Sunday, February 22, 2015

Names Female Names Yeyeye III Aaa Bbb GGG BBB DDD EEE Zhzhzh EPL KKK LLL nnn mmm Ooh PPP PPP SSS TT

Names Female Names Yeyeye III Aaa Bbb GGG BBB DDD EEE Zhzhzh EPL KKK LLL nnn mmm Ooh PPP PPP SSS TTT Uuu Fff xxx Chchch Yuyuyu ÿÿÿ male name Yeyeye III Aaa Bbb GGG BBB DDD EEE Zhzhzh EPL KKK LLL nnn mmm Ooh PPP PPP SSS TTT Uuu Fff xxx Yuyuyu ÿÿÿ Astrology Money Diet Home Health & Beauty Culinary Career News Motherhood Family Psychology Dreams Yeyeye III Yiyiyi Aaa Bbb GGG BBB DDD EEE Zhzhzh EPL Yyy KKK LLL nnn mmm Ooh PPP PPP TTT CCC CCC Uuu Fff xxx Chchch Shshsh Schschsch Yuyuyu ÿÿÿ Relationships (18+) Tourism Hobby
Chronic pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. Often people who suffer from this disease, go to the doctor during ulcers exacerbations. Thus the disease can last for several years. During this time, patients are often engaged in self-treatment, which is very dangerous to health and threatens to sad consequences. The most common causes of chronic pancreatitis occurs because ulcers people abuse alcohol. These pancreatitis occur in 25-60 percent of sick people. Thus the majority ulcers of patients - are men. In addition, the causes of this disease are gallstones, various infections, high levels of triglycerides in the blood of the patient. Also cause of the disease ulcers is often cigarette smoking, abdominal surgery. The disease can cause even some medicines. ulcers Among these drugs is estrogen and corticosteroids. The reasons for the appearance of this disease ulcers is also true pancreatic cancer. The disease can be given inherited, due to genetic causes. The cause of this disease can be a high level of calcium ulcers in the blood, trauma abdomen, complications of cystic fibrosis. The disease may be associated with abnormalities ulcers of the common bile duct and pancreatic duct. The most common symptoms symptoms are pain in the upper abdomen. Pain may worsen ulcers when eating. Often the pain is provoked when taking fatty, fried, smoked and spicy foods. Pain can also be triggered carbonated and alcoholic beverages. This pain manifests itself immediately, but only after 6-12 hours after ingestion. Pain can be short or long. Sometimes they can last up to 3-4 hours. Because the pancreas ceases to function properly, pain in the abdomen can pass. While this is not a sign of improvement and worsening of disease. Although pain is actually missing ulcers somewhere in 15-16 percent ulcers of patients. In addition, the patient may also disturb nausea, vomiting, it can be decreased appetite, belching may be present, and in some cases - heartburn occur. In acute diarrhea occurs. Violation of the pancreas may lead to a result that a person will weight loss, even with normal diet. This is due to the fact that the pancreas stops producing the necessary amount of food for splitting enzymes. In this case the nutrients are not digested, which in turn will lead to the fact that the chair will be much more fragrant and bold. This is because the body will excrete sugar, fats and proteins. It should be noted that chronic pancreatitis may cause even diabetes. This is due to the fact that in pancreatitis damaged cells in the pancreas that produce insulin needed. Diagnosis To diagnose chronic pancreatitis needs a thorough ulcers examination. For this "Women's whims" call several methods of diagnosis. First of all, usually performed palpation, which allows you to check for tenderness ulcers stomach. It also should check for swelling and increased temperature. Then the doctor usually appoints special tests, and in particular assigned a blood test to help you identify the digestive enzymes and sugar in the blood. In a blood test is also important to determine the amount of fats and lipids. In blood doctor may prescribe stool analysis to determine the level of fat. Holding biochemical analysis conducted in order to evaluate the work of the pancreas, ulcers the liver. It also allows us to estimate pigment and fat metabolism. Immunological blood tests carried out if there is suspicion of malignant tumors of the pancreas. ulcers In addition to these diagnostic methods are often appointed by other diagnostic ulcers methods abdomen, and in particular, X-ray, computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound (US). Computed tomography allows us to estimate the pancreas, liver and retroperitoneal space. When ultrasound is the pancreas, liver, gallbladder and bile ducts. Also can be made magnetic imaging and -rezonansna pankreatoholanhiohrafiya. To assess the ability of the gastrointestinal tract digestion is carried coprogram. The same method study reveals insufficient number digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Fecal conduct

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