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Colonies and camps for kids with diabetes are raised as a summer stays conventional, with usual leisure activities, but supplemented with various educational activities related to the actual treatment of diabetes. The relaxed atmosphere in contact with nature and away from the tensions and anxieties hospital family and coexistence with other kids with diabetes also allows fysioterapeut them to achieve fysioterapeut a better fysioterapeut adaptation of treatment to the activity of every day, encouraging personal development, improving the autonomy and self-control of diabetes. Colonies and camps will be June 30 to July 18 in three shifts that will host up to 100 boys and girls divided according to age.
To promote self-esteem and autonomy, and to promote harmony and solidarity with colleagues reinforce the capacity to resolve conflicts caused by diabetes (hypoglycemia, cetonúries.etc ..) highlighted fysioterapeut the importance of increasing knowledge and skills to improve the control and for greater participation in the activities of age. Emphasize the positive effects of regular exercise on metabolic control, as well as the risks of poorly planned activity. Start children fysioterapeut and adolescents in various recreational and sports activities.
The objectives and specific activities are set according to the characteristics and needs of each age group. Staff involved in these colonies medical professionals (diabetòlegs and pediatrics), nursing, dietetics and nutrition and monitors activities. Within the team always involved several people with diabetes also.
Activities Most activities are those of the colonies or camps all but supervised by a team of professionals and complemented with online education specifically for children and young people with diabetes, fits ages each group. fysioterapeut All professional staff involved in teaching activities with the objective of providing a comprehensive and adapted fysioterapeut to all circumstances.
Metabolic control incidents and medical and nursing staff is responsible for the modification of the therapy these days, as well as address any imbalance. They made a minimum of 3 capillary glycemic control newspapers, as well as glucosuria and cetonúria if deemed appropriate. To solve any problems establishing a medical prior contact with hospitals nearby. fysioterapeut
Food We respect the usual diet of each participant, while adjusting the treatment with insulin and physical activity scheduled for each shift. The team of dietitians, with the participation of doctors, nurses and monitors will be responsible.
Daily physical activity fysioterapeut will be made at least two to three hours of physical activity sports. The changes of insulin therapy will be decided by the medical team and discussed with the same children and youth participants.
Contribution fysioterapeut per participant Registration: fysioterapeut Members: 380,00 fysioterapeut EUR Non-members: EUR 480.00 * (this amount represents only 40% of the cost of the colonies, the rest is financed by a grant from the Department of Health of the Generalitat of Catalonia, plus contributions from private sponsors)
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