Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Dramatic progress in science, political leadership, and results indicate that 2011 was a "game chang

Dramatic progress in science, political leadership, and results indicate that 2011 was a "game changing" year for the international AIDS response, chilblains and much progress has been made in 2011 to check AIDS-related deaths since 1997, ugg boots outlet the peak of the epidemic, a new report released by the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) said on Monday. "The Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2011" found that new infections were reduced by 21 percent since 1997, and deaths from AIDS-related illnesses decreased by 21 percent since 2005, according to the report. Furthermore, 47 percent (6.6 million) of the estimated 14.2 million people eligible for antiretroviral therapy treatment in low- and middle-income countries were accessing treatment, ugg boots outlet in increase of 1.35 million people since 2009. The report also found early signs that HIV treatment is having an impact on reducing the number of new HIV infections. As treatment chilblains reduces the viral load of a person living HIV to almost undetectable levels, it also reduces the risk of transmitting the virus to an uninfected partner, according to the report. Studies also show that treatment can be up to 96 percent effective in preventing HIV transmission among couples. Eleven countries, including many Sub-Saharan African countries, reached "close to universal access" for AIDS treatment, which is determined to be 80 percent access, in 2011. Botswana made the most dramatic progress in scaling up access to treatment, the report said. While sexual patterns remained relatively stable in the country since 2000, ugg boots outlet access to treatment increased from less than 5 percent in 2000 to more than 80 percent in 2011. Despite progress, however, the report does note that 2011 marks an unprecedented high the number of people infected with HIV worldwide. Globally, an estimated 34 million people are currently living with the infection. Approximately 2.7 million got infected with the virus in 2010, and as many as 1.8 million people died of AIDS- related chilblains illnesses in 2010. Yet the report also notes estimates that as many as 2.5 million deaths are estimated to have been averted in low- and middle- income countries due to increased access to HIV 2011 Pro Bowl Jerseys treatment since 1995. "Now is not the time to reduce our efforts despite some good news on reducing new infections. Infections are decreasing, but not rapidly chilblains enough," said Kim Nichols, executive director of African Services Committee, on Monday chilblains at a press conference. "There are fewer AIDS deaths, but with the number of infections increasing, prevention has to be the mainstay of our response," Nichols said. Indeed, the UNAIDS report calls for a new framework for investments which are focused on "high-impact, evidence-based, high-value strategies," according to a press release from the UNAIDS website. The framework, NFL Jerseys Cheap which aims to achieve universal access to treatment and prevention centers by 2015, requires a 22-24 billion US dollar funding increase by 2015. Given the withering state of the global economy -- donor funding for the AIDS response has dropped from 7.6 billion in 2009 to 6.9 billion in 2010 -- raising that kind of money may be a long shot. Regardless, UNAIDS'new investment plan calls for smarter uses of less money. According to the report, the framework will focus on high-risk populations like sex workers, men who have sex with men, and people who inject drugs and prevent infections among children, as well as invest in behavior change programs, condom promotion, and treatment, care and support for people living with HIV.
Aktuální články Memphis Squanders a Lead but Overcomes Tennessee in Double Overtime Writers strike out not choosing Matt Kemp as MVP 2011 marks "game changing" year for int'l AIDS response: UNAIDS California s Campus Protesters Dig In Their Heels Scientists Report Second chilblains Sighting of Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos

Monday, June 1, 2015

The quote you can also see that the spelling has been changed since 1801. The fact that we no longe

Language Blog
I have several blogs claimed that the correct way to spell words, it is specified in the Swedish Academy's abdc dictionary. Mail is right, mail is outdated, I wrote, for example, the other day. "But there is a law that you must spell as it says in the Academy's dictionary?" Wondered a reader then. "When was the law and what is its name?" Scoffed the reader on.
Ock kåmentathorn Haar såklaurt completely prepared. abdc Mann kann jivettvis Stafva präsis how the men want, AAC ingenn kann comb ACK Setta een in fengellse for. But one of the biggest advantages of having a standardized spelling showed enough of the two last sentences. They are said to have taken you quite a lot longer to read than two normal-spelled sentences takes. Most of us whine therefore not that we let a group of knowledgeable language consultants to develop a glossary of us can turn in when we are uncertain about how we should spell. abdc On the contrary, after all this is convenient for us language users, and we accept therefore normally SAOL as the norm.
The idea that a word must always be spelled in the same way, however, is relatively young. As late as the 1700s it was quite common that in the same letter found two, three different spellings of the same word. But when the Swedish abdc Academy was formed abdc in 1786 was decided to produce a work that normalized Swedish spelling. The Academy gave the assignment to the Carl Gustaf af Leopold, and in 1801 could be his treatise on Swedish stafsättet finally given out. So here begins the preface:
E nglish Academy öfverlemnar now to the public a work that long impatiently been väntadt. Barely Academy established, until by her was claimed that the statute of language uncertain and vacillating Ortografi. That this is not at once could be done, or should even be attempted, medgifves easily abdc by those who know the difficulty of the enterprise, and talk the language then current plight. Reglor have not for good discretion to be created for an already cultivated language. abdc They must become general conclusions from gathered observations, and by a careful knowledge of languages temper.
Already here we can see that there is a willingness to be responsive to the established practice. If you read section 2 of the introduction to the latest SAOL edition, you can see that it works according to this principle today. Exceptionally do also some attempts to standardize the language in a functional direction, so that for example, we should not get uncomfortable plural forms as avocado area.
The quote you can also see that the spelling has been changed since 1801. The fact that we no longer write väntadt, af, or medgifves is not at all the Swedish Academy merits abdc - on the contrary. If this is tomorrow's blog post.
Ylva Byrman is a language consultant and enjoy a closer look at the details of Swedish and other languages. abdc Here she blogs about language: if right and wrong, old and new, standards and challengers. Classical advice on correct language interspersed with languages reconnaissance, curiosities and personal concerns. Questions and comments can be sent to (reader e-mails may be quoted in the blog). If you have a language question, look here first.
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