Wednesday, August 27, 2014

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Abortions subsided 12% since 2011 The birth rate is in breach eonmero abortions too. In 2013, the direction-General of Health (DGS) recorded 17 964 interruptions of pregnancy, 12% less than in 2011.
The year 2013 had the lowest number of interruptions of pregnancy in Portugal since abortion was decriminalized in 2007, but still above AMDIA countries such as Finland, the Su a, Lithuania and Eslovnia. The data of the report contained Registration Interruption of Pregnancy in 2013, the DGS.
Expresso, the director of doDepartamento Obstetrcia and Gynecology, Hospital de Santa Maria (Lisbon), Lus grail, says that this decrease was "wait" - with the legalization of abortion first there was an increase "for two, three years" and now the numbers vo decreasing because people realize that "better to anticonceo the interruption."
Lus grail point to express that the observed decrease "is due to the increase of consciencializao nor improvements in contraceo", but rather to increased emigration young people who end up doing the interruption of pregnancy in countries where migrants.
Recent dadosmais the National Institute of statistical (INE) and PORDATA indicate that almost 17% of the approximately 70 000 emigrants in 2012 correspond to young people between 20 and 24 years.This the Etria range notes that more abortions, but still fell by 24% between 2012 and 2013.A Etria range below 20 years also mantma downward trend.
Expresso, Dlia Coast of the Institute of Social spot on Sciences and policies (ISCSP), in Lisbon, explains that the fact that young people between 20 and 24 years are those which have the largest number interruptions of pregnancy is a phenomenon that "should make us reflect s policies in relation to family planning and how the education system has been treated the issue importantssima the family. " It adds that it has been "neglected" spot on affective dimension, that it "has a greater impact on the way of living sexuality in a healthy way, responsible and satisfatria".
On the other hand, Vasconcelos spot on socilogoPedro, Higher Institute of Labour and Sciences (ISCTE), spot on tells Express that it is due "the effects of fertility spot on (the group most etrio reproductive capacity) "and" the effects of gesture of motherhood. " "Many of these women between 20 and 24 years, having been pregnant, estimate that notm the conditions (including econmicas and financial and professional autonomy) to continue with a pregnancy," he adds. " etrio this group where many of the processes of formation higher still in concludos and where else we come across circumstances of job insecurity spot on Esto. "
Of the 17 964 women who in 2013 chose to terminate the pregnancy, 17 414 (97%) did so at own option; it follows the interruption due to severe illness or malformao fetus, 2.7% of all abortions. More than a quarter of the 17 414 women who chose to terminate a pregnancy (26%, 4477 women) spot on were unemployed or were working and 17% (3036) were students.
For sociloga Dlia Costa, "there is a relationship between the broader phenomenon of decrscimo birth" and decrease the number of abortos.Os INE data point to a drop of more than 7% in the birth rate in 2013, compared to 2012.
Dlia Costa argues that the decrease in the number of pregnant women is due to purely financial spot on issues. "The labor market est organized in models that admit vulnerability, insecurity and situations of great difficulty in conciliao between work dimension of people's lives and the family dimension."
In turn, Pedro Vasconcelos spot on has a different thesis "The decrease in the birth rate, almost spot on exclusively caused by econmica, decrease unemployment and wage crisis has obviously nonmero impact of abortions performed. - fewer births, then fewer abortions - because at the number of abortions per live births has been relatively stable in recent three years. "
Among women who chose to stop pregnancy, 1.2% (203) had already had a birth in the same year; and 1.7% (301) were women who had already performed an interruption in the same year. The vast majority of women who aborted in 2013 had never done and 60% already had one or more children. A situation that sociloga Dlia Costa explains as follows: "The process of planning and decision to have more than one child imp

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