Saturday, March 8, 2014

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14 d'octubre hcg diet reviews vaig anar to xerrada on racions i hidrats carbonylation (HC) organitzada per l 'i hcg diet reviews realitzada ADC per dietitian i Alimentació Marta Ros d'technology. També és treballa the dietitian to 'ADC Delegació Barcelona to carrer Balmes, 47.
The xerrada has estat Really Friends molt breu, menys d'un hour. Hem començat one tard mica per courtesy dels arriving tard i hem acabat punt at the time, participants have Perquè uns dels dit: "Escort babe who ha they are set", i donat per Marta has finished the sessió. A llàstima, Perquè s'animava ask the gent that great ax i Hagues per dubtes resoldre anat.
Marta has estat so friendly that the passat tota ens i documentació hcg diet reviews articles per email, Aixi that I aprofitat per jo-li algunes ask sew. Però abans algunes of them has ties to ens proporcionat:
Els fan LACTICS desnatats bid month found quickly sang the sucre in Sencers els. Aquesta informatio m'ha impactat molt to principi but després pensant Logic will mica. Els greixos l'absorció fan of sucres NEXT slow month.
Please consider the limit els platans hcg diet reviews Forbidden Fruits are com les figues, no és Aixi. Which és clar i hem to consider is that of prendre les hem in Situacions hcg diet reviews determinades on tenim Previsió de fer one físic esforç (Gimnàs, excursions ....), i do not sleep per anar.
- Les verdures that tenen month high a proportion of HC are fattening, cols them Brussel les, the remolatxa the pastanaga i carxofes them. Haig dir m'he quedat impressionada amb molt theme i fatten them carxofes (ja ho knew the remolatxa pastanga i).
- The pastanaga i Carbassa hcg diet reviews tenen the equivalencies in diferents racions, fet that m'ha hcg diet reviews SURPRISE moltíssim Perquè pensava jo that primes eren-cosines. 10 g of HC equivalent to 300 g of 150 g ai Carbassa pastanaga.
A comentari that m'ha agradat és molt l'option contains hcg diet reviews replace the sucre Fruits pessic pa per, per exemple, les vaig I will pomes.Ho provar amb one briosche in qual vaig pose two cullerades hcg diet reviews of agave syrup or i 3 4 petites pomes. In breu penjaré I recepta to the bloc.
Plans feed rations were introduced in the 70's with the idea of customizing meal plans for people with diabetes, pemitir equivalent variations in the menus ... In Spain and Catalunya a serving is 10 g of CH. We must be careful elsewhere why these equivalences do not work (eg U.S. 1 serving is 15 grams and Germany is 12 gr).
- No. of rations distributed hcg diet reviews among different categories and different food intakes of the day. Of all the categories in which we must fix our attention is the column of flour.
- The final box which indicates equivalence between foods of the same category. For example, one cup of milk yoghurt equals 2, 80 g of bread equivalent to 60 g of pasta or rice or potato or 200g 80g 240g legume or pea. Besides food also allows us to combine, hcg diet reviews for example, take 20 g of bread (1 portion) and 45 gm of rice.
This example is hypocaloric diet. For example, in my case I have (focusing on flour) 4 servings for breakfast, 5 for lunch and 3 for dinner. It is a diet of about 1800 - 2000 kcal. This must be determined by your endocrine considering age, energy expenditure, weight ... because you are seeking a personalized diet.
Disadvantages: takes time for the physician to explain how it works and to customize and requires time and dedication of the person with diabetes to learn equivalencies and transfer theoretical knowledge to practical in the kitchen (to help you remember that there are gauges cups rations).
Time and results of blood glucose. All food intake, calculated in grams of carbohydrates. Time of food and reinforcements. Time, type and dose of insulin and the injection site type, duration and intensity of exercise Any other factors that may influence your blood sugar levels hcg diet reviews as well as stress, illness, menstrual period. - Identify changes in blood glucose levels, in relation to what you eat, insulin and exercise.
Chickpea Stew Ingredients: 1/2 kg. chickpeas, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 egg, 100 cc. oil, 250 g. spinach, 1 slice of bread, parsley, salt, pepper and cumin. Total: 18 HC rations. Per person: 3 servings. For 6 people.
Pastry Cream Ingredients: 500 cc. Milk, 2 eggs, 30 g. D

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