The human body - is a very complex mechanism, which consists of individual organs. Every body gets the special task. The pancreas is involved in the digestive process. Inflammation of the pancreas we call pancreatitis. It is a chronic and acute. The reasons that lead to pancreatitis Taking into account the statistics, infacol 50% of patients with pancreatitis - people who abuse alcohol. Another 20% of patients pancreatitis occurs as a complication of bile - stone disease. The remaining 30% of the causes are different. This abdominal trauma, and viral, infectious fungal disease. Pancreatitis can occur as a complication after surgery and even endoscopic procedures. Malnutrition - another reason. Symptoms of acute pancreatitis or dull pain on the left side under the rib - the first signal that you may be inflamed pancreas. Nausea, vomiting, violation stool (diarrhea) can also be symptoms of pancreatitis. In the acute form of the disease is complicated by fever, severe weight loss. In any case, you need expert help when medical treatment is prescribed. General recommendations for food addition infacol of drugs that the doctor will prescribe a special place in the treatment of pancreatitis, took food. It is, above all, should be frequent, every 3-4 hours and not very abundant. infacol Increase the amount of foods that contain protein. Meat, fish, but not fatty, steamed or boiled, and, moreover, frayed. Reduce the need to use products with a high content of carbohydrates and fats. Eating infacol before drinking should be warmed, freshly distilled infacol and always infacol balanced. During the day should drink water about two liters of water. infacol Drink two or three sips, not the entire amount immediately. What products should be excluded Often we are doing irreparable harm, hoping to "maybe." In the case of pancreatitis - this is totally unacceptable. From what foods are in your diet depends on how fast you go on the mend. When inflammation of the pancreas must be excluded infacol from the diet of fatty meats - lamb, pork, goose and duck. Also offal - liver, kidney, brain and heart. Sausage and kapchenosti also be brought in the so-called "black list". We can not and fatty fish. These include infacol catfish, carp, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon. infacol Broths and soups can not be on them, borscht, friedge. With fat dairy products are prohibited. This cream, mare's milk, sour cream. Exclude from your diet barley, millet, beans and corn side dishes and hot sauce, pickles and Fried. Drinks can not be strong coffee, tea, cocoa and concentrated juices, infacol sodas. Limitations exist in bread. Prohibited rye bread, buns. These vegetables infacol like radishes, turnips, radishes, spinach, sorrel, infacol also no good and useful in acute pancreatic disease, will not do. Therefore, we exclude from your diet and them. Approved Products List of products which can not, is certainly frightening. But, nevertheless, many other products in the list you can use them. And so, feel free to eat meat cutlets steam souffle or mashed potatoes, turkey, chicken, veal, beef. Fish, but not fried - cod, pike, bream, perch. In the list of dairy products and lean sour cheese, yogurt, yogurt. Eggs are steamed as scrambled eggs, and vegetables (beets, carrots, zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin) and wipe boil. You can also wheat bread, crackers or just dried. With cereals - rice, buckwheat, semolina and oatmeal. Alternatively, infacol noodles and pasta. Drinks in the form of stewed fruit, wheat bran concoctions with or hips, jelly, infacol weak tea. Sample menu diet based on one day of Fasting: 1 cup of broth from the hips. Breakfast 1st: salad of beets; steam omelet protein (proteins with 2 eggs), tea. Breakfast 2nd: pudding with cheese; mashed apples; mineral water without gas. For lunch: soup with chicken, boiled fish stew with vegetables (zucchini, carrots, potatoes), one slice of white bread, tomato juice. Snack: meat meatballs; Carrot-apple sauce; yogurt. Dinner: mashed potatoes; Steam chicken; a slice of white bread; jelly; tea with milk. Before going to bed, low-fat yogurt - 1 cup.
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