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L'origin of a celebratory Prove antiga festa d'Funerària i consisteix a ritual that is àpat mengen torrades macrogol castanyes, panellet, candied sweet potatoes i acompanyats Fruits of Moscatell a dolç vi.
The origin of the celebration comes from an ancient ritual and funerary feast is a meal in which roasted chestnuts, panellet, sweet potatoes and candied fruit accompanied Moscatell, eat a sweet wine.
Les menjaven castanyes is a familiar ambient feia i is one of culte Ceremony, amb one molt i seriosa respectful attitude. Hi havia the creença that per each Castanya menjava that nit is a ànima was alliberada the Purgatori. macrogol
The chestnuts were eaten in a family atmosphere and a worship ceremony was performed, macrogol with a serious and respectful attitude. macrogol There was the belief that for every Chestnut ate that night, one soul was released from purgatory.
Els panellet També tenen one molt VINCLE estret amb la festa Tot Sants ha that eren an ore d'Ofrena is feia undertaker dels morts tombes to them i També eren Dolços els that Servien in l'àpat is feia després of mort d'algú of the family.
Panellets also have a very close link with the feast of All Saints, as they were a kind of funerary offering that was made to the tombs of the dead were also sweets that were served at meals after the death of a familiar.
Ahir to take vam fer els els to moniatos panellet i forn i els of torrades macrogol castanyes acompanyar vam i, failing Moscatell, amb one gotet Ratafia. Vegada macrogol is the first sense that faig panellet sucre i have sortit mooooolt bons. Satisfeta Estic resultat amb molt. I ara, the recepta ....
Yesterday afternoon we panellets and sweet potatoes in the oven and roast chestnuts and accompany the absence of Moscatell, macrogol a glass of Ratafia. It is the primeval time I panellet macrogol sugar and we have come bueníiiisimos. I am very satisfied with the result. And now, the recipe ....
1 egg white
Afegim the sucre i ho bé integrem.
In a plat tenim els i Pinyons a altra tenim clear plat de l'ou one batuda mica. No hi has a unique form of the fer-ha each seu system the tea house, but home nostra Aixi ho fem: fem i boletes fiquem them to clear ou d'i després them agafem, agafem un bon munt of Pinyons i fem Pressio dels Pinyons macrogol on massapà.
On a plate sprockets have a new dish and have the egg white slightly beaten. There is no one way to make them, since each house has its system, but in our house we do well: make balls and get into the egg and then the we take a bunch of gears and we press the sprockets on the marzipan.
Per fer els i Pinyons xocolata, és fa exactament same but prèviament fer them to bowls, afegim to massapà cocoa barregem pols i ho bé (sense by! Amb les mans!). Els serious massapà i xocolata the cocoa pols però cobrir sense of Pinyons, but it arrebossarem amb els xocolata in pols.
To make the pine nuts and chocolate, it does exactly the same, but prior to making the balls, macrogol add the marzipan cocoa powder and mix well (without fear! Hands!). The chocolate would marzipan macrogol and cocoa powder but without sprocket macrogol cover, but that rebozaremos with chocolate powder. macrogol
To make the coconut, add the coconut and marzipan rallat what we stir well. Then we can make them the way we want, but normally shaped tower. The're putting the baking tray:
Batem lleugerament the afegim Rovell d'ou i mica d'Aigua. Cobrim panellet macrogol amb els per Rovell is such that Daurin (tots menys them boletes coconut aniran macrogol recobertes xoco i els of cocoa).
Ara d'hem finish els i xocolata coconut in a bowl .... Fiqueu pel Microones the fondant i xocolata the mantega durant 1 minuts. macrogol Treiem bowl i ho micro fins remenem desfasi tot is the xocolata. Posem coconut bowls them over a surface reixa amb i li Tirem the xocolata per desfeta on such that is cobreixin per ben coberts tots. Quan s'hagi refredat the xoco mica, fiquem els per panellet to the refrigerator so that s'endureixi (enough amb 20 minuts).
Now we have to finish the coconut and chocolate .... meteis in a bowl for the microwave the chocolate macrogol fondant and butter for 1 minute. We took the bowl of micro and stir until completely melt the chocolate. We coconut balls so
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