Meningioma is a type of brain cancer that arises from the meninges. Meninges is the tissue prader willi syndrome that lines the outside of the brain and spinal cord. Meningioma brain cancer is the biggest cause of primary brain cancer and cancer of the bone marrow with a value of> 30%. Brain cancer most often affects adults, the risk of attack increases with age. Meningioma brain cancer occurs twice as often in women. In some cases, these cancers are genetic means can be passed down through the bloodline.
Meningioma cancer causes symptoms similar to the symptoms of brain cancer in general. Symptoms of attack is to suppress the brain or spinal cord. Approximately 80% of cancer is caused prader willi syndrome by a benign meningioma that stage of healing becomes easier. This cancer can be cured through surgery a few times. However, if the meningioma tumors in the cancer grows close to vital tissues in the brain becomes difficult to cure. A small number (20%) of these cancers prader willi syndrome are caused prader willi syndrome by a malignant tumor and may re-occur many times after these operations.
The symptoms vary greatly depending on the location of the tumor. The most frequent symptom is a chronic headache that is becoming increasingly severe. Other symptoms include impaired vision, smell disorders, seizures, weakness of limbs to loss of consciousness. Because of the slow onset of symptoms the diagnosis is often delayed and ignored. Diagnosis is by CT scan and MRI of the head with contrast, in certain cases sometimes needed CTA examination or angiography.
Handling this type of tumor is the surgical removal of the tumor completely. These tumors usually can be removed completely because the limit is clear and the tumor in the dura mater is attached can be removed or coagulated. For tumors located in the need to wear a surgical micro and advanced tools such as Cusa, Neuronavigasi or endoscopic tool. In certain cases where there are no residual tumor taken during surgery may be considered for postoperative radiotherapy. Radiotherapy is only effective in tumors that are small / residual tumor.
The most important factors as the cause of meningiomas is trauma, pregnancy, and viruses. In the third investigation of meningiomas reported experiencing trauma. In some cases there is a direct relationship between prader willi syndrome the occurrence of trauma with the onset of tumors. Therefore concluded that the cause of cancer is traumatic. Some investigations suggest there is little evidence that shows an association prader willi syndrome between meningioma with trauma.
Another theory states that the virus can also be the cause. In the light microscope investigation found a virus like inclusion bodies in the nuclei prader willi syndrome of meningioma. The investigation is then argued that the examination of electron misroscope prader willi syndrome inclusion bodies are cytoplasmic projections that are within the nuclear membrane.
Meningioma is also associated with sex hormones and other etiologic factors such as sex hormones to trigger the mechanism of meningioma is still being debated. In approximately two thirds of cases of meningioma found only progesterone.Tidak progesterone receptor, another hormone receptors are also found in these tumors, including estrogens, androgens, dopamine, and receptor for platelet derived growth factor. Some sex hormone receptors were expressed by meningiomas. With specific immunohistochemical techniques and molecular biology techniques known that estrogen is expressed in low concentrations. Progesterone receptors can be found in the cytosol of meningioma. Somatostatin receptors are also found consistently in meningiomas.
Trauma and viruses as a possible cause of meningiomas have been studied, but have not found clear evidence of the relationship of trauma and viruses as causes of meningioma. The presence of a slight increase in cases of meningioma after head trauma in a population of western Washington state.
In multiple meningiomas, progesterone receptor higher than the solitary meningiomas. Progesterone receptors are found in meningioma similar to that found in mammary carcinoma. Meningiomas are not significantly associated with mammary carcinoma, but several other studies reported an association with meningioma mammary carcinoma.
Meningiomas are slow-growing brain tumor and do not invade the brain and spinal cord. Hormone prader willi syndrome stimulus is an important factor in the growth of meningiomas. Meningioma growth can be rapid during periods of increased hormone, prader willi syndrome luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
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