One of the most important tasks of the liver is to produce on a daily basis about 1-1.5 liters of bile. Bile flow is viscous, bitter taste and color of yellow, brown or green alkaline fluid. Without melanoma adequate choleretics food is not digested or only partially melts. Bile flow is necessary, for example, small intestine, the operation of the absorption of fat and calcium. Undigested fat MESSAGES insufficient sapenerityksestä. Undigested fat passes slowly in the digestive tract, together with other waste materials in the colon and bacteria begin to break down the fatty acids and excrete it in the faeces. Since fat is lighter than water, can be absorbed fat to get fecal float. Jäädessä fat not absorbed calcium is not absorbed, resulting in a calcium deficiency. The body needed to remedy the situation by taking calcium from the bones. Most of the problems in mineral density caused by insufficient secretion of bile and poor absorption or insufficient calcium intake. Some medical practitioners are aware of this and thus the amount of calcium supplements melanoma to their patients.
When gallstones in the liver and gall bladder are significant extent reduced the secretion of bile, the stool color may be light brown, orange-yellow or pale clay-brown instead of the normal green.
Gallstones are the result of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. If the liver and the gallbladder is gallstones - even if all the other disease-causing factors scaling back myötäkin, in any case, they are a major health risk and can lead to disease and premature aging. The following sections detail some of the main problems that are caused by gallstones in the liver and in different organs of the body systems. Gastrointestinal disorders: the mouth, stomach, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, bile duct and intestinal diseases
The digestive tract are the four main functions of food intake, casting, impregnation and elimination. melanoma Gastrointestinal starts from the mouth and ends at the anus. While lunch starts a number of digestive processes, which can be divided melanoma into mechanical (chewing), and enzymes to carry out chemical cleavage. These digestive enzymes melanoma produced by different bodies. Enzymes are proteins which cause or accelerate chemical reactions with other substances, remaining unchanged. Digestive enzymes are produced by the salivary melanoma glands in saliva, gastric fluid, the fluid of the small intestine, pancreas, liver bile and pancreatic juice. The absorption or absorption is a process in which small ruokapartikkelit transported through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream and lymphatic system melanoma and enable all parts of the body.
Intestine to remove stools (elimination) foods that have not been possible to melt or absorption, such as plant cellulose. The stool also includes the bile which carries the dissolution of red blood cells (catabolism) of the waste products. Almost one-third of the stool is dead intestinal flora. The body can function properly only if the bowel is able to remove these waste materials generated on a daily basis.
Good health occurs the main functions of the digestive system balanced operation and good coordination with other parts of the body. Abnormal activity in the digestive system affect other parts of the body of its basic functions to actuate. Liver and gallbladder gallstones is an unfavorable impact on the melting and the absorption, as well as the body's waste disposal operations. Oral diseases
Of the liver and gall bladder stones are responsible for the most common oral diseases. Gallstones interfere with digestion and absorption of food, which would otherwise lead to the exit of waste materials storage in the gastrointestinal melanoma tract. Of debris stored in the intestines creates a toxic, anaerobic environment, which is a good breeding ground for harmful microbes and parasites, as well as reduce the healthy tissue.
Bacterial infection (thrush) and viral infections (herpes) melanoma in the mouth can occur only when the intestine is absorbed accumulated a wealth of waste material. Harmful bacteria to help break down waste, but without the development of its activities by-products resulting from the potent toxins. Some of these toxins are absorbed into the blood and lymphatic system where they may irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive system constantly (start and end from the mouth to the anus). This leads to the bowel wall inflammation and the development of ulcerative areas. The damaged intestinal tissue melanoma "attracts" region growing microbes to remove and destroy the weak and destroyed cells. We call this infection.
Infection is a normal phenomenon seen everywhere in nature where the decomposition is necessary. Bacteria never attack - that infects anything that is clean, vibrant and well-nourished than the tree-hanging fruit. Only when the fruit becomes overripe, poorly nourished, or knocked to the ground, the bacteria begin cleansing
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