Saturday, August 30, 2014

Last Thursday (22) Ministry of Health (MOH) officiated pregnancy diet by the publication of Ordinan

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Last Thursday (22) Ministry of Health (MOH) officiated pregnancy diet by the publication of Ordinance 415, the abortion hospitals in the country. The law, approved by President Dilma Rousseff, aims to allow abortion for rape and anencephalic fetuses. The Unified Health System (SUS) will pay R $ 443 for the procedure, which the ordinance defines as "therapeutic interruption of pregnancy".
According to columnist Leonardo Mazzini, the UOL, although the legislation has a specific goal, it opens loopholes for any woman perform the procedure. This is because the woman who wants to perform the procedure is not required to file a police report police the doctor to attend. Furthermore, he states that "a single comma in the text of the ordinance opens legal interpretations that may cause release of abortion under any motivation."
The text of the Ordinance says that abortion provided by her "procedure consists in directed to women that pregnancy termination is provided by law, be caused by rape, by life-threatening for the woman or for being of anencephalic pregnancy" .
The alert Mazzini is that, as the law is unclear about whether the procedure should be immediately after the rape, "the woman interested in aborting can claim that she was raped, even if weeks gestation and has decided not to have the baby ".
In a statement, the Health Ministry said the legislation, arguing that the Ordinance "does not change the rules for assistance in the Health System, women abortions in cases provided by law, ie, when there is no other way to save mother's life, when the pregnancy results from rape, and in cases of anencephaly. " - The ordinance establishes the value of R $ 443.40 for the realization of legal abortion. This amount includes the payment of a multidisciplinary team consisting of a doctor, psychologist, nurse, nursing technician, social worker and pharmacist - explains the MS.
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