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Combined treatment of patients kidney stones with acute pancreatitis Chronic colitis Chronic tonsillitis: Symptoms and Treatment Pancreas - Chronic cough symptoms Trichomoniasis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
As for the negative factors, the first place here goes alcohol. Thus, according to various estimates, 25-60% of patients the disease develops as a result of excessive drinking. kidney stones In the second place obtained liver and gall bladder. In addition, chronic pancreatitis may develop on the background kidney stones of duodenal ulcer disease. Also contributing to the development of viral hepatitis disease, trauma, drug intoxication and infectious diseases.
Chronic pancreatitis main symptom is pain in the depths kidney stones of the abdomen that may radiate to the back. It is also possible nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (diarrhea), belching, heartburn, flatulence, kidney stones rumbling in the stomach and other gastrointestinal disorders. kidney stones
In the first years of disease diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis may be complicated by some objective kidney stones reasons. First, the clinical manifestations of the disease (symptoms) are not specific and may indicate the presence of a number of other diseases. Moreover, in the first 1-3 years of disease laboratory and instrumental methods may not show pathological picture. So with suspected chronic pancreatitis required a thorough examination of the use of sensitive diagnostic methods.
Diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis can include the following examinations: blood test to determine the severity of inflammation; blood chemistry, to assess the functionality of the pancreas, liver, and estimate kidney stones the level of lipid and pigment metabolism; immunological blood test to identify immunological kidney stones factors and tumor markers, if there is suspicion of the presence of tumor; coprogram - is needed in order to evaluate the digestion of the gastrointestinal tract. Often, patients with chronic kidney stones pancreatitis and other abnormalities of the pancreas insufficiency occurs digestion of proteins, fats and / or carbohydrates; definition kidney stones of parasites and pathogens in feces. kidney stones So, against digestive diseases may occur dysbiosis - changing the normal microflora; ultrasound; fibroezofagogastroduodenoscopy; computed tomography; other methods (if necessary). Treatment kidney stones of chronic pancreatitis
Chronic pancreatitis should exclude alcohol and smoked meats, pickles, fried and fatty foods, baked goods, mushroom soup, chocolate, coffee and carbonated drinks. The diet of the patient consists mainly of cereals, lean meat, fish, vegetable kidney stones soups, cooked vegetables, pasta and vegetables. Chronic pancreatitis is recommended to split meals, often in small portions (5-6 times a day).
For correction of the pancreas appointed kidney stones special kidney stones products based on pancreatic enzymes. This greatly simplifies the process of digestion, and as a result, reduces pain.
In the case of a long course of the disease gradually decreases hormone insulin, which can lead to diabetes. In this case, the additional therapeutic measures (drug and non-drug) to normalize blood sugar levels.
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