presence is pneumonia contagious of symptoms is

Holitsystit is pneumonia contagious pancreatitis symptoms signs treatment | Your Health
Diagnosis holetsistopankreatita complicated by the presence is pneumonia contagious of symptoms is pneumonia contagious of several diseases. In the normal treatment of one disease overall picture is not much improved, sometimes that is a long time to discover all the difficulties and the correct diagnosis.
Home key to success in the treatment - a properly selected diet, we wrote that you can eat with pancreatitis, according to the recommendations can also be used here. However, is pneumonia contagious to clarify the details of diet doctor, as this case is more difficult and more necessary to pay attention to your diet.
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Friday, February 27, 2015

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Treatment of the pancreas (pancreatitis) folk remedies | Site People medetsyny
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The pancreas is a major glands in the human body. It serves two very important functions in the body. First - production of digestive enzymes and release them into the duodenum. Second - insulin that provides penetration into cells and plays an important role in metabolism (protein, fat and carbohydrates). Disease of the pancreas (pancreatitis) develops hoodia frequent overeating, stomach disease (duodenal ulcer) liver and so on. The main cause of inflammation of the pancreas is its self-digestion distinguished it as enzymes trypsin, lipase and bile.
Treatment of pancreatic cancer is a complex of measures to address the causes of the disease. The main factors triggers hoodia the disease is smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, fatty, spicy and fried foods. With the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease is necessary to eliminate bad habits and give up spicy and fatty foods.
Symptoms of the pancreas (pancreatitis). The first symptom of the disease of the pancreas is a pain in the right upper quadrant, which gives the right shoulder and right shoulder. In addition, vomiting, nausea, fever. Generally speaking, these symptoms of acute pancreatitis. In the chronic form of the disease, hoodia pancreatic cancer symptoms are pain in the upper abdomen especially after taking spicy, fried foods and alcohol. Treatment of pancreatitis (pancreatic) folk remedies. Recipes.
1. Kissel from sprouted oats has good healing properties and is widely used in the treatment of pancreatic cancer folk remedies. Prepare this folk remedy can be so. Sorted oats, soaked hoodia it up and put in a warm place. After oat sprouts (1-2 days) washed, dried and passed through hoodia a grinder. Dilute the resulting flour with water, pour boiling water and boil for several minutes. Leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Strain and take 1 glass while eating or after.
2. Insist iris and wormwood also has good medicinal properties. It should be equally these herbs and finely chop. Pour 1 tablespoon of mixture of boiled water and insist 1 hour. Strain and take 1 glass per day.
3. Treatment of pancreatic cancer folk remedies carried out using the following broth. Mixed in equal portions peppermint leaves, roots confusing fruit fennel, coriander and St. John's Wort. Fill 1 tbsp. of the mixture and 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 1 hour and filtered. It is recommended to take on? cup 3-4 times daily.
5. Helichrysum flowers are taken, St. John's wort, grass and pustyrnika rozmishuyetsya, all pre-grind. hoodia 2 tablespoons of this collection filled 0.5 liters. boiling water. Infused 1 hour and filtered. It is used in the form of heat 2 tablespoons for 20-30 minutes before meals.
6. In the treatment of chronic pancreatitis using a folk remedy. Poured 1 tablespoon finely shredded leaves bilberry 0.5 liter of boiling water. Boil over medium heat for 20-30 minutes. Allow to cool and strain. Take now a folk remedy in the treatment of pancreatic cancer on? cups an hour before meals for the week.
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Thursday, February 26, 2015

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Diet for pancreatitis "All About Health
Pancreatitis - an inflammation aciphex of the pancreas (a large gland located behind the stomach and produces digestive enzymes). Pancreatitis may occur suddenly, it is acute pancreatitis or develop over time, a chronic pancreatitis. Certain foods and nutrients can help prevent or relieve symptoms of pancreatitis, which include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and sweating. Changes in diet should not replace aciphex treatment recommended by your doctor. For best results, you need to consult your doctor - specialist.
Fruits and vegetables - are the main source of antioxidants that help the body resist and fight infection and disease. To reduce the risk of pancreatitis and relieve symptoms, doctors recommend taking antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables such as berries, tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers. Regularly eat lots of colorful fruits and vegetables to food was varied. Other antioxidant-rich foods - a kiwi, papaya, citrus, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, potatoes baked in their skins, and others.
Whole grains - a grain, not lost vitamins, minerals and fiber by means of heat treatment. Foods rich in B vitamins and iron, such as whole grains, are valuable components of the diet for pancreatitis. Best to replace processed carbohydrates like bagels, pasta, aciphex cereal and rice quick cooking and semi-finished products, to whole grains. Examples of whole grains, nutrient-rich, is a holistic or krupnorazmolotaya oatmeal, whole wheat bread, brown rice, pasta from durum wheat, aciphex cereals, brown rice, wild rice, barley, popcorn.
Proteins provide the body with amino acids - the building blocks of muscle tissue. Foods rich in protein, also contribute to tissue repair and reinforce energy during recovery from attacks of acute pancreatitis. Experts suggest aciphex a diet poor in fats, those who suffer from pancreatitis and heart disease. Most regularly eat a variety of foods rich in lean protein, and fatty fish.
Number of fat in the diet with pancreatitis depends on individual tolerance, but should not exceed 30 percent of total calories. This means about 60 grams of fat per 2000 calories.
Pancreatitis increases metabolism, and in addition to the amount of fat consumed, it is necessary to increase the number of calories to prevent weight loss. High-calorie low-fat food - it juice, dried fruit, low-fat milk, bread and starchy foods. Maybe better to eat small portions but more frequently.
Breakfast for those. who suffers from pancreatitis, may consist of grinding bowls of porridge with whole grains to lean milk, a banana, a glass of orange juice and eggs cooked "in the bag". You can eat a slice of fried bread with butter, jam, serving low-fat yoghurt, fresh fruit and a glass of skim milk. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, can relieve aciphex the symptoms aciphex of pancreatitis.
Fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains usually contain little fat and are useful products with pancreatitis. For lunch you can try to make a sandwich with two slices of corn bread and fat-free turkey meat, mustard, lettuce and tomato with low-fat dressing and serving canned fruit in sweet syrup and some salt krendelkov.
Meat can be a source of fat in the diet. Choose lean cuts of meat, poultry without skin, fish, lean beef and pork, veal and lamb. Cut the flesh of all visible fat, and cook without using fat - cook, cook, cook on the grill, this will help reduce the total amount of fat in the diet. Healthy, low-fat and high-calorie dinner with pancreatitis may consist aciphex of fried chicken with fried potatoes, salad with low-fat dressing.
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

If digestive enzymes damaging the vessel wall and into the blood, it threatens destruction in the o

News Health Diseases and Diabetes Respiratory system Proctology Oncology: Diagnosis and treatment of colds and flu ENT diseases of the stomach and digestive system diseases of joints and spine Neurology Infectious Diseases of the blood vessels and heart Ophthalmology rare and hereditary Healthy Lifestyle Beauty & Fitness Exercise Information Workout gastritis stars Grooming Damage Health Health AZ Allergy Dentistry Psychological problems of Men's Health Emergency Issues immunity All About Vitamins Sleep problems Headache Diagnostic Techniques drinking, gastritis smoking and drugs Food Diets Diets Healthy Diet in diseases Overweight Calculator ideal weight calculator body mass index
Remove the pain, stop vomiting, to ensure peace pancreas - priorities gastritis in acute pancreatitis.
Dear pancreatic disease require attention. But when it comes to acute pancreatitis, delay like death. This is not just a metaphor, the disease may pose a threat to life. Therefore, when the signs of acute pancreatitis should immediately contact a doctor. In order to successfully fight this disease gastritis requires an integrated approach to its treatment. What is acute pancreatitis?
Acute pancreatitis often occurs in people with biliary system, and those who are "fond" of alcohol. In some cases of acute pancreatitis provoke infection can. How is acute pancreatitis?
The pancreas produces gastritis enzymes that break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They are very aggressive, so made inactive. Activated enzymes in the intestine under the action of bile. But if the work of this mechanism is broken and falls into the bile duct pancreatic enzymes "included" in advance and begin to "digest" the same gland. gastritis
If digestive enzymes damaging the vessel wall and into the blood, it threatens destruction in the organs to which they are delivered. The result could be acute respiratory, cardiac or renal failure. Symptoms of acute pancreatitis
Severe pain in the upper abdomen that may radiate to the back or be herpes. Usually pain increases with movement or deep inspiration. gastritis Nausea and vomiting. An increase in temperature. There may reduce pressure, tachycardia, dizziness, severe weakness.
The first thing to take off the attack and save people from pain. But this is not the only task of the doctor. It is important to stop the destruction of the pancreas, and then gradually normalize the functioning of the body. This can be achieved through a special treatment strategy that involves an integrated approach to the problem.
Comprehensive treatment of acute pancreatitis include: Elimination of pain. For this purpose antispasmodic and analgesic drugs. In some cases, the use peridural anesthesia when the spinal canal catheter, and after it is injected in small doses of anesthetics. Termination vomiting. At constant vomiting used antiemetic drugs. gastritis Providing pancreas rest, suppression active selection pancreas enzymes. For this injected drugs that inhibit the excretion of enzymes by the pancreas. Another way to suppress the activity of cancer is lowering its temperature. This may apply gastric lavage using a probe with cold water or applying externally to the stomach ice pack. Also in acute pancreatitis completely prohibit eating. The first 3-6 days after the attack only allowed to drink water. And the nutrients the body delivered via intravenous injection. Later appointed a strict diet that allows the pancreas gradually incorporated into the work, but it will not be too annoying. gastritis Detoxification of the body. It is important to clean the blood of enzymes. To do this, intravenously injected into the body plenty of fluids. Antimicrobial therapy. Designed for the prevention of infection and when accompanied by purulent inflammation processes. Immunocorrection gastritis may need to normalize cellular immunity.
This approach in a timely call to the doctor helps to achieve good results in the treatment and gradually normalize the activity of the pancreas. Unfortunately, conservative treatment is not always suitable. In some cases it becomes gastritis necessary surgery. When no surgery can not do?
Operation of acute pancreatitis is needed in several gastritis cases: Biliary pancreatitis, pancreatitis when accompanied by acute cholecystitis and stones gastritis in the bile ducts. Lack of effect of conservative methods of treatment for a week. Pancreatitis, accompanied by purulent peritonitis. Pancreatic abscess.
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The human body - is a very complex mechanism, which consists of individual organs. Every body gets

The human body - is a very complex mechanism, which consists of individual organs. Every body gets the special task. The pancreas is involved in the digestive process. Inflammation of the pancreas we call pancreatitis. It is a chronic and acute. The reasons that lead to pancreatitis Taking into account the statistics, infacol 50% of patients with pancreatitis - people who abuse alcohol. Another 20% of patients pancreatitis occurs as a complication of bile - stone disease. The remaining 30% of the causes are different. This abdominal trauma, and viral, infectious fungal disease. Pancreatitis can occur as a complication after surgery and even endoscopic procedures. Malnutrition - another reason. Symptoms of acute pancreatitis or dull pain on the left side under the rib - the first signal that you may be inflamed pancreas. Nausea, vomiting, violation stool (diarrhea) can also be symptoms of pancreatitis. In the acute form of the disease is complicated by fever, severe weight loss. In any case, you need expert help when medical treatment is prescribed. General recommendations for food addition infacol of drugs that the doctor will prescribe a special place in the treatment of pancreatitis, took food. It is, above all, should be frequent, every 3-4 hours and not very abundant. infacol Increase the amount of foods that contain protein. Meat, fish, but not fatty, steamed or boiled, and, moreover, frayed. Reduce the need to use products with a high content of carbohydrates and fats. Eating infacol before drinking should be warmed, freshly distilled infacol and always infacol balanced. During the day should drink water about two liters of water. infacol Drink two or three sips, not the entire amount immediately. What products should be excluded Often we are doing irreparable harm, hoping to "maybe." In the case of pancreatitis - this is totally unacceptable. From what foods are in your diet depends on how fast you go on the mend. When inflammation of the pancreas must be excluded infacol from the diet of fatty meats - lamb, pork, goose and duck. Also offal - liver, kidney, brain and heart. Sausage and kapchenosti also be brought in the so-called "black list". We can not and fatty fish. These include infacol catfish, carp, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon. infacol Broths and soups can not be on them, borscht, friedge. With fat dairy products are prohibited. This cream, mare's milk, sour cream. Exclude from your diet barley, millet, beans and corn side dishes and hot sauce, pickles and Fried. Drinks can not be strong coffee, tea, cocoa and concentrated juices, infacol sodas. Limitations exist in bread. Prohibited rye bread, buns. These vegetables infacol like radishes, turnips, radishes, spinach, sorrel, infacol also no good and useful in acute pancreatic disease, will not do. Therefore, we exclude from your diet and them. Approved Products List of products which can not, is certainly frightening. But, nevertheless, many other products in the list you can use them. And so, feel free to eat meat cutlets steam souffle or mashed potatoes, turkey, chicken, veal, beef. Fish, but not fried - cod, pike, bream, perch. In the list of dairy products and lean sour cheese, yogurt, yogurt. Eggs are steamed as scrambled eggs, and vegetables (beets, carrots, zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin) and wipe boil. You can also wheat bread, crackers or just dried. With cereals - rice, buckwheat, semolina and oatmeal. Alternatively, infacol noodles and pasta. Drinks in the form of stewed fruit, wheat bran concoctions with or hips, jelly, infacol weak tea. Sample menu diet based on one day of Fasting: 1 cup of broth from the hips. Breakfast 1st: salad of beets; steam omelet protein (proteins with 2 eggs), tea. Breakfast 2nd: pudding with cheese; mashed apples; mineral water without gas. For lunch: soup with chicken, boiled fish stew with vegetables (zucchini, carrots, potatoes), one slice of white bread, tomato juice. Snack: meat meatballs; Carrot-apple sauce; yogurt. Dinner: mashed potatoes; Steam chicken; a slice of white bread; jelly; tea with milk. Before going to bed, low-fat yogurt - 1 cup.
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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Oats bust, and soak in a warm place. On the second day grains germinate. They need to be washed, dr

Pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas. This disease occurs when the gland is blocked duct stones from the gall bladder tumor or cyst. In this case violates the normal flow of digestive bmi formula juices with enzymes into the duodenum, the initial section of the small intestine. Accumulated pancreatic enzymes affect the tissue of the gland, and pancreas thus included in the process of self-digestion.
Enzymes can lead to complete destruction of the gland tissue and nearby blood vessels and other abdominal organs. As a result of this process there are severe bleeding, shock, peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) and die.
Acute pancreatitis. This form of the disease is characterized by sudden onset of symptoms and acute repetitive seizures. Recovery usually occurs spontaneously. The disease does not cause irreversible damage to cancer, unless there is a prolonged alcohol abuse places where there is a constant bmi formula destruction of tissue. bmi formula
Symptoms. The leading symptom of acute pancreatitis is pain. She appears, upper abdomen in the midline, and gives back. There have been other symptoms: nausea, vomiting, fever and sometimes jaundice.
Symptoms. In chronic pancreatitis patients complain of poor stool oily type with a foul odor. There are also weight loss and signs of vitamin A deficiency. Chronic pancreatitis is often a cause of diabetes, as is the destruction of the cells that produce insulin. Other symptoms are similar bmi formula to symptoms of acute pancreatitis. bmi formula
Oats bust, and soak in a warm place. On the second day grains germinate. They need to be washed, dried, and then grind. Then dissolve the flour with cold water, pour all the boiling water and boil for 1-2 minutes. Another 20 minutes bmi formula should insist drink. Then strain and drink fresh. Prepare pudding in advance is impossible.
Take equal parts of sage herbs, roots confusing grass hypericum, marigold flowers, burdock root, wormwood herb, chamomile flowers, herbs, dried flowers, horsetail grass, grass succession. 1 tablespoon collection pour 1 cup boiling water, drain. Take 100-150 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes bmi formula before meals with chronic pancreatitis. Treatment of other diseases
Alimentary dystrophy. Description, symptoms and course, recognition Reason bmi formula alimentary dystrophy (DYSTROPHIA ALIMENTARIA) - Full or partial prolonged fasting, bmi formula when consumption bmi formula of nutrients dominates their arrival. Alimentary ...
Acromegaly. Description, symptoms, for Acromegaly (ACROMEGALIA) caused by increased anterior appendage function of the brain (pituitary), often as a result of it the tumor. Symptoms and flow significantly increased ...
Akhil stomach. Causes, symptoms and course of Akhil Akhil stomach stomach (ACHYLIA GASTRICA) is the lack of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes in the gastric juice. Akhil be temporary, functional, due to mental experiences ...
ATTENTION! The information published bmi formula on this site is for reference. Diagnosis and prescribing drugs require knowledge of history and direct patients. We encourage you to exclude cases of misunderstanding on the use of drugs and diagnostics to see a doctor.
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Monday, February 23, 2015

News Health Diseases and Diabetes Respiratory system trying to conceive Proctology Oncology: Diagno

News Health Diseases and Diabetes Respiratory system trying to conceive Proctology Oncology: Diagnosis and treatment of colds and flu ENT diseases of the stomach and digestive system diseases of joints trying to conceive and spine Neurology Infectious Diseases of the blood vessels and heart Ophthalmology rare and hereditary Healthy Lifestyle Beauty & Fitness Exercise Information Workout trying to conceive stars Grooming Damage Health Health AZ Allergy Dentistry Psychological problems of Men's Health Emergency Issues immunity All About Vitamins Sleep problems Headache Diagnostic Techniques drinking, smoking and drugs Food Diets Diets Healthy Diet in diseases Overweight Calculator ideal weight calculator body mass index
Combined treatment of patients with acute pancreatitis, pancreatic function Symptoms trying to conceive of prostatitis Chronic tonsillitis: Symptoms and Treatment Chronic pancreatitis: diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic necrosis
The pancreas - an essential organ of our body. It's quite a large gland that works on "two fronts": first, produces pancreatic juice rich in enzymes, secondly, identifies metabolic hormones such as insulin and glucagon. These substances necessary for the regulation of metabolism of fats, proteins trying to conceive and carbohydrates in the body. Therefore, if the pancreas ceases to perform its normal functions, we just feel it.
With the development of inflammation in the pancreas enzymes trying to conceive that identifies it, cease to be released trying to conceive into the duodenum. They begin to "act" before, right in the pancreas. This cancer cells become inflamed and die. In the devastation in the pancreas of intoxication may suffer brain, lungs, heart, trying to conceive liver and kidneys.
Inflammatory processes taking place in the pancreas are varied in form and peculiarities. Therefore, doctors have identified a group of diseases and syndromes cause of which is an inflammation of the pancreas, and gave the group common name - pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis and its symptoms
This variant of pancreatic inflammation is acute and accompanied by tissue damage. In acute pancreatitis may develop cancer trying to conceive degeneration, necrosis. You may also join secondary purulent infection. This type of pancreatitis requires immediate treatment, or illness can result in lethal.
abdominal pain bloating nausea and vomiting contents of the duodenum, after which he begins relief on the left side of the abdomen near the navel may appear bluish spots, sometimes with a yellowish tint.
Clear clinical symptoms, which can say with certainty that developed acute pancreatitis is not. Therefore, accurate diagnosis is necessary to conduct more research. Chronic pancreatitis and its symptoms
Chronic pancreatitis trying to conceive differs from acute "silent" inflammation stream. However, it will eventually lead to irreversible changes in the tissues of the pancreas, causing it ceases to produce the required amount of digestive enzymes.
Chronic pancreatitis may be asymptomatic, and may be accompanied by the following symptoms: pain of varying intensity and duration from a few minutes to 3-4 hours, and sometimes almost constantly. loss of appetite nausea heartburn bloating, rumbling in the abdomen during exacerbations of diarrhea and vomiting
Most pain occurs deep in the abdomen and extends up becomes stronger after eating, especially if the menu were fatty, fried, spicy dishes and meats. Provokes pain and alcohol and carbonated drinks.
On the basis of chronic pancreatitis may develop acute variant of the disease. trying to conceive In addition, chronic pancreatitis may be hiding under the guise of other diseases, biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, stomach trying to conceive ulcers. To set an accurate diagnosis is necessary to see a doctor. Psevdokysta as a manifestation of pancreatitis
Degenerative processes that occur in acute pancreatitis can lead to the appearance of pseudocysts of the pancreas, which puts pressure on the surrounding trying to conceive organs. This can disrupt the movement trying to conceive of food in the stomach and duodenum, bile ducts and squeeze even lead to the development of obstructive jaundice. There may be compression trying to conceive and ducts of the pancreas. The first type Diabetes - pancreatic malfunction
Another common failure in the pancreas is diabetes first type. But this is not inflammatory, and hormonal problems, which is better to speak in a separate article. trying to conceive Problems with the pancreas must be addressed immediately!
Any malfunction of the pancreas can lead to serious consequences until death. Therefore, the symptoms that tell that this body began to act up, you immediately turn to the doctor make an accurate diagnosis and treatment of disease. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. Only a specialist can understand the variety of violations

O.Zolotarov said that the symptoms of pancreatitis may be contradictory. Some patients heart failur

News Health Diseases and Diabetes Respiratory system Proctology Oncology: Diagnosis and treatment of colds and flu ENT diseases of the stomach and digestive system diseases of joints and spine Neurology Infectious Diseases of the blood vessels and heart Ophthalmology rare and hereditary Healthy Lifestyle heart failure Beauty & Fitness Exercise Information Workout stars Grooming Damage Health Health AZ Allergy heart failure Dentistry Psychological problems heart failure of Men's Health Emergency Issues immunity All About Vitamins heart failure Sleep problems Headache Diagnostic Techniques drinking, smoking heart failure and drugs Food Diets Diets Healthy Diet in diseases Overweight Calculator ideal weight calculator body mass index
Chronic pancreatitis: diagnosis and treatment of delicious and healthy dishes to feast When waiting for the outbreak of SARS in Ukraine and Fitness controls genes chickenpox outbreak in the Donetsk region diabetics no longer afraid of wounds
According to statistics, over the past 10 years the incidence of chronic pancreatitis in Ukraine increased almost 3 times. Today every 10th Ukrainian suffer from this disease. This was told the chief doctor of "Health Medical Center" Alexander Zolotarev (Kharkiv).
After the May holidays doctors seeing an increase in patients with acute pancreatitis. Barbecue, spicy and fried foods, alcohol affected the Ukrainian health. According O.ZOLOTAROVA Jump morbidity associated with the wrong "way out" heart failure of Lent. He also said that the concern of doctors is a tendency to "rejuvenation" of pancreatitis in the past few years. Now the average age of patients with the disease - 39 years. Significantly increased the proportion of alcoholic pancreatitis - from 40% to 75%. Acute pancreatitis often becomes chronic, which threatens the development of diabetes in almost heart failure half of people with the disease.
O.Zolotarov said that the symptoms of pancreatitis may be contradictory. Some patients heart failure are concerned zoster pain above the navel, nausea, anorexia, and other pain point instead of "wolf" appetite. When certain symptoms the doctor recommended heart failure to seek professional help to avoid complications.
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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Names Female Names Yeyeye III Aaa Bbb GGG BBB DDD EEE Zhzhzh EPL KKK LLL nnn mmm Ooh PPP PPP SSS TT

Names Female Names Yeyeye III Aaa Bbb GGG BBB DDD EEE Zhzhzh EPL KKK LLL nnn mmm Ooh PPP PPP SSS TTT Uuu Fff xxx Chchch Yuyuyu ÿÿÿ male name Yeyeye III Aaa Bbb GGG BBB DDD EEE Zhzhzh EPL KKK LLL nnn mmm Ooh PPP PPP SSS TTT Uuu Fff xxx Yuyuyu ÿÿÿ Astrology Money Diet Home Health & Beauty Culinary Career News Motherhood Family Psychology Dreams Yeyeye III Yiyiyi Aaa Bbb GGG BBB DDD EEE Zhzhzh EPL Yyy KKK LLL nnn mmm Ooh PPP PPP TTT CCC CCC Uuu Fff xxx Chchch Shshsh Schschsch Yuyuyu ÿÿÿ Relationships (18+) Tourism Hobby
Chronic pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. Often people who suffer from this disease, go to the doctor during ulcers exacerbations. Thus the disease can last for several years. During this time, patients are often engaged in self-treatment, which is very dangerous to health and threatens to sad consequences. The most common causes of chronic pancreatitis occurs because ulcers people abuse alcohol. These pancreatitis occur in 25-60 percent of sick people. Thus the majority ulcers of patients - are men. In addition, the causes of this disease are gallstones, various infections, high levels of triglycerides in the blood of the patient. Also cause of the disease ulcers is often cigarette smoking, abdominal surgery. The disease can cause even some medicines. ulcers Among these drugs is estrogen and corticosteroids. The reasons for the appearance of this disease ulcers is also true pancreatic cancer. The disease can be given inherited, due to genetic causes. The cause of this disease can be a high level of calcium ulcers in the blood, trauma abdomen, complications of cystic fibrosis. The disease may be associated with abnormalities ulcers of the common bile duct and pancreatic duct. The most common symptoms symptoms are pain in the upper abdomen. Pain may worsen ulcers when eating. Often the pain is provoked when taking fatty, fried, smoked and spicy foods. Pain can also be triggered carbonated and alcoholic beverages. This pain manifests itself immediately, but only after 6-12 hours after ingestion. Pain can be short or long. Sometimes they can last up to 3-4 hours. Because the pancreas ceases to function properly, pain in the abdomen can pass. While this is not a sign of improvement and worsening of disease. Although pain is actually missing ulcers somewhere in 15-16 percent ulcers of patients. In addition, the patient may also disturb nausea, vomiting, it can be decreased appetite, belching may be present, and in some cases - heartburn occur. In acute diarrhea occurs. Violation of the pancreas may lead to a result that a person will weight loss, even with normal diet. This is due to the fact that the pancreas stops producing the necessary amount of food for splitting enzymes. In this case the nutrients are not digested, which in turn will lead to the fact that the chair will be much more fragrant and bold. This is because the body will excrete sugar, fats and proteins. It should be noted that chronic pancreatitis may cause even diabetes. This is due to the fact that in pancreatitis damaged cells in the pancreas that produce insulin needed. Diagnosis To diagnose chronic pancreatitis needs a thorough ulcers examination. For this "Women's whims" call several methods of diagnosis. First of all, usually performed palpation, which allows you to check for tenderness ulcers stomach. It also should check for swelling and increased temperature. Then the doctor usually appoints special tests, and in particular assigned a blood test to help you identify the digestive enzymes and sugar in the blood. In a blood test is also important to determine the amount of fats and lipids. In blood doctor may prescribe stool analysis to determine the level of fat. Holding biochemical analysis conducted in order to evaluate the work of the pancreas, ulcers the liver. It also allows us to estimate pigment and fat metabolism. Immunological blood tests carried out if there is suspicion of malignant tumors of the pancreas. ulcers In addition to these diagnostic methods are often appointed by other diagnostic ulcers methods abdomen, and in particular, X-ray, computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound (US). Computed tomography allows us to estimate the pancreas, liver and retroperitoneal space. When ultrasound is the pancreas, liver, gallbladder and bile ducts. Also can be made magnetic imaging and -rezonansna pankreatoholanhiohrafiya. To assess the ability of the gastrointestinal tract digestion is carried coprogram. The same method study reveals insufficient number digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Fecal conduct

Saturday, February 21, 2015

In the first 3-6 days of illness need, first of all, to avoid stress on the pancreas. And therefore

Acute pancreatitis - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment | Hospital" - Ukrainian medical portal
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Acute pancreatitis exercises to lose belly fat - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
Causes of acute pancreatitis lot, but the mechanism of influence and the result is the same. There premature exercises to lose belly fat activation of very aggressive enzymes in the tissues of the gland. The result is the splitting of tissue to form foci of necrosis. Gradually necrosis extends to the entire gland and there is acute inflammation. exercises to lose belly fat Primary symptoms of acute pancreatitis
The disease is characterized exercises to lose belly fat by a very rapid transition of the primary symptoms are characteristic. The disease occurs suddenly and rapidly. However, the obvious predictors of acute pancreatitis are discomfort throughout the body and slight nausea. Characteristically, these symptoms worsen when eating. Symptoms of acute pancreatitis
2) The patient experiences severe pain in the area encircling quadrant and gives to shoulder. In the supine pain magnified. Pain in the first day it is impossible to remove even with narcotic painkillers preparatov.Eto because the pancreas is located in close proximity to the solar plexus and inflammation of the gland very fast transition to plexus.
5) Skin cold sick, get cyanosis, it constantly throws in sweat. Initially, there is a slight cyanosis of the skin, but as the disease begin to emerge clearly designed spots on different parts of the body.
6) threatening symptoms exercises to lose belly fat caused by repeated vomiting exercises to lose belly fat and loss of fluid from the body - a decrease in pressure below 90 mm / Hg In severe cases may develop shock with pressure drop to zero. Lowering blood pressure is usually lengthy.
In the first 3-6 days of illness need, first of all, to avoid stress on the pancreas. And therefore recommended full hunger and drink in sufficient quantity. Dining patient performed intravenously nutrient solutions. exercises to lose belly fat After this time, based on the patient, decide on further diet. In the initial stages of recovery shown eating only in liquid form.
Such treatment should provide favorable prognosis of the disease exercises to lose belly fat in 7 - day period.Esli improvement of the patient does not, used surgical treatment. As a result of surgery, the surgeon removes dead tissue sections of the pancreas. The rehabilitation period will be ongoing for some time and needed exercises to lose belly fat to fully restore function of the pancreas. At this time, the patient also shows a diet that excludes fatty foods, alcohol and overeating in general.
See also: Symptoms of acute pancreatitis, the main symptoms Symptoms gastroduodenita esophagitis - catarrhal, erosive esophagitis, symptoms and treatment Gastroenterocolitis - causes, symptoms, treatment, acute, Gastroenterocolitis Catarrhal gastritis exercises to lose belly fat in children, causes, symptoms, treatment
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Friday, February 20, 2015

Pancreatitis - a disease characterized by inflammation of the pancreas. Normally, the pancreas perf

Pancreatitis - a disease characterized by inflammation of the pancreas. Normally, the pancreas performs two important functions. First, osgood schlatters the pancreas produces osgood schlatters enzymes that are getting into the small intestine, activated and involved in the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Secondly, the body produces the hormone insulin that regulates blood glucose levels.
More common in obese women aged 30 to 60 years. Start a disease characterized by acute shingles pain in the upper abdomen, often after drinking alcohol or fatty foods. The pain may be mild, tolerable or very strong radiating to the shoulder or breast. Pain can be so strong that in some cases the patient may go into shock or collapse. There nausea, vomiting, abuse of a chair. Because of difficult bile outflow skin and sclera take yellow in color. Sometimes possible cyanosis of the skin of the abdomen and anterior abdominal wall. Symptoms of intoxication, acute pancreatitis tongue dry and coated bloom.
At the onset of the disease observed bloating, abdominal wall while still soft. With the development and progression of acute pancreatitis observed muscle tension and symptoms of peritoneal irritation.
There are several forms of the disease: recurrent pancreatitis, latent, and sclerosing pancreatitis psevdohumoroznyy. Pain in chronic pancreatitis varying intensity, paroxysmal or permanent. The main location of pain - the top of the abdominal wall radiating to the back, chest (left side), the lower abdomen. Pain can provoke severe fatty foods, alcohol intake, stress and other factors. The development of chronic pancreatitis is characterized by nausea, loss of appetite, bloating, stool violation, sometimes vomiting. Chance of jaundice due to violation of the outflow osgood schlatters of bile.
Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. osgood schlatters Of course periods of exacerbation of the disease are becoming more common may develop intestinal disorders, normal digestion, weight loss. Perhaps the development of diabetes.
The main causes of pancreatitis have gallbladder disease, alcohol consumption, abdominal trauma, taking certain medications, various infections, hormonal disorders, diseases, parasitic infestation, surgery on the gastrointestinal tract. One-third of patients identify the true cause of the disease is not possible. Symptoms of pancreatitis
The main symptom of pancreatitis is pain in the upper abdomen. Pain shingles may be paroxysmal or permanent. osgood schlatters The use of analgesics and antispasmodics not always relieves. osgood schlatters Also, there is vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, nausea, dizziness and weakness. osgood schlatters May disturb bloating, belching. The patient loses weight, lost appetite.
Treatment of acute pancreatitis in the form of the patient requires hospitalization. When pain shown on the cold region of the pancreas, fasting, alkaline drinking may suction through a tube of stomach contents. Diet for pancreatitis - protein-carbohydrate involves restriction of salt, milk exception. osgood schlatters With the fading of symptoms of pancreatitis diet expanding.
Drug treatment of pancreatitis involves the appointment of analgesics and antispasmodics (analginum, baralgin), drugs that inhibit the secretory function of the pancreas and stomach (cimetidine, atropine) and drugs that inactivate proteolytic enzymes (pantripin, contrical).
The diet involves reducing energy value, severe restriction of fats and carbohydrates. osgood schlatters We can not accept products that contribute to gas formation in the intestine containing osgood schlatters crude fiber, stimulate the production of gastric juice. To simplify your diet period, try acupuncture. Gold earring make weight loss easy and enjoyable. osgood schlatters
If pancreatitis is allowed to drink tea with lemon, osgood schlatters fruit and berry juices, diluted with water, sugar, dried white bread, not sweet biscuits. You can use low-fat dairy products and cheese.
Aflubin. Instructions for use and contraindications. Integrated, homeopathic medicine. Aflubin antypiretychnu has a strong, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, analgesic, detoxic influence. The product has a stimulating effect on local immunity ...
Visceral leishmaniasis, treatment, description, symptoms, complications, prevention of visceral leishmaniasis - transmissible parasitic disease osgood schlatters characterized by a chronic course, osgood schlatters undulating fever, hepatosplenomegaly, pantsytopenyey.Vydilyayut Indian Kala-Azar, Mediterranean visceral leishmaniasis (kids) ...
ATTENTION! The information published on this site is for reference. Diagnosis and prescribing drugs require osgood schlatters knowledge of history and direct

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Products that violate digestion 18 Feb 2015 at 7:22 Helpful morning habits 18 Feb 2015 at 5:07 Adre

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Combined treatment of patients kidney stones with acute pancreatitis Chronic colitis Chronic tonsillitis: Symptoms and Treatment Pancreas - Chronic cough symptoms Trichomoniasis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
As for the negative factors, the first place here goes alcohol. Thus, according to various estimates, 25-60% of patients the disease develops as a result of excessive drinking. kidney stones In the second place obtained liver and gall bladder. In addition, chronic pancreatitis may develop on the background kidney stones of duodenal ulcer disease. Also contributing to the development of viral hepatitis disease, trauma, drug intoxication and infectious diseases.
Chronic pancreatitis main symptom is pain in the depths kidney stones of the abdomen that may radiate to the back. It is also possible nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (diarrhea), belching, heartburn, flatulence, kidney stones rumbling in the stomach and other gastrointestinal disorders. kidney stones
In the first years of disease diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis may be complicated by some objective kidney stones reasons. First, the clinical manifestations of the disease (symptoms) are not specific and may indicate the presence of a number of other diseases. Moreover, in the first 1-3 years of disease laboratory and instrumental methods may not show pathological picture. So with suspected chronic pancreatitis required a thorough examination of the use of sensitive diagnostic methods.
Diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis can include the following examinations: blood test to determine the severity of inflammation; blood chemistry, to assess the functionality of the pancreas, liver, and estimate kidney stones the level of lipid and pigment metabolism; immunological blood test to identify immunological kidney stones factors and tumor markers, if there is suspicion of the presence of tumor; coprogram - is needed in order to evaluate the digestion of the gastrointestinal tract. Often, patients with chronic kidney stones pancreatitis and other abnormalities of the pancreas insufficiency occurs digestion of proteins, fats and / or carbohydrates; definition kidney stones of parasites and pathogens in feces. kidney stones So, against digestive diseases may occur dysbiosis - changing the normal microflora; ultrasound; fibroezofagogastroduodenoscopy; computed tomography; other methods (if necessary). Treatment kidney stones of chronic pancreatitis
Chronic pancreatitis should exclude alcohol and smoked meats, pickles, fried and fatty foods, baked goods, mushroom soup, chocolate, coffee and carbonated drinks. The diet of the patient consists mainly of cereals, lean meat, fish, vegetable kidney stones soups, cooked vegetables, pasta and vegetables. Chronic pancreatitis is recommended to split meals, often in small portions (5-6 times a day).
For correction of the pancreas appointed kidney stones special kidney stones products based on pancreatic enzymes. This greatly simplifies the process of digestion, and as a result, reduces pain.
In the case of a long course of the disease gradually decreases hormone insulin, which can lead to diabetes. In this case, the additional therapeutic measures (drug and non-drug) to normalize blood sugar levels.
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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

See also: Symptoms gastroduodenita esophagitis - catarrhal, autoimmune disease erosive esophagitis,

Symptoms of acute pancreatitis, the main symptoms | Hospital" - Ukrainian medical portal
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Symptoms of acute pancreatitis, the main symptoms
Acute pancreatitis - acute nonspecific inflammation of the pancreas is one of the most dangerous inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity. The disease develops rapidly proceeds very rapidly. It can cause a number of serious complications, including purulent peritonitis, false cyst, pancreatic abscess, fistulas and jaundice, and many others. autoimmune disease
Most often occurs in adults and involves lesion of its own enzymes. Detect the disease at an early stage helps its main symptoms, accompanied by strong processes in the human body. The disease in most cases develops suddenly, usually after excessive consumption of alcohol, fatty foods. Acute pancreatitis is in two forms:
Diarrhea. The general condition of weakness and discomfort, intermittent abdominal pain and as a result, diarrhea is also symptoms of acute pancreatitis. Chair becomes mushy at times may contain undigested food, although the amount of feces increases. It has a bold exterior, gray and very pungent smell badly washed away from the walls of the toilet.
Nausea and vomiting. Vomiting is one of the most obvious symptoms of acute pancreatitis, as she accompanies autoimmune disease almost every attack of the disease. Vomiting is different from that which happens in cases of poisoning because it does not bring relief body and is quite rich, sometimes 4-6 liters. Originally from the stomach pushed food supply, and then when tear has anything starts to go bile nasty shade of greenish fluid and mucus. When vomiting may go dark, sometimes almost black mass, color is caused by the presence of blood curled. This is usually accompanied by a sharp odor. This symptom may be repeated for several days, and vomiting can be caused by even a breath of plain water. It is because the stomach expands, and the duodenum, pancreas autoimmune disease envelope that happens paralysis.
Flatulence and pain in the abdomen. Strong pain as one of the main symptoms of acute pancreatitis, and can be sent to the left and right, and upper quadrant, and pelvis. However, the most common occurrence is considered a sharp pain pierced his back with a slight shift to the left. Cell pain - upper abdomen. Equally widespread pain in the side and upper quadrant, navel, but the back and chest pain inclined least. The nature autoimmune disease of the pain the stories of people experiencing an attack reminiscent stabbed or severe burns. Some patients can not move from pain, someone saved her from screaming, but there are even cases where severe pain of feeling people lost consciousness. Sometimes superficial palpation of the abdomen causes pain in patients intolerant, but very pancreas autoimmune disease palpation unavailable.
Changing the tone of the skin. The skin and mucous first signs of cyanosis, ie, there is an obvious symptom of cyanosis. In the navel and buttocks begin to show a tiny pinpoint hemorrhages. Total intoxication leads to deterioration in the quality and tone of the skin, which is wet, gray and earthy. Sclera become jaundice and unhealthy. If necrosis will occur in the tissues of subcutaneous fat, it will cause the appearance of erythematous vesicles. It usually dry, covered with whitish bloom
Increased weakness. The patient autoimmune disease manifested lethargy and apathy, weakness. In the lobby serves cold sweat, facial features seem pale and pointed. Often a person feels uncomfortable feeling of anxiety and stress, shock and anxiety.
Reduction of endurance. The patient autoimmune disease begins to show symptoms of acute pancreatitis as severe dyspnea even modest exercise, breathing noticeably more frequent, difficult and becomes confused.
Pulse. In the normal heart rate is normal, but once an attack of acute pancreatitis occurs reaches 120-140 beats. Despite the increased frequency it badly bugged. Pressure drops, begins tachycardia.
Disruption of the natural functioning of the body. In acute pancreatitis may be delayed stool and gas, but these symptoms are observed only in some cases can not be attributed to the mandatory accompanying symptoms. Activity disturbed intestinal bloating that occurs due to excessive accumulation did not find the exit gases. There flatulence, that is, an uncomfortable feeling of fullness in the abdomen.
See also: Symptoms gastroduodenita esophagitis - catarrhal, autoimmune disease erosive esophagitis, symptoms and treatment

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Trigger the development of inflammation of the pancreas can: use fatty, spicy and fried foods, eati

Pancreatitis Symptoms and treatment of pancreatic cancer. Clinic "Eurasia" - treatment of pancreatitis | CatMed
Pancreatitis - pancreas disease (see "Anatomy and main pancreatic function") inflammatory. Why is this inflammation? As a result of stagnation enzymes produced in iron, do not enter into the duodenum. The enzymes are activated in the same pancreas becomes inflamed tissue cancer and begins rodan and fields its destruction. In other words, self-digestion occurs in pancreatic cancer tissue. There is also another serious danger rodan and fields - toxins rodan and fields that are released during inflammation cancer, can get into the bloodstream and disrupt not only, but also damage vital organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys. Iron is part of the digestive and endocrine systems simultaneously. As Exocrine gland, it delivers the duodenum pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes. As the endocrine glands (see "Endocrine pancreatic function"), it produces special substances - hormones that enter directly into the bloodstream. Everyone knows the hormone insulin is produced in the endocrine glands rodan and fields field. That is why the disease can cause cancer of diabetes.
Trigger the development of inflammation of the pancreas can: use fatty, spicy and fried foods, eating, regular use of alcohol, hormones, nervous shock, abdominal trauma. Inflammation of the gland may be compared rodan and fields to other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (reactive pancreatitis), cholelithiasis, cirrhosis, gastric ulcer, etc. This disease is classified as acute and chronic pancreatitis. The causes and mechanism of inflammation of the pancreas more symptoms described in the "Acute and chronic rodan and fields pancreatitis. The causes rodan and fields of diseases of the pancreas. "
Treatment of pancreatitis in the clinic described below. Here we only recall that the treatment of pancreatitis - a long and complicated process. Usually, rodan and fields the treatment of chronic pancreatitis - a medicinal 15-25 hours (depending on the state) with obligatory repetition rate in six months. The cost of an average rodan and fields rate of 35-60 thousand. Rubles.
Along with a full course of treatment of pancreatitis, we offer inexpensive, so-called stabilization treatment of pancreatitis, designed for people with a lack of time, which for whatever reason can not complete a full course of treatment but want to stop the incremental loss of function of the pancreas and start its recovery want to reduce the risk of diabetes, change upwards comfort conditions of existence. Course fee - 5900 rubles. Stabilization treatment rodan and fields of pancreatitis, read more ...
Acute pancreatitis symptoms: severe pain in the abdomen. Sudden intense pain Expander nature and uncontrollable vomiting may accompany an attack of acute pancreatitis. Depending on the location of inflammation (head cancer, rodan and fields body or tail) of the pancreas symptoms manifest as pain in the right upper quadrant, in the epigastric region or in the left upper quadrant. Chance of shingles pain. Sometimes the pain in his back and gives quite rare - under left shoulder blade. Acute pancreatitis require treatment in hospital: a rigid diet (including fasting), rodan and fields droppers, if necessary - surgery. When calculous form blocked duct cancer gallstones, people with experiences severe pain that can last for several days. In mild cases, such an attack, doctors advise rodan and fields not to use parenteral nutrition. In more complex cases, inflammation of the gland may need intravenous nutrition. After a course of treatment prohibited alcohol, should avoid overeating. Acute pancreatitis - a very dangerous disease that can lead to various complications.
Chronic pancreatitis symptoms: loss of appetite, frequent vomiting, bloating, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the upper abdomen and possibly in the back - the location of pain is the same as in acute pancreatitis. rodan and fields Chronic pancreatitis rodan and fields is slow - for years. Sometimes, chronic can go a long acute pancreatitis.
Not always signs of pancreatitis may be apparent. In some cases, symptoms of pancreatic pronounced, so treatment can begin at an early stage in the other - the disease is no obvious signs and doctors are often hesitant to diagnose.
Treatment is the treatment of any other disease depends on the stage of the disease. In any case, the treatment of primary rodan and fields and important task is to relieve pain. In classical medicine appointed: hunger strike replacement therapy (reception enzymes), antibacterial

In acute pancreatitis dulcolax with pronounced symptoms in the form of intense pain and severe dulc

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Pancreatitis - acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas, which occurs due to a number of concomitant disease or due to errors in the diet. Lack of treatment can lead to tissue necrosis authority.
Pancreatitis usually manifested by severe pain in the abdomen, which can give a little back. This symptoms of varying severity of intoxication and fever and indigestion. Without proper treatment may develop: pankreatoza; abscess of the pancreas; false cysts; pulmonary complications; diabetes; endocrine disorders.
In acute pancreatitis dulcolax with pronounced symptoms in the form of intense pain and severe dulcolax fever need immediate hospitalization to prevent tissue necrosis of the pancreas. Disclaimer patient dulcolax treatment can lead to serious complications that may require removal or death of the patient's body.
In the hospital prescribed starvation diet, medications to relieve pain, infusion of saline or colloid solution, enzyme inhibitors, dulcolax etc. At home, the whole range of treatments may not be possible, in addition should be carried out daily monitoring dulcolax of blood tests and ultrasound of the pancreas.
If you happen occasionally attacks of pancreatitis, take enzymes, such as "Pancreatin", "Mezim" "Festal" or similar. During relapse refuse meals for 2 days. During this period will not prevent excessive drinking and the use of highly water 2 cups per day for the purpose of detoxification of the body.
Take "no-silos" 2 tablets 3 times a day to relieve pain in the abdomen. Note that the drug may reduce blood pressure and cause nausea. If you're concerned about severe pain, better drink tablets.
Follow starvation diet and after treatment. So, with starvation diet should gradually move to a full menu, typing the first crackers, cereal then water, then frayed vegetables and soups. Try not to eat meat, semi-sweet. Alcohol and nicotine should be completely abandoned.
Even if you managed to avoid hospitalization, it is advisable to visit a gastroenterologist to conduct a thorough examination. To establish causes inflammation of the pancreas, you designate, blood chemistry; complete blood and urine; Ultrasonography of the abdomen; ERCP; fecal; functional tests.
It is possible that after the survey will be revised maintenance therapy, as is often diagnosed as gastritis associated diseases, cholelithiasis, etc. Remember that problems with the pancreas can lead to serious dulcolax consequences and disruption of all digestive organs. Modern techniques to reduce the number of relapses.
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Monday, February 16, 2015

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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Five strokes to relieve nasal congestion and cough little secret drizzle, rain dripping, and has a

Five strokes to relieve nasal congestion and cough little secret drizzle, rain dripping, and has a musty smell that winter. Kids bounce house, constantly busy adults, regardless of which grade students, old, young, small, "Keke", "bass bass" became cipro common buzzwords. Office, the classroom is the "Keke", "bass bass" sound after another, as if some kind of signal. Stuffy annoying cipro cough tough, life is not easy. Taiwanese proverb says, "the doctor scared cure cough," cipro a phrase cipro also point out the doctor for a cough is not much ability. cipro nasal congestion and cough, although a lot of reasons, but it is most often heard when the two complaining about the cold. Stuffy nose makes breathing difficult, stuffy head, cough is not only their own uncomfortable, let people around this fear from next door "cough ghost." cold to see a doctor? Do not need it! Taiwanese hear other people's coughs, always used to ask loudly: "see a doctor yet?" This sentence hearing in Western ears, always feel baffled. Because usually they always say: "! Drink it warm honey lemon" from England to settle in Taiwan for many years Philips has been also do not understand why his wife Taiwan a cold, go out into the clinic to run, eat a bunch of drugs, but do not want to stay home and rest, drink plenty of water. In the United States, if you say you have a cold to see a doctor, then it is a joke. 30-year-old Karen said: "Normally we do not see a doctor, because the doctor can not really help you what, if you really hard, then to the supermarket pharmacies to buy medicine if it is a problem child, parents often. Call your doctor cipro and ask which one to buy cough syrup for children to drink. "That is why the US non-prescription drugs that flourished reasons. In general, the medication can not cure a viral infection caused by the common cold, can not shorten a cold time, can only give you some relief from the symptoms. This is common sense for Americans, they will deal with their own, plus the doctor not only money, but also to make an appointment, fast, then two, three days later, slow, then a week, being slow. Sarah lives in Seattle, is a medical artist (medicalartist), specifically to help doctors surgery exploded view drawing cipro and anatomy, she has no friends Shunkou Wen headache medicine, like most Americans, she opened a drawer, cipro a Tanks 50, 100 filled with headaches, colds standing drug, one by one to tell you that this strong efficacy, a kind of medicine to take six hours. See a doctor for Americans, really cipro the last resort before going. In fact, do not have to spend money, a waste of time to see a doctor, you can take care of yourself. The average adult colds about 2 ~ 4 times a year, children cipro 6 ~ 8 times, some little secret, it seems insignificant, but they can make themselves and their children, some comfort in these days, a little better. take care of a little secret: the common cold to drink enough water. 8 large glasses of water or juice every day. Avoid the nose, throat dry, while diluted sputum, nasal mucus, it is easier to cough or blow out. Avoid caffeinated coffee, tea, cola and alcoholic beverages. Caffeine and alcohol will promote cipro water discharge, resulting cipro in dehydration, precisely what we do not want the most effect. Gargle warm salt water several times a day, or drinking warm lemon honey water, perhaps cipro a sore throat cipro and cough helpful. However, the American Lung Association says that most people believe cipro in garlic, honey, lemon, zinc, vitamin C, these are not enough scientific studies can be used to "cure" the common cold. Americans cipro like a cold drink hot soup. American Lung Association pointed out that the hot liquid, itself cipro can alleviate uncomfortable throat or cough, but no special magical effects soup can "cure" a cold. Bed rest. Old method but also a good way to accelerate the recovery, but also to stay at home to avoid infecting others. Some drugs have side effects of drowsiness, just forcing the patient to rest. If the family has resistance weak person, cipro the patient should wear a mask to avoid infecting them. take care of two little secret: child stuffy nose, cough cold no drug can accelerate recovery, or shorten the time. Cold medicines, such as antihistamines and anti-containing nasal drug, usually no effect on reducing cold symptoms in preschool children, and may have side effects. Antibiotics can not fight the flu virus infection. Parents can do is to try to make the children feel comfortable and encourage them to rest, attention complications. However, paying particular attention to the following things: let the immune system combat force if the child have a fever but the temperature is not high, do not immediately give antipyretics. Mayo Medical Center, noted that by increasing the temperature, the body is making cipro a child living environment unfavorable virus. However, if high fever caused by dehydration or seizures, you must seek medical treatment immediately. 16 children cipro under the age of viral infection, such as a cold, do not give aspirin. US National Institutes of Health noted that aspirin cipro in children with viral infections, can cause Reye's cipro syndrome although rare, but fatal disease, usually occurs in 3~12 year-old child. Generally children will come severe colds than adults, and more likely to have complications, cipro such as ear infections. American cipro Mayo Clinic recommends that if a child has the following symptoms, cipro you should seek medical advice: cipro fever over 40 degrees, chills, fever more than 72 hours, vomiting, stomach pain, unusual drowsiness, headache, difficulty breathing, persistent crying, ear pain. care little secret 3: cough do not smoke, but away from the smoker, so as not to inhale their secondhand smoke, so cough worse. If the cough is dry, try honey lemon tea or lemon honey warm water. However, a child under the age should not drink honey. If the night cough severe, can elevate the pillow, so that my head up and help breathing. If you have to find the best doctor for treatment of the following symptoms: cough with blood, sputum is very thick, green and brown. Shortness of breath with wheezing song, chest pain, tightness, or shortness of breath. cough more than seven days did not improve. Cough good nasty, anti repeatedly covered. persistent fever or fever. care little secret 4: blow your nose stuffy action should be gentle, not excessive force. Shower, cipro or open the shower, sitting cipro in the bathroom, breathing warm moist steam. Drink plenty of water to help dilute mucus. Mayo Clinic recommends that if stuffy than 1 to 2 weeks, it is best to check what is the reason for the doctor. If you are allergic, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines and inhaled anti-inflammatory drugs. Use a nasal spray or nasal drops anti maximum of not more than 3 to 4 days. Carefully nasal spray addiction. Often using anti stuffy nose sprays or drops may cause nasal drops addiction. That is no more with the more efficient, more with the more in order to keep the nose open. And long-term use may irritate the nasal mucosa, resulting in chronic rhinitis. Therefore, the use of anti-stuffy nose drops or spray, preferably not more than 3 to 4 days. care little secret 5: 1. proactive prevention arrangements than the number of adults and children child colds, but a sick child, double-income working parents often badly battered. So: usually necessary to prepare a child may be able to help take care of the list, such as grandparents, friends, neighbors. To talk a good couple, who stay at home with children. Not again, had wanted to see if some of the work can be flexible with home made by telephone, e-mail and other contact. 2. Wash your hands often pay attention to hygiene. Be sure to teach children to wash their hands is important. Avoid hand Mobi Zi mouth. Keep the kitchen, the bathroom clean desktop, especially when the family was cold. Throw away used tissues immediately. Also ready for the sick people towels towels, and we do not use mixed together. Do not share cups and sick people. When looking for a nanny, pay attention to the health situation of her family. Kindergarten teachers cipro and not too high ratio. If parents afford it, the Mayo Clinic recommends that teacher-student ratio is 1: 5. 3. Caution to the fall and winter flu, the common cold is the good season. Research that, many viruses cause cold symptoms in wet environments, the more virulent the virus is strong, such as rotavirus, parainfluenza virus, influenza virus among which the more attention, especially in the annual World Health Organization will conduct cipro a global routine influenza virus surveillance program. Why flu virus can cause such great concern? The reason the Department of general cold symptoms of virus infection in patients cipro with multi-body cipro produces antibodies to prevent the virus re-infection; but antigenic variation of influenza virus easily, even before antibodies generated unrecognized, it happens every year and more global pandemic; especially influenza virus via droplet infection can spread cipro quickly cipro in a crowded place, it is the year of the fall and winter flu virus outbreak crazy moments of humanity. Influenza can be divided into A, B, C are three subtypes of influenza A disease which caused the most serious, B-type cipro second, C-type flu symptoms are similar to the common cold. Clinical disease incubation period of the virus in the human body for about 1 to 2 days, caused by the early to chills, fever, headache, dry cough dominated, followed by high fever, muscle aches, loss of appetite loss of appetite, fever situation may last 2 ~ 3 days, recovery takes about 1 ~ 3 weeks. Because A, B-type influenza infection cipro in humans, especially the elderly weak resistance to infection, or suffering from heart disease, chronic lung disease patients, often cause serious complications, so the World Health Organization recommended that these high-risk groups should receive a flu vaccine. As for what kind of virus strain vaccine injection, cipro it is in the global influenza surveillance after a year, the data classification proposal, as this year's cipro World Health Organization recommended the vaccine virus strains: cipro A / NewCaledonia / 20/99 / H1N1, A / Moscow / 10/99 / H3N2 and B / HongKong / 330/2001 (Note: the influenza virus naming standard for other plant type virus / Initial separately / host (humans are not specified) / strain number / Separation Do / hemagglutinin and nerve tryptophan? subtypes). Author: Yang Zhi Disease Control Research Associate

If you want to know more about vitamin C, can refer Vitamin C: The Real Story (American Dietetics a

If you want to know more about vitamin C, can refer Vitamin C: The Real Story (American Dietetics authority of Andrew W. Saul) and Vitamin C, the Common Cold, and the Flu (Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling author)
Reference information:
2. Duration and severity of symptoms and levels of plasma interleukin-1 receptor hernia discal antagonist, soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor, and adhesion molecules in patients with common cold treated hernia discal with zinc acetate.
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Saturday, February 14, 2015

1. Keep the body of water treatment cough adequate. This will moisturize dry throat irritation, and

1. Keep the body of water treatment cough adequate. This will moisturize dry throat irritation, and let yourself anusol feel better. In addition, the body of water is sufficient, but also contribute to help the body heal quickly and completely get rid of cough. Drink a glass of water every hour, cough was more powerful, they also add a little water. You can also to lubricate the throat by drinking tea, juice, milk, etc., relieve cough.
3. Avoid inhalation of irritants. anusol In addition to relatively moist air to breathe, but also with particular attention to inhaled anusol irritants less air. If the house was filled anusol with smoke, perfume, spray cleaners, dust and allergens, then, to pay attention to ventilation. The best way is to wear a mask during coughing, if necessary, consult a doctor's recommendation. Doctors know what kind of mask for your condition, what kind of stimulus is bad for you.
3. taking expectorant. This is a way to break down the body's mucus, help the body to cough up the extra sputum. In the drugstore to buy some non-prescription expectorant, or let the doctor give you a prescription. Expectorant agent may be taken daily, or before going to sleep at night taking, so you can make when you sleep, breathe more smoothly.
11. away from dirty air. Polluted air can exacerbate the symptoms of cough. Away from the smoke, pollen, dust, cleaning agents, and chemical gases, and other allergens those containing air. If conditions permit, the use of an air purifier, home or open the windows to allow air to maintain circulation. If you smoke, it is best to quit.
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Friday, February 13, 2015

There is also a cough are

Tribal track "Cough" people often feel sputum throat card, foreign body sensation, cough at every turn will "throat clearing", the most common reason was "postnasal drip", others like long smoking, and chronic bronchitis, bronchial expansion, emphysema and other chronic obstructive anxiety disorder pulmonary disease (COPD) will have frequent coughing, phlegm sticky symptoms. "Postnasal drip" anxiety disorder mainly allergic and non-allergic rhinitis, and acute and chronic sinusitis and other causes, because a lot of nasal mucus from flowing back into the throat and irritate the throat and cause coughing. However, many patients seen in the clinic seeking treatment does not know they have postnasal drip problem, but thought it was a "virtual pipe" was coughing non-stop, ask the doctor what to eat, "Gu trachea" medicine or diet, practitioners Cheng Huizheng said. In fact, these patients need treatment, maintenance of a "nose", such as avoiding contact with cold air or dust mites and other allergens, rather than treatment, anxiety disorder "windpipe", anxiety disorder it may ease chronic cough problems.
There is also a cough are "psychogenic" in certain anxiety disorder situations, under certain circumstances, or to see a particular person, because of psychological factors before cough up. Like some people came to report, before public speaking, may be due to stress or other reasons, it is customary anxiety disorder to cough a few times, or clear his throat.
Chinese believe that most people anxiety disorder are allergic to physical deficiency, and as a long illness, weakness, after a serious illness, or eating disorders, severe nutritional deficiencies, physical fitness will become a "qi deficiency", "cold side" the best eating too cold of food, such as crabs, bamboo shoots, watermelon, and warm, and the level of qi food, medicine conditioning, common, such as ginseng, astragalus, etc. But Cheng Huizheng reminder, though ancient Chinese medicine point out people who are allergic constitution mostly partial virtual, cold side, but modern environment and conditions of life than the ancient Fertile gifted, most excessive nutrition, rather than inadequate nutrition, anxiety disorder so he did not need to "qi" Instead, eat foods cool side is more appropriate. trouble source 8: anger Wang

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Temperature of expectorant cough ginger fried eggs square to the disease, clinical studies have sho

Temperature of expectorant cough ginger fried eggs square to the disease, clinical studies have shown that, bronchitis, pneumonia, acute laryngitis, upper respiratory tract infections and other diseases are easily lead to coughing, Chinese medicine, organs symptoms of pregnancy internal symptoms of pregnancy injuries, Six Exogenous hurt in the lung, has led to coughing. In this cold winter, people are more susceptible to coughs, everyone is looking for an effective way to treat cough, today gave you a cough Chinese medicine recipe, guaranteed symptoms of pregnancy party to the disease.
Diansha had diabetes diabetes can eat, how to choose foods

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Date Select Month February 2015 (3) January 2015 (9) December 2014 (9) in November 2014 (8) October

Truth 7: Most addictive cough syrup will drowsiness Whether you have covered her mouth to prevent the proliferation of germs best way is to "wash their hands." Original data: Date Select Month February 2015 (3) January 2015 (9) December 2014 (9) in November 2014 (8) October 2014 (9) September 2014 (9) August 2014 (19) July 2014 (22) June 2014 (21) May 2014 (21) April 2014 (20) March 2014 (21) February 2014 (18) 2014 January (21) December 2013 (21) November 2013 (21) October 2013 (22) September 2013 (19) August 2013 (22) July 2013 (21) June 2013 (17) May 2013 (20) April 2013 (34) March 2013 (23) February 2013 (18) January 2013 (21) December 2012 (18) November 2012 (19) October 2012 (19) September 2012 (14) August 2012 (17) July 2012 (17) June 2012 (14) May 2012 (11) April 2012 (10) March 2012 (16) February 2012 (9) January autisme 2012 (9) December 2011 (18) November 2011 (30) October 2011 (13 ) September 2011 (17) August 2011 (14) July 2011 (4) June 2011 (6) May 2011 (3) April 2011 (3) March 2011 (4) February 2011 (7) January 2011 (3) December 2010 (5) WaKnow App

Today, the reporter interviewed the aviation director of Cardiology, General Hospital physician Fen

Recently, temperatures plunged to increase heart attack patients. However, if people hiv believe that they can spread the network hiv according to the above-mentioned self-help method turnaround heart, it may be wrong.
People, Beijing, June 25 (Reporter hiv intern Hyo Jin Bo Luo Rong) Recently, an article entitled "self-help law MI 10 seconds," the article in the micro-blog and micro-channel heat transfer circle of friends. The risk of deep breathing and coughing will be significantly increased physical exertion, causing increased oxygen consumption, increased myocardial ischemia and necrosis, increased hiv cardiac arrest: the Zhejiang Provincial hiv People's Hospital, MD, deputy director of cardiovascular Dingya Hui published an article on the "10 seconds of self-help law" to refute . Once cardiac arrest, I actually hiv do anything. Aviation General Hospital, Department of Cardiology, MD, director Feng Wenxiang also said that there is no "cough Law" self-help success stories.
Noon yesterday, the Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital, MD, deputy director hiv of cardiovascular Dingya Hui published article, "The so-called self-help law MI 10 seconds is crap" refute, and from a professional point of view of one of the "cough self" for analysis: myocardial infarction caused by cardiac arrest accidental hiv and random, simply can not predict when it will happen, so the patient can not know when to start using the so-called "self-help law cough." Take a deep breath and coughing repeatedly significantly increased physical exertion, causing increased oxygen consumption, increased myocardial ischemia and necrosis, increase the risk of cardiac arrest. Principle "cough Law" is based on the oppression of chest pumping heart ejection passive role of chest compressions during CPR with one minute less than 100 times in order to guarantee results. The "cough Law" one minute up to 20 times, completely unable to meet the needs of brain blood supply, not to mention the continuing self. Dingya Hui said that, the reality is cruel, once cardiac arrest, I actually hiv do anything, according to the doctor's clinical experience, cardiac arrest 3-5 seconds people will lose consciousness, and even have no time to call for help. Focusing on prevention of cardiac arrest, and the establishment of national emergency mutual awareness and ability.
Today, the reporter interviewed the aviation director of Cardiology, General Hospital physician Feng Wenxiang. Ping Wenxiang said, cough itself is a protective action hiv against a foreign body into the trachea or card inflammation in patients with cough that can help alleviate the condition, but the "cough Law" cardioprotective meaningless.冯文祥 According to reports, six, seven years ago, there were reports that foreign: For patients with severe arrhythmia, hiv cough reflex may reduce ventricular fibrillation, indirectly reducing the incidence of cardiac arrest. But there is no domestic "cough Law" treatment of myocardial infarction hiv reported. Ping Wenxiang said that in his decades of clinical experience, and I never use the patient "cough Law" self-help hiv success stories, because the sudden onset of myocardial infarction, patients rarely have the strength to cough method with the use of self-help.
Previously, the "Beijing Daily" has been interviewed for the matter, Peking hiv University hiv Third Hospital emergency department chief physician Liu Guihua, Liu Guihua, said deep cough were awake patient self-CPR technology is mainly used under cardiac catheterization laboratory, ECG criteria When cardiac arrest patients when performed under the guidance of doctors deep breathing, coughing hard. But the effect of this self-help approach is very small and unreliable, interim method hiv only when a sudden emergency self-rescue. In chest pain, pain relief, the sweat and other symptoms of acute myocardial ischemia, this method has no significance for treatment. Sudden heart attack patients should rest, oxygen, sublingual nitroglycerin, a doctor as soon as possible, and must not take cough method. "MI 10 seconds self-help law" fly it? At 14:14 on June 25 2014 Source: People

When myocardial infarction, the patient will feel a significant severe chest pain, fast or breathe feeling chest pain medically known as oppressive. hiv This pain is unbearable patient, attack would sweating, once the attack will continue, will not ease. Dying patient will feel pain, panic. Other patients with atypical symptoms, hiv will suddenly collapsed, and some people just before the onset of a chest had been unconscious, it is estimated hiv pony galloping Li is such a situation. Patient died suddenly as the main performance hiv is not necessarily such a process. When myocardial infarction, cough suicidal self = font: small big January 21, 2014 Source: Source: old newspaper Comments hiv (0)
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