Friday, August 15, 2014

WHO developed a system of classi

These tumors due date represent 20% of all intracranial neoplasms and 12% of all spinal cord tumors. Meningiomas are usually benign, but may recur after being appointed. These tumors are more common in women and usually appears at the age of 40-60 years, but it was likely appear in childhood or at age lanjut.Paling many meningiomas classified as benign (benign) and 10% malignant. Malignant meningiomas can occur in women and men, benign meningiomas are more prevalent in women. 2 2.2. Etiology
Experts are not sure what the cause of meningioma tumors, but several theories have been researched due date and most agreed that the chromosomes are ugly that causes a meningioma. due date Researchers are studying several theories about the possible origin of meningioma. Between 40% and 80% of meningiomas abnormal chromosome 22 contains the gene locus neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2). NF2 is a tumor suppressor gene in 22Q12, was found to be active in 40% of sporadic meningiomas. Patients with NF2 and non-NF2 some other familial syndromes due date can evolve into multiple meningiomas, and often occurs at a young age. In addition, depletion of other genes are also associated with the growth of meningiomas. 3
This chromosome is usually involved in suppressing tumor growth. The cause of this disorder is unknown. Meningiomas also often have additional copies of the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGFR) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) that may contribute to the growth of this tumor. Previous radiation to the head, a history of breast cancer, or neurofibromatosis type 2 may be a risk factor for developing meningioma. Multiple meningiomas occur in 5% to 15% of patients, especially those with neurofibromatosis type 2 Some meningiomas have receptors that interact with sex hormones progesterone, androgens, and estrogens rarely. Progesterone receptor expression due date is most often seen in benign meningioma, both men and women. The function of these receptors has not been fully understood, due date and thus, it is often challenging for doctors to advise their patients about the use of female hormones if they have a history of a meningioma. Although the exact role of growth hormone in meningiomas has not been determined, researchers have observed that it is sometimes possible meningioma grows faster during pregnancy. 2.3 2.3. Anatomy
Meninges is a connective tissue membrane that encloses enchepalon and spinal cord. Consists of the dura mater, arachnoid due date and piamater, located sequentially from superficial to deep. Together, the arachnoid and piamater called leptomening. 4
Dura mater is composed of strong fibrous tissue, white, composed of the laminae and lamina endostealis meningialis. In the spinal cord lamina endostealis firmly attached to the wall of the vertebral canal, becomes the endosteum (periosteum), so in between due date the lamina due date and lamina endostealis meningialis there spatium extraduralis (spatium epiduralis) which contains loose connective tissue, fat and venous plexus. Between the dura mater and there archnoid spatium subdurale containing lymph fluid. In the lamina enchepalon endostealis firmly due date attached to the interior surface of the cranium, especially in the suture, base and edge Krania foramen magnum occipitale. Lamina meningialis have a smooth surface and is coated by a layer of cells, and forming four septa, namely: 4
Arachnoid together with the pia mater is called leptomeningens. These two layers are connected to each other by trabeculae arachnoideae. Arachniod is a thin sheath, forming spatium subdurale with the dura mater. Between the pia mater archnoid and there spatium subarachnoideum cerebrospinalis containing liquor. Cerebral arachnoid shape that wraps a thick base that wraps while superior cerebri facies thin and transparent. Arachnoid forming small bumps called granulation Arachnoidea, into the venous sinuses, especially the superior sinus sagitallis. 4
Adjacent layers deep, extends into the cerebral gyrus and between due date the folia cerebri. Forming tela chorioidea venticuli. Formed by the fibers reticularis and elastic, covered by the cerebral blood vessels. Pia is composed of a thin layer of mesodermal cells such as the endothelium. Contrary to the arachnoid, this membrane is to cover all the surface of the brain and spinal cord. 4
As with many other neoplasms due date cases, there are still many unknowns of meningioma. Brain tumors are classified as benign histopathologically derived from the packaging cell arachnoid (arachnoid cap cells) which had granulation and changes shape. Pathophysiology of meningiomas is still not clear. Cascade eicosanoids thought to play a role in tumorogenesis due date and development of peritumoral edema. 3
WHO developed a system of classi

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