Insulin Pump Sport Diabetes Complications Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes and pregnancy Eventos_formación_conferéncias infusion of insulin: Insulin me proceso bmi test Glucose Meter still in control Mis News in tratamiento Leisure Others things from everyday life Where Psychology me Pongo pump?
In this session we made a little history. It's amazing that the first notes on diabetes are in the Ebers Papyrus in 1500. C. "patients lose weight, are hungry and thirsty .... and very wet ...".
The discoverers of insulin were Banting and Best in 1921. First they removed the pancreas in a dog and then administered an extract of pancreatic bmi test noting that improved bmi test well and not die. On 1 January 1922 was administered pancreatic extract Leonard Thompson 14. Best, Banting and dog Leonard Thompson
The treatment was effective for diabetes but was not accepted by the body and we died a few years because that first insulin had many impurities. In 1922, Eli Lilly & Company produced the first insulin level pharmaceutical and 60s created the first synthetic insulin, the Humulin.
Currently still do not know the origin of diabetes (excluding diabetes MODY) and this makes it very difficult finding a solution. The research based on animal models, bmi test cell lines, isolation of pancreatic bmi test islets and knowledge of the embryonic beta cells. I can not give any more details on this subject, because it is not explaiar much. What we stressed several times that is the subject of research with stem cells was still far from the village for several reasons:
do not know how it differs a beta cell (remember that you are the cells of the pancreatic islets that secrete insulin) from a stem cell. This can cause the cells created in the laboratory end degenerating tumor cells and not of the necessary quality. diabetes is an autoimmune disease, so a transplant stem cells or beta cells involves taking immunosuppressants bmi test for life (with the possible consequences this may have.) This point was related to the ignorance of the origin of diabetes, as a way transplants are well accepted would be solving the same origin.
We also talk a bit prevalence. In total there are 13.8% of the population with DM2, of which 6% is not aware that it has (or will not be aware). Regarding the prevalence of DM is 8.3% of the population. In addition we have a 12.6% pre-diabetes (glucose intolerance or abnormal glucose altered basal).
Abnormal glucose intolerance means that you get to consume about grams of sugar (about 75) and two hours have a higher level than the normal population, but lower than a person with diabetes, ie, between 140 and 199 mg / Mon This is the curve that make all pregnant women to rule out a possible gestational diabetes.
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