Sunday, August 31, 2014

Finally, the weight of a woman also plays a role - women underweight or overweight are more likely

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An abortion is the loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks mark. As the embryo or fetus can not live on their own in the beginning, the pregnancy is terminated. hypnobirthing The medical term for miscarriage is natural phenomenon.
Although it seems something abnormal, miscarriages are fairly hypnobirthing common. 10-25% of clinically recognized pregnancies end in abortion. It usually happens hypnobirthing in the first three months. Some women do not even realize that pregnant and / or aborted if the loss occurs before the fifth week of pregnancy, and any sign can be seen on an ultrasound.
Many women tend to blame themselves for a miscarriage, but she rarely had any role. The only behavioral risks that may increase miscarriage are smoking, consumption of alcohol hypnobirthing or caffeine in excess, and abuse of illicit drugs.
Nicotine can cross the placenta and interfere with the blood supply and fetal growth rate, which means that smokers have double miscarriage rates than nonsmokers. Drinking more than two glasses of alcohol per day is also linked to higher chance of miscarriage.
However, severe trauma may increase the risk of miscarriage, as well as severe infections. The embryo or fetus may also have an abnormal chromosome that makes your development, leading to an abortion. This may include hypnobirthing a blind egg when no embryo develops, intrauterine fetal death, when the embryo to develop, or molar pregnancy, of a cancerous tumor that develops in the fetus.
None of this is a sign of chromosomal problems in future pregnancies, however. These problems tend to happen by chance at the time the fertilized egg divides and continues to grow, and are the reason for at least 60% of all abortions, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
The condition of the uterus and cervix of the woman play an important role in the development of the fetus as well. An abnormally shaped uterus can cause an abortion because the embryo can not implant or receive the nourishment it needs to survive. A weakened neck may not be able to hold a fetus inside, which can also lead to miscarriages.
Other risk factors for abortion include a woman's age and your health - the older, the higher the risk of miscarriage. Serious chronic diseases such as uncontrolled diabetes, autoimmune hypnobirthing diseases or thyroid disease may also increase the risk.
Finally, the weight of a woman also plays a role - women underweight or overweight are more likely to miscarry than women in ideal weight. Those women who had two or more consecutive miscarriages may also be more prone to future abortions.
Women under 35 years have a 15% chance of miscarriage, while women between 35 and 45 have a chance 20-35%. Women after the age of 45 years have a 50% chance. For women who have had a miscarriage, there is a 25% chance of having another.
Common signs of a miscarriage include vaginal spotting or bleeding, pain or pressure in the back of infer, severe abdominal pain, cramping and fluid out of the vagina. These symptoms also apply to less serious conditions, but it is best to consult your doctor if you experience any of them and you are pregnant. If you can, place the samples in a clean fluid to enable the professional to do testing container.
The best you can do is keep your body as healthy as possible hypnobirthing and limit environmental factors such as exposure to chemicals or radiation. It is important to eat healthy, maintain a good weight, exercising regularly, taking folic acid and refrain from or avoid alcohol, cigarettes and illicit drugs.
The earlier hypnobirthing in the pregnancy, the more likely that the woman did not need further medical attention. The body will probably expel all the fetal tissue on its own. If not, the doctor may need to perform a dilation and curettage.
The professional can prescribe medicine to help with the bleeding hypnobirthing that needs to be monitored at home. The American hypnobirthing Pregnancy Association recommends calling your doctor if you notice any increased bleeding, chills hypnobirthing or fever.
It is also important to consider the mental impact that abortion can have on a person. The emotional recovery can be a long and difficult road. Women who have experienced abortion need the support of family hypnobirthing and friends, hypnobirthing and should consider professional help, either with a psychologist or a support group, p

The Latin American Association of Social Medicine (ALAMES) launched ear infection the call for your

CEBES Home About Us Bylaws ear infection Officers Councils Core Secretariat Timeline Joints and Partnerships Press Representations of Cebes News Reviews Interviews General Clipping Notes Cebes in Brazil CNS Elections Magazine Library View all Health Magazine Disclosure Debate ear infection Books Texts for debate Reports Minutes of events Documents meeting political ear infection Placements Placements Cebes political entities of the Health Reform Sector Analysis Symposiums View all Contact Projects
The clandestine abortion is the fifth leading cause of maternal death in the country and one in five women have adopted this practice
These data resulting from research conducted by the Ministry of Health and by women's organizations will be analyzed in Recife / PE, 2-4 next May, the first National Meeting of the Women's Movement Benário Olga, who is a feminist ahead of entities, consisting three years ago to fight for women's rights and a society without injustice and without exploits. Taboo topic
The topic of abortion as taboo or as a woman's right, is one of the most controversial topics ever present not only in feminist events, but also in religious debates. The bishops' conference (National Conference of Bishops of Brazil), the highest body of the Roman Catholic church in the country, is totally ear infection against any legal change that open the possibility of the decriminalization of abortion.
In 1982, in Petrópolis RJ, members of civil society gathered for the foundation of the National Movement for Human Rights (MNDH) were warned by CNBB they should not put on the agenda the issue of abortion. The weighting was accepted by the leadership of the Movement. Clandestine abortions
Because of the illegality of abortion, an increasing number ear infection of deaths in Brazil because of clandestine abortions in unhealthy conditions. In Brazil, there were 9.4 deaths in women by abortion in 2001, for every 100 000 live births. The Unified Health System (SUS) admitted last year 243 000 women to have post-abortion curettage. Decriminalization
Entities related to Olga Movement Benário favor the decriminalization of abortion and argue that this measure is and does not represent an attempt on the life (as argued by the Catholic Church), but the reduction of clandestine killings of women in the country. print previous next
I am a physician trained in Brazil and now working as a gynecologist ear infection in France. 'm Always Solidarity ear infection with Brazilian women realize when one interruption of pregnancy here in France, with discretion, safety and respect for citizenship mulheres.Espero these one day attain to excellence are treated like the French who choose to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.
08/21/2014 12h08 Core Cebes Ribeirão Preto debate "Universality x Universal Coverage" ear infection
With the theme "Contemporary Capitalism in Latin America: universal social policies", the State University of West Paraná (Unioeste) held during the period 15-18 September, 6th National Seminar on State and Social Policies and the second seminar Human Rights. Registration is free.
The city of São Paulo will host the VI Congress of Health Economics in Latin America and the Caribbean and the XI National ear infection Meeting of Health Economics: Health, Development and Planning. The event will be held in the period 24-26 of September.
"With the theme Development, Conflict and Territorial Health: Science and Social Movements for Environmental Justice in Public Policy", the GT Health & Environment ABRASCO will hold the 2nd Symposium of Health & Environment (2ºSIBSA). The event will take place in the city of Belo Horizonte / MG.
The Latin American Association of Social Medicine (ALAMES) launched ear infection the call for your XIII Congress of Social Medicine, which will have the theme "Knowledge and people's power to build a new model of development, the state and society. The event will be held in San Salvador from 22 to 26 November this year.
The Cebes is a plural and nonpartisan space whose historic mission is the defense of democracy, direct and social health. Since 1976, the organization develops ear infection programs aimed at increasing awareness and critical thinking in health.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

ANY ASSHOLE with two fingers brains know the difference between a spanking in teaching boys taken a

Space to combat the insidious multiforme and liberal culture, which has among its most weed roots: fallacious notion of human freedom; idolatry - implicit or explicit - of individual conscience; the separation between nature and morality; the opposition between state and individual; Religion in the dissolution of moral categories without metaphysical foundation; the loss of the notion of the common good politician.
ANY ASSHOLE with two fingers brains know the difference between a spanking in teaching boys taken and any physical abuse, criminals, adults against renal failure children very well - which, incidentally, are fully embraced by our Penal Code.
But put the two things in the same bag is not sheer stupidity, despite being strong sign of a state of mental agony obliteration. In fact, implies the worst kind of bad faith: the politically correct blind volunteer who, today, close ranks among the grandees of the globalist social engineering whose greatest urgency is to destroy the West, especially the Christian traditions.
Many of them are literally devoured by the generation of monsters renal failure that feed today, with good intentions false. I say "fake" because, contrary to what the popular saying goes, hell is full of everything but good intentions! renal failure
When deduce the future of the next 20 years in light of the current frame, the affected'm sure that homeschooling has become an absolute necessity for anyone who wants to form effective trenches of survival in the harsh and hazardous environment of universal law as enshrined idiocy.
When I reread renal failure the ancient Rule of St. Benedict directly or indirectly to any charity of sanatoria foisted pueri oblati to moderate punishments, ie reference renal failure to children that parents took to monasteries to be educated renal failure and possibly become monks, and I consider our contemporary legislators-pedagogues, have a clear vision of cow mired in a swamp of hell ... PS The format of this homeschooling immediately, renal failure ie, their assumptions and vectors, is a problem not aboard here.
2014 (106) August (11) July (10) June (9) May (21) The role of literary criticism renal failure Grotto of the Nativity in flames Pinching criminals and abortion enshrined in law COURSE "THE LANGUAGE acquitted": more an appetizer renal failure ungoverned IMAGINATION: the intemperate and incont ... Take it like the course "The Beauty in Cultural History At ... enrolled in the course" The Language acquitted, "the In ... The Spiral and the Square: another renal failure strip-like curs ... BASIC LESSON stylistic: "asyndeton" and "POLISS ... The limits and the function of grammar He whom we call God ... NO EDUCATION, TOLERANCE towards small own .. . Strip-like the first lesson of the course "The Language Abs ... The Silence of the Lambs nothing Course" The Language acquitted ": REGISTRATION STILL IN AB ... Vanity, hyperopia Soul Beauty salutary mystery WHY I DO THE COURSE "The Language acquitted," c ... The PORTUGUESE in Portuguese: course "The Language renal failure Absolvid ... Between vanity renal failure and a fair measure of honor I the marombeiro Lobao and the priest, on a cold night ... April ( 23) March (20) February (7) January (5) 2013 (117) December (11) November (8) October (11) September (12) August (9) July ( 16) May (6) April (9) March (12) February (6) January (17) 2012 (156) December (16) November (11) October (9) September ( 25) August renal failure (13) July (16) June (17) May (11) April (2) March (8) February (13) January (15) 2011 (198) December ( 18) November (16) October (9) September (9) August (15) July (24) June (14) May (22) April (15) March (24) February ( 15) January (17) 2010 (174) December (14) November (12) October (17) September (17) August (15) July (9) June (16) May ( 13) April (13) March (16) February (13) January (19) 2009 (225) December (11) November (18) October (26) September (27) August ( 20) July (19) June (19) M

Last Thursday (22) Ministry of Health (MOH) officiated pregnancy diet by the publication of Ordinan

Home History The Gethsemane Pastor Jorge Linhares Family pregnancy diet Pastoral country Cults Headquarters Publisher Gethsemane Ministries Meet the Family Ministries What is your tribe? Discover what your Worship Arts Ministry Coral Coral Gethsemane Gethsemane Children's Theatre Orchestra Get Service How can we serve you? Registration Sheet Education Association Member Glenda Linhares pregnancy diet Gethsemane Baptist Bible College Theological Seminary Koinonia School Events
Last Thursday (22) Ministry of Health (MOH) officiated pregnancy diet by the publication of Ordinance 415, the abortion hospitals in the country. The law, approved by President Dilma Rousseff, aims to allow abortion for rape and anencephalic fetuses. The Unified Health System (SUS) will pay R $ 443 for the procedure, which the ordinance defines as "therapeutic interruption of pregnancy".
According to columnist Leonardo Mazzini, the UOL, although the legislation has a specific goal, it opens loopholes for any woman perform the procedure. This is because the woman who wants to perform the procedure is not required to file a police report police the doctor to attend. Furthermore, he states that "a single comma in the text of the ordinance opens legal interpretations that may cause release of abortion under any motivation."
The text of the Ordinance says that abortion provided by her "procedure consists in directed to women that pregnancy termination is provided by law, be caused by rape, by life-threatening for the woman or for being of anencephalic pregnancy" .
The alert Mazzini is that, as the law is unclear about whether the procedure should be immediately after the rape, "the woman interested in aborting can claim that she was raped, even if weeks gestation and has decided not to have the baby ".
In a statement, the Health Ministry said the legislation, arguing that the Ordinance "does not change the rules for assistance in the Health System, women abortions in cases provided by law, ie, when there is no other way to save mother's life, when the pregnancy results from rape, and in cases of anencephaly. " - The ordinance establishes the value of R $ 443.40 for the realization of legal abortion. This amount includes the payment of a multidisciplinary team consisting of a doctor, psychologist, nurse, nursing technician, social worker and pharmacist - explains the MS.
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Friday, August 29, 2014

So when did 26 years of age Josiah became the greatest experience of your life. While the Temple of

Do not Miss If Our Dying is a Discipline? What is Truth? The "child" dentista left to himself No fear of flying secret place, dentista what you have hidden in it? TIME OF RENEWAL Discovering the Kingdom Watch your language The prayer dentista of the righteous is powerful and effective Seven barriers that prevent us from having fellowship with God
BECAUSE SOME DRUGS CAN CAUSE OF FAMILY PLANNING MICRO-ABORTION. - "Josiah was eight years old when he became king of Judah He ruled thirty-one years in Jerusalem.. His mother was called Jedidah and was the daughter of Adaia, city Boscate. Josiah did what pleases dentista the Lord; he followed the example of his ancestor, King David, and turned not aside neither to the other "(2 Kings 22: 1-2).
However, Josiah was a serious problem. He and his nation of believers were unknowingly sinning against God by ignorance. They were committing certain types of sin because they had no copy of the Book of the Law written by Moses. All he and the believers of his country knew about the Law of God was what their ancestors taught them. However, with the passage of time various parts of the Act were being neglected and forgotten dentista because their ancestors had left the practices of the world to influence their lives.
So when did 26 years of age Josiah became the greatest experience of your life. While the Temple of the Lord was being repaired, the Book of the Law written by Moses was found! When officials opened the book and read it, they were astonished. They read to King Josiah, and he too was amazed. Josiah felt sick, embarrassed and sad. Reading the book he discovered that he and the people had been sinning against God without dentista realizing what they were doing! For years the heart of Josiah just wanted to please dentista the Lord. But, despite all the love he had for God, he had been sinning against God for not knowing better!
Is that the same thing could also happen in our day? Sure. For example, a believer who loves God can at the same time, misunderstand some specific command. He is thus in danger of sinning against God by ignorance. There is also the case that he can love God and understand correctly a specific command, but does not really understand the facts involved. The result is that the lack of information could lead him to sin against God by ignorance.
An example of the latter type of situation would be a Christian dentista and devices using chemicals that, without her knowing, endanger the life of a baby very early in a pregnancy. Of course, no evangelical woman would have the courage to deliberately expose a newly conceived baby that kind of danger because we evangelicals are firmly against abortion and consider dentista the clear and deliberate dentista violation of the Fifth Commandment: YOU SHALL NOT KILL.
No sincere evangelical woman think of using something that can abort an innocent child. Yet many Christian wives use the intrauterine device (IUD) without knowing that its function is to cause micro-abortions. Many Christians also use modern pills "contraceptives" without knowing adequately how this method actually controls the birth. They do not know that, in part, the function of these pills is to abort a human being at the very beginning of pregnancy! Yes, you read right - the modern pills "contraceptives" have as one of its functions cause "abortions in silence" of human beings ever conceived. dentista
Feminists claim that nobody knows the answer to that question. Their motives are obvious: they claim a legal right to abortion. In the USA, where they got what they wanted, abortion is legal and free during the nine months of pregnancy a woman. Every year more than 1 million unborn babies are killed in hospitals and clinics in the USA. Some are even deliberately killed just a few hours before delivery!
When we read the Bible, we see that the unborn are always dentista considered as real human beings. They are treated as human beings from the moment of conception (fertilization), as well we see in Psalm 51: 5: ". Behold was shapen in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me" It's also easy to see that the Bible never considers babies in the womb as "things" that turn into humans in any given stage of its development. dentista The Word of God declares that the unborn have personality, intelligence, emotions and value in God's eyes. The Bible shows that God himself watches them and takes care of them in their development in the belly of their mothers:
"And Isaac prayed much to the Lord on behalf of his wife because she could not have children. And the Lord heard his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant. The babies were fighting with each other within her, and she said: Why is this happening to me? And she was asking the Lord. The Lord answered him: On his belly there are two nations and the two pov

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Department of Social Security and Defense (Seds) provides to the community the number 197 (Hotl

The Civil Police, through the police Crimes Against the Person (Homicide) of the Capital, held in the late morning of Tuesday (15) a woman accused of performing illegal abortions. dupuytren Marlene dupuytren Alves da Silva, 75, was arrested at home on Avenida Baron Mamanguape in the Tower district of Joao Pessoa. dupuytren 07/16/2014 09:37
The Civil Police, through the police Crimes Against the Person (Homicide) of the Capital, held in the late morning of Tuesday (15) a woman accused of performing illegal abortions. Marlene Alves da Silva, 75, was arrested at home on Avenida Baron Mamanguape in the Tower district of Joao Pessoa. According to Emilia delegated Ferraz, the abortion procedures were performed at the home of Marlene and she used instruments that were not sanitized. A woman died after being treated by suspicion.
The police came to the residence of Marlene after relatives Josicleide Gomes de Sousa, 32, sought police homicide dupuytren to report that she died after undergoing dupuytren abortion procedures at the home of Marlene Smith. "The investigation began on June 30. We were approached by Josicleide sister, Jacqueline Gomes. She said in testimony that Josicleide was pregnant with third child and would have sought the house of Dona Marlene to abortion, on May 6. Two days later, she underwent complications, dupuytren returned to the house of Dona Marlene and no result was interned in a Maternity John Person, sent to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), where she underwent a hysterectomy, but by then it was too late . On May 8th she died. Listed on the death certificate death by abortion and septicemia (generalized infection), "the delegate in charge, adding that the victim was weakened after the abortion procedure. "When she searched the family could no longer even walk anymore, he was so weak and in so much pain he felt. She leaves two children orphans, "he said.
The residence, police seized dupuytren various materials used in procedures, including, surgical scissors, surgical gloves, catheters, speculum, dupuytren vaginal wash shower, sleeping pills and still other objects of gynecological and obstetric dupuytren use. "We were impressed with the lack of hygiene. Materials found rusty, blood-stained and with plenty of time to use. Dona Marlene claims to be a nursing assistant introduced us two certificates, one is training for lay midwife, and told us that all this material was used to care for the elderly. However, we still investigate since she performed this illegal practice indoors. There may be other victims, other people who came here and hired illegal abortion services, "reiterated dupuytren the delegate.
The Department of Social Security and Defense (Seds) provides to the community the number 197 (Hotline). For it is possible, without identification, pass information that can help in the investigation of this case. "We dupuytren are not aware of how many women underwent procedures in this house. But investigations continue and who look for 197 to give us information, they will be cleared and more arrests may happen, "concluded the delegate.
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Adolescent women were the least performed abortions, around 18%, while adult women represented 82%

A balance of the Uruguayan government official reported that, within bipolar one year of the Termination of Pregnancy Act (abortion law), 6,676 abortions were performed safe - no woman died. Since December 2012, the Uruguayan women can perform the termination of unwanted pregnancy safely and legally.
From this date until November 2013, the average was 556 abortions per month, a figure closer to 18 abortions per day. Of total abortions performed in the framework bipolar of the new law, in only 50 cases (0.007%) was mild complications. The single case of death was that of a woman who held a clandestine abortion, outside a health center, apparently bipolar using a crochet hook. She would have come to the hospital bipolar in serious condition.
According to the Deputy Secretary of Public Health, Leonel Briozzo, the trend is that the number of abortions decrease over time. "What it tells us that abortion is safe, affordable and frequent. Uruguay has a rate of nine abortions per thousand women between 15 and 44 years, which somehow puts us in the lower positions in the world, even lower than the countries of Western Europe, which reported 12 outages each thousand women, "he said.
Of total abortions, 41% were performed by the public sector and 59% by the private sector. bipolar Most abortions happened in Montevideo, around 64%, while in the countryside were recorded 36%.
For the former senator and current president of the Frente Amplio, bipolar Mónica Xavier, the results of the new Law on Termination of Pregnancy are satisfactory and is not flashy bipolar increasing the number of abortions in the first year of law enforcement. "When promovíamos [the creation of] legal rules that regulate the termination of pregnancy with some conditions, we understood that there would be [long-term] a decrease in abortion, bipolar s that would not be recorded at the beginning, but with time," because there were no official records on the number of abortions before.
Adolescent women were the least performed abortions, around 18%, while adult women represented 82% of the total. For Xavier, it is necessary to give time so that there is trust and respect among the women and the health care system. "From one day to the other, people will not have confidence to not be stigmatized, questioned his decision, bipolar because there is a whole mutual learning, since the recognition of the right to the best care, quality that should make teams health, "said Xavier.
However, Congressman Pablo Abdala, one of the opponents of the new law, doubt that illegal abortion has been extinguished. bipolar "I believe the following underground occurring freely. Moreover, clandestine abortion is now done with more ease than before; is not necessary to go to a clinic to get the pills, "said Abdala for the newspaper El País. Official results also show that 6.3% of women gave up the idea of aborting and continued with her pregnancy, after conducting consultations with multidisciplinary teams. The low rate suggests that most women come to health bipolar centers with a decision already taken.
The request for termination of pregnancy can be made until the 12th week of gestation. The period is extended to 14 weeks in cases of rape and there are no restrictions in the case of malformation of the fetus or life-threatening to the mother. Before, patients must undergo a multidisciplinary team consisting of a gynecologist, a psychologist and a social worker. Among other things, they talk about the possibility of completing the pregnancy and give the child up for adoption. Subsequently, five days for reflection. Then the case will remain, abortion is done, pharmacological and following the criteria recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization).
Related Brazilian Lawyer asks for political asylum in Uruguay After calling Brazil of "diplomatic dwarf," Israel is warning the Mujica MNPR ANNOUNCES LETTER IN SUPPORT OF FASC REORDERING Debates join Journalism B, Natalia Viana, Carlos Latuff and White Marcelo Gaúcho Committee BDNF collects signatures for democratization of communication on Sunday
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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

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ball hits number "unprecedented" for health workers
Abortions subsided 12% since 2011 The birth rate is in breach eonmero abortions too. In 2013, the direction-General of Health (DGS) recorded 17 964 interruptions of pregnancy, 12% less than in 2011.
The year 2013 had the lowest number of interruptions of pregnancy in Portugal since abortion was decriminalized in 2007, but still above AMDIA countries such as Finland, the Su a, Lithuania and Eslovnia. The data of the report contained Registration Interruption of Pregnancy in 2013, the DGS.
Expresso, the director of doDepartamento Obstetrcia and Gynecology, Hospital de Santa Maria (Lisbon), Lus grail, says that this decrease was "wait" - with the legalization of abortion first there was an increase "for two, three years" and now the numbers vo decreasing because people realize that "better to anticonceo the interruption."
Lus grail point to express that the observed decrease "is due to the increase of consciencializao nor improvements in contraceo", but rather to increased emigration young people who end up doing the interruption of pregnancy in countries where migrants.
Recent dadosmais the National Institute of statistical (INE) and PORDATA indicate that almost 17% of the approximately 70 000 emigrants in 2012 correspond to young people between 20 and 24 years.This the Etria range notes that more abortions, but still fell by 24% between 2012 and 2013.A Etria range below 20 years also mantma downward trend.
Expresso, Dlia Coast of the Institute of Social spot on Sciences and policies (ISCSP), in Lisbon, explains that the fact that young people between 20 and 24 years are those which have the largest number interruptions of pregnancy is a phenomenon that "should make us reflect s policies in relation to family planning and how the education system has been treated the issue importantssima the family. " It adds that it has been "neglected" spot on affective dimension, that it "has a greater impact on the way of living sexuality in a healthy way, responsible and satisfatria".
On the other hand, Vasconcelos spot on socilogoPedro, Higher Institute of Labour and Sciences (ISCTE), spot on tells Express that it is due "the effects of fertility spot on (the group most etrio reproductive capacity) "and" the effects of gesture of motherhood. " "Many of these women between 20 and 24 years, having been pregnant, estimate that notm the conditions (including econmicas and financial and professional autonomy) to continue with a pregnancy," he adds. " etrio this group where many of the processes of formation higher still in concludos and where else we come across circumstances of job insecurity spot on Esto. "
Of the 17 964 women who in 2013 chose to terminate the pregnancy, 17 414 (97%) did so at own option; it follows the interruption due to severe illness or malformao fetus, 2.7% of all abortions. More than a quarter of the 17 414 women who chose to terminate a pregnancy (26%, 4477 women) spot on were unemployed or were working and 17% (3036) were students.
For sociloga Dlia Costa, "there is a relationship between the broader phenomenon of decrscimo birth" and decrease the number of abortos.Os INE data point to a drop of more than 7% in the birth rate in 2013, compared to 2012.
Dlia Costa argues that the decrease in the number of pregnant women is due to purely financial spot on issues. "The labor market est organized in models that admit vulnerability, insecurity and situations of great difficulty in conciliao between work dimension of people's lives and the family dimension."
In turn, Pedro Vasconcelos spot on has a different thesis "The decrease in the birth rate, almost spot on exclusively caused by econmica, decrease unemployment and wage crisis has obviously nonmero impact of abortions performed. - fewer births, then fewer abortions - because at the number of abortions per live births has been relatively stable in recent three years. "
Among women who chose to stop pregnancy, 1.2% (203) had already had a birth in the same year; and 1.7% (301) were women who had already performed an interruption in the same year. The vast majority of women who aborted in 2013 had never done and 60% already had one or more children. A situation that sociloga Dlia Costa explains as follows: "The process of planning and decision to have more than one child imp

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Dr. Bogdan Chazan, professional recognized throughout Poland for their medical expertise, allergia

Dr. Bogdan Chazan, professional recognized throughout Poland for their medical expertise, allergia was recently fined and sacked as director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Holy Family Hospital in Warsaw, the capital, for refusing to perform abortion of a child diagnosed with potentially severe brain injury.
Chazan, who is also a professor in the Faculty of Medicine allergia of the University of Warsaw and former national consultant in obstetrics and gynecology, is a devout Catholic who believes that abortion is the intentional killing of an innocent human being.
The professional background of Dr. Chazan is blameless. He won his first medical degree 40 years ago. Since 1998, he served as head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the most important allergia hospitals throughout Poland. Despite the impressive resume of the doctor, the mayor of Warsaw, Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, demanded that his contract with the hospital was terminated because he refused to perform the procedure to end the life of a child.
Chazan's case comes up along with two other prominent European cases. The first involves two Scottish nurses, Concepta Ward and Mary Teresa Doogan. The other case is the Swedish midwife Ellinor Grimmark. The three professionals were fired for refusing to assist in abortions. These cases jointly demarcate a worrying landmark in the history of Europe and human rights.
After the horrors of World War II, Europe collectively adopted the European Convention on Human Rights to fight against allergia the tyranny of the state and ensure that Europeans could enjoy freedom of religion and the rights of conscience. International jurisprudence and legislation on these issues have been clear and firm, with the vast majority of European nations allowing conscientious objection based on sincere moral and religious beliefs.
Poland will have the opportunity to determine whether human rights will be respected Chazan or unjustly usurped in favor of a radical ideology that preaches the destruction of life. The rule of law states that no one should be forced to go against their conscience or to choose between their job and their sincere religious beliefs. This basic human right should always be reaffirmed. But is in serious danger. Source: ZENIT
- A blog for men and women for Life - a different blog with different proposals - a blog that does not cross your arms after the referendum which liberalized abortion in Portugal - a blog that aims to promote the family - a blog that concerned with the most fragile people in our society - a blog that is based on solidarity and the common good. BE VERY WELCOME !!!
Study on the evolution of abortion
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I just think funny thing, this guy once nothing more nothing

Activist scabies says there are biblical accounts that God had performed abortions
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Abortion is an issue that renders many controversies in society, but among Christian had an apparent unanimity on the practice be an attempt on the life and automatically a sin. The word "there" is revealing news on the subject: a liberal scabies broadcaster released a video where there are defends biblical account that God approves of the practice. Visit: + Gospel, Gospel News, Videos Gospel, Gospel Music presenter Kyle Kulinski said "the most anti-abortion scabies claim obedience scabies to the divinely inspired word of God" and the Bible "appears at odds with the anti-abortion stance."
Kulisnki quoted Hosea 9:14 to illustrate his argument, saying that the prophet prayed that God rewarded the tribe of the wicked with "wombs that abort and dry breasts." "This is the part of the Bible where God actually performs abortions," said the journalist, ignoring the previous two verses that say: "Though scabies they bring up their children, yet bereave them, that there is not a man left. Ephraim shall bring forth his children to the murderer. "
The pro-abortion broadcaster is defined as a defender scabies of freedom of choice as to maintain or terminate a pregnancy. In his argument, also cited chapter 5 of the book of Numbers, which talks about the curse of infertility to women who were guilty of adultery, as if it were a practice of abortion: "cheating wives were doing an abortion in the Bible," said Kulinski , referring to the snippet scabies of text in which women would have to drink a "poison that would make their bellies swell and never had children."
"Everything scabies that Jesus said is super super hippie and left, but conservative Christians disregard this and they focus on abortion," continued Kulinski. "It's not about what [the Bible] says, it's about what your already existing prejudices and preconceptions say" attacked.
Reply Comment
These ateusinhos today do not even know what atheism is. They say they do not believe in God just to make fun !! If God does not exist, how can it be bad to promote scabies abortion, have political, position etc? David Hume rolls in his grave with these antics in the name of a pseudo-atheism baseless.
take your conclusion, what matters is what is written, I always repeat (the Jews committed adultery bible, because they are all "Cain" (murderers and liars)). Note: (bible became a book obscene, immoral incitement to violence, and unsuitable for minors) !!! Call holy book of the Bible or moral guide is an affront to decency and human dignity. The Bible is the best selling book of all time. It is also one of the least read. The image one has of the Bible is a holy book that preaches love, kindness, humility. Ledo mistake. The Bible, especially the Old Testament, has bloody and cruel, passages envy the worst horror movies. Cheap cruel Bible: scabies Psalms 137-9 Merry whoever hit the head of her children against the stones Isaiah 14: 21-22 Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers. scabies Ezekiel 9: 4-6 Order of the Lord: "... mercilessly slay old men, young men, and virgins and boys, and women, to exterminate them. ..." Ezekiel 21: 3-4 The Lord says he will exterminate both righteous and the wicked, wounding their flesh with his sword. Hosea 13-16 Samaria shall become desolate, scabies for she hath rebelled against her God; shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their pregnant women will be split down the middle (with a god that who needs the devil?) Exodus 21: 20-21): "If a man strikes his slave beatings, and he died in hours, which will hit castigado.Mas, if the slave died just a day or two later, the owner will not be punished. For the loss of the slave is already a punishment for the owner. This law also applies to the slave.
Many, many today use issues that are highlighted to draw attention to themselves, only to appear, saying solidarity with what is happening, only in the media, now, children, abortion, women, homesexuais, evangelicals scabies and social excuses for committing crimes and go unpunished, scabies blame religion for most of its problems, most do not seek to know the truth, because certainly scabies demonstrated the amount of guilt that each has, then they will have nothing afalar, why not read Exodus 23, with emphasis on verse . 1,2,3, 20:26, and see what GOD SAYS THOSE WHO OBEY HIM, who does according to His will must take the profit or loss, without scabies complaining of others, you were very man to be a man also with the consequences.
I just think funny thing, this guy once nothing more nothing

Monday, August 25, 2014

Finally, Elke spoke about his relationship with Silvio Santos and get-together:

Elke Wonder recalled in an interview granted to the controversial Sexy magazine this month, her three abortions suffered. She also talked about the use of drugs, sex, booze, pharmatex Silvio Santos and get-together.
"Was not at all difficult. At the time I did, everything was fine. I never had regrets. Instead, I was wise. How seldom been in my life. What do I say to a child? Raising a child is a game, but I do not know how to play in life. I can say to a child that I adore bank robber? pharmatex I can say that it should not be good not to be sucker? Do not know educate speaking lies ", said about abortions.
Asked about drug use, Elke commented: "Crack, cocaine, mandrix, marijuana, LSD, several ... In all I snapped. In my generation, if he took drugs to self-knowledge, it was not run. Neither sex was escape, was meeting. Also took ayahuasca, which is just a natural LSD. "
Elke Wonder was questioned about sex and did not mince words. A former judge of Silvio Santos was married eight times: "No more horny in periquita. Is a freedom! I enjoyed fucking (sic). But I'm liking it no longer needs to fuck, you know? I do not want HRT. More than I just Elizabeth Taylor who is of the same sign. Fish loves married. pharmatex Marriage is to be together, not institution. Getting married is more than mate. Today it has more horny than marriage. I have had many types of husband until psychopath (laughs). Had Greek, black, miner, blue-eyed, blond-haired son of Italian, Jewish, Indian ...'ve tested everything. "
Finally, Elke spoke about his relationship with Silvio Santos and get-together: "I have no relationship [Silvio]. He only had relationship with his sycophants. Me, no. Silvio quoted pharmatex just to give an example. I prefer not to talk about it, not to put it in olive patty. pharmatex Now the get-together was another level, it was my painho. It was so genius on and off the stage. I was his slave. "
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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Still no information about the number of women who underwent the procedure. According to Soares, th

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Police arrest suspected elder performing illegal abortions in PB Death of a 'client' in May the family and motivated complaint investigations. Procedures were performed in the house of the suspect, police say.
A woman suspected of performing illegal abortions skin diseases in their home was arrested early on Tuesday (15) in the Tower district of Joao Pessoa. According to information from police, a woman died after having undergone a procedure at the home of a suspect in the May 8 and was her family who made the complaint at the police station homicide, initiating the investigation. Besides the prison, police also seized material used in the procedures. The suspect is 74 years old.
Of Investigation agent Alberto skin diseases Soares explained that, according to the investigations, the abortion was performed using a probe that was inserted into the uterus of the pregnant with the help of a speculum, an instrument used in gynecological examinations. After the abortion, she headed the clients to the hospital, where they should undergo curettage, traditional procedure for women who undergo abortion.
Still no information about the number of women who underwent the procedure. According to Soares, the main objective of the action was to close the site. "Our interest was to prevent other women from dying in place. Now let's further research, "he explains. Police also do not know yet if the woman charged inform the procedure and how much.
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Saturday, August 23, 2014

File Monica Montone 2014 May Jun Jul Aug

Daughter of schizophrenic father, one of the greatest fears of Hilda Hilst was going crazy. If I knew that ten years after her death, her Facebook page had more than 15,000 followers, and his work, relaunched sell over 1,500 copies in just two weeks, the poet certainly neuralgia think finally gone mad.
Fernando Pessoa predicted in one of his famous horoscopes that would be only 50 years after his death. In English he had just published a book on life: "Message" 1934 Person died the following year and only in 1985, on the occasion of the celebrations for the fiftieth anniversary of his death, the poet reach the deserved glory (thanks to the editing of his poems in English and the publication of the "Book of Disquiet", by the passage of a prose text). neuralgia
Hilda Hilst, although made extra-sensory experiments exotic - an attempt to contact the beyond via radio waves - not predicted anything, but it happened. 10 years after his death, the Brazilian writer neuralgia is celebrated (and consumed) as never been in life - which is not to say that has not achieved neuralgia recognition while he was still alive.
If he were among us, Hilda certainly be surprised at the numbers that are currently associated with his name: 15 000 followers a Facebook page, 1,500 books sold through the online store Obscene Lucidity (Daniel Fuentes, heir of his work) in less than two weeks and 23 reissued this year by the Globe Books books.
After all, is not anyone who has the courage to knock on the door of Marlon Brando in the middle of the night with the excuse of wanting to interview him; or do 15 abortions; or write about sex at a time when women were just course embroidery, typing and cooking.
His first book, "Omen", was published when she was only 20 years old. In the House of the Sun, site located in Campinas-SP, where Hilda was living after his father's death in mid-1966, more than three thousand books with notes made by the writer.
Why Hilda would be surprised with the "boom" of its literature? Because at the end of his life had major financial difficulties, unable to even feed the dogs, and just did not starve because she earned a scholarship from the University of Campinas, where he participated in 1986's Resident Artist Program at Unicamp. neuralgia
Today, your website houses a theater with capacity for 125 people, called the Sun House Institute, which displays pieces of the author, and filmmaker Walter Carvalho began a long-length neuralgia fiction film about his life (Taina Müller interprets the writer as a young man ) which must be finalized in 2016.
Hilda Hilst, who spent much of his life in fear of going crazy (his father died in a psychiatric hospital neuralgia after years hospitalized for schizophrenia), certainly had finally think crazed, if they came to it the latest news about your work.
Takes me. Your mouth linen over my mouth Austere. Take me NOW, BEFORE Before the carnadura dispose into blood, before death, love, I die, take me Peddler your hand, breathe my breath, swallows cadence In my dark agony.
Time the body this time, hunger From the inside. Body knowing, slow, A sun Diamond feeding the belly, Milk of your flesh, my elusive. And for us this future time plotting plotting the great web. About us life Life spilling. Cyclical. Runny.
Discover you live under a new game. Te commandest. And I deliquescida: love, love, Before the wall, before the earth, should I scream my word, an enchanted flank In the warm texture of a rock. I scream I say to myself. But by your side I extend Immense. Purple. Silver. neuralgia Delicacy.
Happy. Content From the instant resurrection of the heroic insomnia Glad That song haunted my chest now intertwines. Do you know? The fire lit up the house. What about the clarity of the grass An expanding wing, a trill
Monica Montone
File Monica Montone 2014 May Jun Jul Aug
The Obvious is a site where everything and anything goes; important things seemingly unimportant; Timeless things; things we like. Art, architecture, music, photography, cinema, design or any other subject. advertisers / Mediakit contact part of the obvious contributors terms commonly used terms used file lounge magazine

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Strawberry says the ex-wife of Naldo made nine abortions Xonei
The war between Ellen Silva Cardoso and Branka continues and the battle front is the media. This time, the interview R7 portal, Strawberry said the ex-wife miscarried Naldo funkeiro of nine children, without his consent, betrayed him several times already and Pablo left for 30 days at home.
R7 - She never came to consult him in time to abort? Ellen Cardoso - What the family in general account, all my minted speak, is that it was without his consent, she'd hidden it several times, even cried, asked to do and shortly received the news that she was already there and had already done.
R7 - How many were they? Ellen Cardoso - Nine. R7 - As Pablo was born? Since she just miscarried. Ellen Cardoso - I do not know, I think he should have been the first and after him all these things happened. "
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Real police chase in GTA USA style!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Revealed that Rowena told few people 40 weeks pregnant about abortions.

The bbritânica Rowena Shrimpton, 49, is in love with her husband, 40 weeks pregnant Roger, whom she married at age 21. For failed 40 weeks pregnant contraceptive pill, she got pregnant twice, at 21 and 30 years. However, miscarried both times for not wanting to share her husband with anyone, even with a child. "While others may accuse 40 weeks pregnant me of insensitivity and be selfish, do not regret it because I believe that the outcome of two miscarriages has been an extremely happy relationship," he said in an interview to the Daily Mail.
After the wedding, the couple talked about children and came to the conclusion that he did not want them. "A baby, we agreed, would change 40 weeks pregnant the dynamic of our relationship ecstatic," said Rowena. However, 40 weeks pregnant a few months later, she discovered she was pregnant. "He was careful to take the pill, but it must have failed. I felt betrayed and angry. This feeling of protection and maternal 40 weeks pregnant love that people talk about has not happened to me. I saw pregnancy as a mistake, something that none of us wanted, "he said.
In addition to concern for dividing attention of her husband, the British thought that pregnancy could harm your appearance, which would decrease the desire to Roger. No tears, the two were an abortion clinic. "It was a horrible thing to go through, but neither of us wavered in determination. Then I had a feeling of relief that we could return to our happy life as a couple. "
Rowena asked the doctor for sterilization, but he refused because she was very young and could regret in the future. However, the desire of the British not to have children was only reinforced when you see your friends start their families. "I saw how it changed the dynamics of their relationship: the shared soft glances, holding hands, the desire. Everything seemed 40 weeks pregnant to evaporate the minute that the woman had a baby. Typically, the woman stayed at home, his attention completely focused on his descendants, while her husband - feeling neglected - created a new social life for themselves and inevitably ended up finding someone. "
When he submitted the second abortion, Rowena had her tubes cut to prevent another pregnancy. Unlike what happened with friends who had children, Rowena and Roger won financial tranquility and currently live in Scotland and have a house in Nice, southern France. Made many trips, including Brazil and the Maldives. "I can also indulge my love for designer handbags: I have dozens," said the British.
Revealed that Rowena told few people 40 weeks pregnant about abortions. "I knew many friends would be angry with me, especially those who were not able to have children themselves." Some said it would have been a great mother and others who "committed a sin." At 49, reveals 40 weeks pregnant that the British never thinks 40 weeks pregnant of aborted babies or how they would be today if I had not interrupted 40 weeks pregnant pregnancies.
"I have to be honest and say that only once thought about how life would have been if he had children. 20 years ago, was holding the hand of the daughter of my best friend as we crossed a road. Feeling that little fingers entwined in my child suddenly had maternal feelings. For a split second, I wondered if I was wrong, that motherhood would be wonderful. Then I thought about the implications that mean Roger share with another 40 weeks pregnant person, then pulled the thought. " Today, the only fear is that Roger Rowena dies before her. "How can I live without it? It's something that just can not bear to think. "
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Jose Aldo, bruised, cancels fight with Chad Mendes 07/07/2014 | 0 Comment 40 weeks pregnant

I - if there is no other way of saving the mother

Ministry of Health formalizes cystic fibrosis abortions in Brazil
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Last Thursday (22) Ministry of Health (MOH) officiated by the publication of Ordinance 415, the abortion hospitals in the country. The law, approved by President Dilma Rousseff, aims to allow abortion for rape and anencephalic fetuses. The Unified Health System (SUS) will pay R $ 443 for the procedure, which the ordinance defines as "therapeutic interruption of pregnancy". Visit: + Gospel, Gospel News, Videos Gospel, cystic fibrosis Gospel Music According to columnist Leonardo Mazzini, the UOL, although the legislation has a specific goal, it opens loopholes for any woman perform cystic fibrosis the procedure. This is because the woman who wants to perform the procedure is not required to file a police report police the doctor to attend. Furthermore, he states that "a single comma in the text of the ordinance opens legal interpretations that may cause release of abortion under any motivation."
The text of the Ordinance says that abortion provided by her "procedure consists in directed to women that pregnancy termination is provided by law, be caused by rape, by life-threatening for the woman or for being of anencephalic pregnancy" .
The alert Mazzini is that, as the law is unclear about whether the procedure should be immediately after the rape, "the woman interested in aborting can claim that she was raped, cystic fibrosis even if weeks gestation and has decided not to have the baby ".
In a statement, the Health Ministry said the legislation, arguing that the Ordinance cystic fibrosis "does not change the rules for assistance in the Health cystic fibrosis System, women abortions in cases provided by law, ie, when there is no other way to save mother's life, when the pregnancy results from rape, and in cases of anencephaly. "
- The ordinance establishes the value of R $ 443.40 for the realization of legal abortion. This amount includes the payment of a multidisciplinary team consisting of a doctor, psychologist, nurse, nursing cystic fibrosis technician, social worker and pharmacist - explains the MS.
Look, I believe that once a pregnant woman through rape, she will have to carry for the rest of life the result of the two decisions, look for the child, create it and remember that was generated from a rape, but not dirty consciousness, or kill the child, and bear the guilt of killing an innocent being, "as I followed a case even she tried to kill herself several times and screamed cystic fibrosis desperate because he felt he had no forgiveness, for he could not apologize for your dead "son after many conversations and prayers Jesus healed cystic fibrosis her. This sad experience I would not recommend to anyone, so I believe that the correct investment would invest in security to eliminate the problem cystic fibrosis of rape, and not aborting because who will suffer from one form or another is a woman.
Illustrious Lord The law provides for abortion was not idealized nor sanctioned by President Dilma. In fact it is the Decree-Law No. 2,848, of December 7, 1940, in force, issued by President Getúlio Vargas, Dilma well before sunrise, so pray;
Art. 127 The penalties prescribed in the preceding two articles shall be increased by one third if, as a result of abortion or employees to cause it means the mother suffers bodily injury of a serious nature; and are duplicated, if for any of these causes, survive his death. cystic fibrosis
I - if there is no other way of saving the mother's life; II - if the pregnancy results from rape and abortion is preceded cystic fibrosis by consent of the pregnant woman or, if unable, their legal representative.
President Dilma must have hit his head very strong during the dictatorship, because it seems that is with all the loose screws. The woman does not and so far has not done anything positive for the nation. All he thinks about is approving disgrace to this country. Example is this diabolical law, which presents arguments that are apparently good for women, but in fact is a way for the decay of our people. By chance, have anything to pay this airhead addition to approval of abortion, pedophilia, drugs, homosexuality, the sale of the assets of the Nation, feminism sexism and many other misfortunes that will not add anything to society beyond cystic fibrosis suicide and destruction? Brazilian people, we wake up to life. What country is this that embraces silent approval of such laws? What world are we allowing it to settle for the future of our sons and daughters? This is not just freedom of expression as many say, it is abuse of power and arbitrarieda

Thursday, August 21, 2014

7 - Moreirense (3)

Number of abortions in 2013 was the lowest since the despenalizao - JN
The number of interruptions of pregnancy by opo woman was last year, the lowest since despenalizao abortion is in force, according to a report released by Dire -General of Health.
"In 2010 and 2011 there has been a stabilization of numbers of IG performed. And in two recent years there has been a decrease," the document bmi calculator women posted on the site Direction General of Health (DGS).
According to the document, in 2013, as already happened in previous years, bmi calculator women IG option for women in the first 10 weeks constitute about 97% of total interruptions performed. bmi calculator women Read Full Article (Pg.1 / 4)
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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sweden is a country where there is conscientious objection in relation to the use of firearms, but

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Ellinor Grimmark, the Swedish nurse who was fired for refusing to do abortions on Jun Reviewed By Momizat. 29 To the politically correct, "defend life is characteristic of the insane; only a fool, need to be interdicted, refuses to do abortions. " Ellinor Grim For the politically cardiovascular disease correct, "defend life is characteristic of the insane; only a fool, need to be interdicted, refuses to do abortions. " Ellinor Grim Rating: 0
Ellinor Grimmark is a Swedish nurse who was fired in January 2014 for refusing to do abortions. After a campaign of global awareness of the problem of conscientious objection, the leaders of the hospital in Eksjö, Sweden, eventually reinstate in the cadres cardiovascular disease of the hospital, but on one condition: Ellinor Grimmark have to be subjected to psychiatric treatment because "only a mental patient refuses to do abortions."
Sweden is a country where there is conscientious objection in relation to the use of firearms, but conscientious objection in relation to the act of abortion is prohibited by law. It's a total reversal of the logic of things and Natural Law - because a firearm can be used for self defense.
The case of Ellinor Grimmark is not unique; what is special about Ellinor Grimmark is that she reacted and asked legal protection - while the majority of conscientious objectors in relation cardiovascular disease to abortion in Sweden have lowered their arms. Sweden is today accused by violating the rights of citizens by the European Committee of Social Rights of the Council of Europe.
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Camacho Pedro Lacerda in Pol Pot, the worst dictator of all times Alysson freedom to drink and drive E? Ruth Takaki A moral defense in child labor in Waldemar Ramalho Paulo Eduardo Martins is back in the Journal cardiovascular disease of Mass John Cirino Gomes in Christian Psychologist Marisa Lobo is banned from CRP
Published in France in 1997, the Black Book of Communism is greatly in boycott bookshops - including bookstores - but mainly in Brazilian universities. Being the collective work of former French socialists, notably Stéphane Courtois, the work is a thorough denunciation of communist totalitarianism. The statistics in the book point to more than 90 million dead, including the USSR, China, Afghanistan, North Korea etc. The book can be downloaded here.
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Of the Efeminúsculo 16/07/2014 at 23:13 Do not say otherwise and I think Alex actually has the cour

And it is, according announced, one of the themes of the book the mother of Cristiano Ronaldo, namely Dona Dolores ... What a painfully come thicken the flow of literary abortions. Do not know (at least I do not wanna know), which "shoot" the sorrowful lady wanted to "prune" in your family tree. I sure hope it was not our "golden irregular heartbeat boy," today, "consider" having done well in doing that ... Ponder. Or would not the family the "goose that laid the golden egg" irregular heartbeat that allows you all daydreams. This is all to say that money does not bring elegance or sense!
And in this case, very rare, very special, I would give up my beliefs and would like the mother (housewife Dolorosa) had aborted. But it would be boring! It makes us really miss the man, to be placed (plus Amália, Carlos do Carmo and others) Portugal on the map. Even if the wood is next to us and not ahead, knock on wood when they attack abortions.
I'm like an abortion, very raunchy, as I write this ... I sure hope the child does not sue me. Just what I needed! When a mother falls in baseness to serve it to "promote," as already promoted ... What most fail to you? Already had the child. You may have planted the tree and now has published the book ...
Alex Fernandes on 16/07/2014 at 22:52 I did not hear the interview or read the book but the mother, "knowing" that the financial difficulties irregular heartbeat of the mother of Ronaldo being the immense irregular heartbeat height would not be surprising irregular heartbeat that he had aborted. Fortunately it did not - not only because Ronaldo - but because it was a kid who deserved rise and shine. And she has a lot of courage to admit the fact that he thought he could have been born. link comment reply
Of the Efeminúsculo 16/07/2014 at 23:13 Do not say otherwise and I think Alex actually has the courage to admit it, but if it was only her that at that time and before, long before she had them (difficulties). Did not write this post to condemn the courage to say so, but because it is a person who unfortunately nowadays behaves aberrantly and is a satellite of the child as a whole family going "up" and performing to the account of "bastard "that is not, of course, but a good son and brother, because the other also wanted to be a singer. This is now a writer, and all that do understand. Now I ask have been even Dona Dolores writing the book or report it to someone who so wrote? And why is the mother of all crack open the door to publish or may be the biggest nonsense and barbarities, will not it? This was the only aspect that would focus on, not wanting to harm the woman just ridiculous to think in certain attitudes and not only her, but I accept what he says and that is also right that the states that had the courage, but I do not know how to should face a mother say when it is rich, the other mothers who were not lucky and it is also worthy mothers. Maybe more because they have all facilitated. Thank you for visiting Alex, a good week for you and once again congratulations on your clipping !!! link comment reply
Of the Efeminúsculo 17.07.2014 at 16:54 Good afternoon, Fernando! Sorry to answer you only now but today is a day in which my occasional bouts of migraine, is the "red." I'm so limited one bit. Responding to your comment is exactly there, you see also the intelligence to and little or no sensitivity (but very clever "saloia") who wrote and produced, to create sencionalismo with a title that is sadly chosen. As he says: MOTHER COURAGE there is only one! And so it shall remain. And what a beautiful interpretation in theater, irregular heartbeat Eunice irregular heartbeat Muñoz, Mother Courage by Brecht! A good rest in the afternoon and a great weekend for you and all yours. THANK YOU for visiting. link comment reply
Mary John to 07.17.2014 at 17:34 There went one day crucify me (I think I'm exaggerating) when I commented irregular heartbeat on a blog that applauded the book said that only made for who was the person concerned. I am pleased irregular heartbeat that the lady (that or any other) has exceeded the trials and tribulations of a past, but if it were another, there would be no book, because irregular heartbeat it has a famous son and maybe even child has, or has is a poor sufferer as it should be. But that does not sell books ... until a case can either appear irregular heartbeat in any television or radio, but the book does not sell ... not ... comment reply link
Of the Efeminúsculo 17/07/2014 at 18:25 Hello, irregular heartbeat friend! Just like John and Mary says it was just so sad because deep down I think you came to say that. People (many) are malformed and will not even think and say when Cristiano appear or pass "look that was born by accident or by mistake" I do not know things like that demoralize and destabilize and already enjoy many us when we are about anonymous simple as a figure more like him, if she thinks she could have been much b

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

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Spontaneous thyroid nodules abortion is the termination of pregnancy before the 20th week of gestation. Vaginal bleeding is the most common symptom of a threatened miscarriage, but not all bleeding is a miscarriage. Most miscarriages (75% to 80%) occur within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. It is estimated that one in four pregnancies end in miscarriage. thyroid nodules Many miscarriages are not notified, even perceived, because they occur very early in pregnancy. Causes of Miscarriage
Generally, miscarriage is connected thyroid nodules to problems during pregnancy. The development of a baby from a female gamete and a male is a very complicated process. If something goes wrong in this process, the pregnancy will be interrupted. Miscarriage is more common in older women, mainly due to chromosomal abnormalities that are more common with advancing age.
Pain and bleeding in early pregnancy can mean miscarriage, thyroid nodules but not always. The bleeding is very common in early pregnancy, and affects about one in four women, many of which may have healthy babies in the future. Bleeding in early pregnancy that does not result in spontaneous thyroid nodules abortion does not cause any harm to the baby.
If the bleeding is caused by spontaneous abortion and there is no treatment or therapy to prevent miscarriage. However, it is still very important that you see your doctor. Treatment of Miscarriage
You may need to wait a short time before the treatment can be started. If you have heavy bleeding with clots and cramps, it is likely that you are expelling the pregnancy tissue. Bleeding, clots and pain usually end after these tissues are expelled. Sometimes the heavy bleeding continues and you may need additional care. If you think you are having or have had a miscarriage, see your doctor or go to an emergency room. Do not Blame for Miscarriage
After a miscarriage, the doctor may order some tests, but usually no cause is identified. thyroid nodules This can lead to feelings of grief, guilt and disbelief. However, doctors agree that a miscarriage is rarely caused by something that a woman has done or failed to do (for example, drinking a glass of wine, eating a specific food, sex or not enough rest). In most cases, the next pregnancy thyroid nodules going to term. After a Spontaneous Abortion
Often, a fabric of pregnancy remains in the uterus after a miscarriage. If not removed by curettage, you can continue bleeding for a long period or develop an infection. Unless thyroid nodules all tissues of pregnancy thyroid nodules have been cast out, the doctor usually requests a curettage. This is a procedure done under light general anesthesia and usually you can go home the same day. A tissue sample can be sent for laboratory thyroid nodules tests. After curettage
Most women usually bleed for 5-10 days after curettage. Contact thyroid nodules your doctor if you have: Heavy or prolonged bleeding blood clots or severe abdominal pain Changes in your vaginal discharge fever or flu symptoms.
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Monday, August 18, 2014

Meningiomas occur more frequently in elderly patients and may be a mental change. The differential

As already described earlier, meningioma is 15% of primary brain tumors. Most of the benign and the other can be in complete operation. These tumors occur in adults and especially in the middle of the decade. Largely a solitary lesion, but multiple meningiomas systane can occur with or without neurofibromatosis. Histology berdasrkan there are four main types of meningioma: meningothelial, transitional, fibroblastic, and angioblastic. Angioblastik a little pasling and more aggressive systane than other types. This further divided into two varieties, namely hemangioblastic, cerebellar haemangioblastoma similar, and that both hemangiopericytoma. This type hemangiopericytoma really similar to other tissue and is characterized by small, terbungksu cells with many fine blood vessels. Mitosis is common. systane These tumors are more aggressive with a tendency towards recurrence and metastatic spread.
Clinical symptoms of meningiomas depending on the location of the tumor. Paing place often for the growth of such convexity meningioma, sphenoid wing, cerebellopontine angle, parasagittal region, olfactory curves, and tuberculum sellae. The location is not often cerebellar systane convexity, the foramen magnum, and clivus.
Convexity meningiomas may grow larger before it becomes symptomatic / symptomatic. Common complaint is headache. Depending on the area affected, the patient systane may be seizures or focal signs such as weakness or sensory systane loss. Sphenoid wing meningiomas are generally divided into middle and medial third (clinoid). Spenoid lateral and middle third wing meningiomas have similarities in the way convexity meningiomas. Clinoidal meningiomas arising from the medial systane spenoid wing and involving the carotid and cerebral arteries mddle such as the optic nerve and optic tract. In large tumors, frontal and temporal lobes may be depressed. systane Symptoms on optic nerve which is usually used as a reference, but seizures and hemiparesis or perhaps simultaneously. Parasagittal tumors, as the name implies, systane it affects the sagittal systane sinus as the falx and convexity nearby. Tumors arise from the mid position of the sagittal sinus causing seizures and lower extremity weakness or sensory loss due to compression of the base of the sensorimotor systane cortex. Meningioma in the anterior of thirds is more difficult to detect clinically despite greater when first discovered. Signs and symptoms include changes in behavior and possible dementia. Headaches appear systane on both and on meningiomas in general. The tuberculum sellae meningioma indicated by loss of vision. Usually occurs unilaterally. With the progress of symptoms, namely systane loss of sharpness and bilateral panadng field disturbance, which diakitkan with optic nerve atrophy. Meningioma of the olfactory pathways develop in the midline anterior fossa. This area is relatively calm and the tumor will often reach a large size before it is detected. Headache is a common symptom systane and may be a mental change. Meningiomas of the cerebellopontine angle showed the same symptoms with acoustic tumors systane (vide infra). Common symptoms such as hearing systane loss, vertigo, and tinnitus. Other symptoms at this location is directly influenced by the size of the tumor that affects the basal cranial nerves other. As tumors lainny ayng appear in the posterior fossa, these tumors may lead to hydrocephalus which causes an increase in ICT. Preoperative CT scan will reveal hydrocephalus in addition to the meningioma.
The lesion appeared slightly more dense and homogeneous after spreading kontas injected. Such changes easily systane in the evaluation of bone on CT scans. Half of patients with meningiomas are cerebral edema bordering the tumor. At this time may be marked edema and can complicate anesthesia and surgery. Angioraphy often performed in patients with suspected meningioma. Outside the lines supplying the tumor, which is often of the external carotid. This information is useful when extirpation.
Meningiomas occur more frequently in elderly patients and may be a mental change. The differential diagnosis is Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's syndrome. Thus, patients should be treated with levodopa. Orthostatic hypotension and dysrhythmias may be complications in anesthetic action (see chapter 20).
Measures preoperative radiology should be given to ensure two things for the vascular supply and venous sinus meningiomas. Knowing these two things sebelunya create an anesthesiologist get enough blood and nitroprusside given in case of intra-operation.
If possible, patients with meningiomas should be treated with steroids and anticonvulsants. Especially when there is vasogenic edema, which is handling systane durante and post operation difficult. The principle of equal treatment with glioma tumors. Three-point fixation of the head used and the long axis of the tumor is placed pa