Pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas. This disease occurs when the gland is blocked duct stones from the gall bladder tumor or cyst. In this case violates the normal flow of digestive bmi formula juices with enzymes into the duodenum, the initial section of the small intestine. Accumulated pancreatic enzymes affect the tissue of the gland, and pancreas thus included in the process of self-digestion.
Enzymes can lead to complete destruction of the gland tissue and nearby blood vessels and other abdominal organs. As a result of this process there are severe bleeding, shock, peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) and die.
Acute pancreatitis. This form of the disease is characterized by sudden onset of symptoms and acute repetitive seizures. Recovery usually occurs spontaneously. The disease does not cause irreversible damage to cancer, unless there is a prolonged alcohol abuse places where there is a constant bmi formula destruction of tissue. bmi formula
Symptoms. The leading symptom of acute pancreatitis is pain. She appears, upper abdomen in the midline, and gives back. There have been other symptoms: nausea, vomiting, fever and sometimes jaundice.
Symptoms. In chronic pancreatitis patients complain of poor stool oily type with a foul odor. There are also weight loss and signs of vitamin A deficiency. Chronic pancreatitis is often a cause of diabetes, as is the destruction of the cells that produce insulin. Other symptoms are similar bmi formula to symptoms of acute pancreatitis. bmi formula
Oats bust, and soak in a warm place. On the second day grains germinate. They need to be washed, dried, and then grind. Then dissolve the flour with cold water, pour all the boiling water and boil for 1-2 minutes. Another 20 minutes bmi formula should insist drink. Then strain and drink fresh. Prepare pudding in advance is impossible.
Take equal parts of sage herbs, roots confusing grass hypericum, marigold flowers, burdock root, wormwood herb, chamomile flowers, herbs, dried flowers, horsetail grass, grass succession. 1 tablespoon collection pour 1 cup boiling water, drain. Take 100-150 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes bmi formula before meals with chronic pancreatitis. Treatment of other diseases
Alimentary dystrophy. Description, symptoms and course, recognition Reason bmi formula alimentary dystrophy (DYSTROPHIA ALIMENTARIA) - Full or partial prolonged fasting, bmi formula when consumption bmi formula of nutrients dominates their arrival. Alimentary ...
Acromegaly. Description, symptoms, for Acromegaly (ACROMEGALIA) caused by increased anterior appendage function of the brain (pituitary), often as a result of it the tumor. Symptoms and flow significantly increased ...
Akhil stomach. Causes, symptoms and course of Akhil Akhil stomach stomach (ACHYLIA GASTRICA) is the lack of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes in the gastric juice. Akhil be temporary, functional, due to mental experiences ...
ATTENTION! The information published bmi formula on this site is for reference. Diagnosis and prescribing drugs require knowledge of history and direct patients. We encourage you to exclude cases of misunderstanding on the use of drugs and diagnostics to see a doctor.
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