Wednesday, February 25, 2015

If digestive enzymes damaging the vessel wall and into the blood, it threatens destruction in the o

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Remove the pain, stop vomiting, to ensure peace pancreas - priorities gastritis in acute pancreatitis.
Dear pancreatic disease require attention. But when it comes to acute pancreatitis, delay like death. This is not just a metaphor, the disease may pose a threat to life. Therefore, when the signs of acute pancreatitis should immediately contact a doctor. In order to successfully fight this disease gastritis requires an integrated approach to its treatment. What is acute pancreatitis?
Acute pancreatitis often occurs in people with biliary system, and those who are "fond" of alcohol. In some cases of acute pancreatitis provoke infection can. How is acute pancreatitis?
The pancreas produces gastritis enzymes that break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They are very aggressive, so made inactive. Activated enzymes in the intestine under the action of bile. But if the work of this mechanism is broken and falls into the bile duct pancreatic enzymes "included" in advance and begin to "digest" the same gland. gastritis
If digestive enzymes damaging the vessel wall and into the blood, it threatens destruction in the organs to which they are delivered. The result could be acute respiratory, cardiac or renal failure. Symptoms of acute pancreatitis
Severe pain in the upper abdomen that may radiate to the back or be herpes. Usually pain increases with movement or deep inspiration. gastritis Nausea and vomiting. An increase in temperature. There may reduce pressure, tachycardia, dizziness, severe weakness.
The first thing to take off the attack and save people from pain. But this is not the only task of the doctor. It is important to stop the destruction of the pancreas, and then gradually normalize the functioning of the body. This can be achieved through a special treatment strategy that involves an integrated approach to the problem.
Comprehensive treatment of acute pancreatitis include: Elimination of pain. For this purpose antispasmodic and analgesic drugs. In some cases, the use peridural anesthesia when the spinal canal catheter, and after it is injected in small doses of anesthetics. Termination vomiting. At constant vomiting used antiemetic drugs. gastritis Providing pancreas rest, suppression active selection pancreas enzymes. For this injected drugs that inhibit the excretion of enzymes by the pancreas. Another way to suppress the activity of cancer is lowering its temperature. This may apply gastric lavage using a probe with cold water or applying externally to the stomach ice pack. Also in acute pancreatitis completely prohibit eating. The first 3-6 days after the attack only allowed to drink water. And the nutrients the body delivered via intravenous injection. Later appointed a strict diet that allows the pancreas gradually incorporated into the work, but it will not be too annoying. gastritis Detoxification of the body. It is important to clean the blood of enzymes. To do this, intravenously injected into the body plenty of fluids. Antimicrobial therapy. Designed for the prevention of infection and when accompanied by purulent inflammation processes. Immunocorrection gastritis may need to normalize cellular immunity.
This approach in a timely call to the doctor helps to achieve good results in the treatment and gradually normalize the activity of the pancreas. Unfortunately, conservative treatment is not always suitable. In some cases it becomes gastritis necessary surgery. When no surgery can not do?
Operation of acute pancreatitis is needed in several gastritis cases: Biliary pancreatitis, pancreatitis when accompanied by acute cholecystitis and stones gastritis in the bile ducts. Lack of effect of conservative methods of treatment for a week. Pancreatitis, accompanied by purulent peritonitis. Pancreatic abscess.
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