Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thyroid control: metabolism, brain development, respiration, heart and nervous function, blood cell

Up here with symptoms ... They are many! This is because the thyroid gland has control over his body. Metabolism occurs in every cell. When metabolism down syndrome is clinically low, thus become the energy supply throughout the body very low. Therefore you get many symptoms that you initially can not connect to each other the foremost man immerses himself down syndrome in this disease. In addition, the symptoms slowly down syndrome over months or years and they are very diffuse. I mean - all is swell tired sometimes! You start to question yourself - maybe I have not trained enough? or maybe I should eat more vegetables? ... So fighting it and trying to feel better - but nothing happens. It's like a race you will never win. Therefore it is so important to listen to your body. If it feels wrong - well then it's something that is wrong!
Here is a list of the most common symptoms of a Hypothyroidism is Primary. In this case, the disease is fully developed where all test results indicate disease. There is much discussion huvida you feel the symptoms of Secondary hypothyroidism (mild hypothyroidism). I'm nobody special drop but I can very well imagine that we know of the biggest symptoms. The most significant symptoms are the terrible fatigue. Next on the list is that the body runs at low speed. The energy is not there to get the body to go around - it freezes and all bodily functions are slow. Symptoms are somsagt many and here I share with you the symptoms that I myself can relate and have an understanding of. The symptoms that are in italics are the most significant along what I've read.
"Energy level" - miserable, deafening and chronic fatigue (could be worst in the morning, down syndrome or that they "crash" in the afternoon), great lethargy, loss of strength, fatigue, weakness, poor visual acuity, sensitivity to sunlight, slurred speech, slow speech, poor hearing, deafness, memory problems, brain fog, mentally dull, poor concentration, dizziness, slow movements and reflexes, lack of coordination, increased need for sleep, insomnia, sleepiness at rest, not more alert of sleep, headaches, migraines Heating control - feeling cold, can not withstand the cold, low body temperature (35.5 to 36), cold hands and feet, decreased sweating ability Digestive organs down syndrome - slow digestion, constipation, decreased down syndrome appetite (hunger), worse renal function Bloodstream - poor blood circulation, tingling and numbness in hands and feet, weak pulse, lower blood pressure than they should have, irregular heartbeat, low blood sugar / hypoglycemia, increased sensitivity to exogenous insulin, high cholesterol, anemia (anemia) Throat, throat and lungs - hoarse, raucous and deep voice, crowded throat when swallowing, sore throat ( feeling of lump, pressure or burning), swollen tongue with teeth marks, choking sensation, difficulty taking a deep breath, breathlessness Female - irregular and long menstrual cycles, prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding, menstrual cramps, pain before menstruation, infertility, emdometrieos (an inflammatory disease) Immune system - impaired function, higher risk of infection (such as the upper respiratory tract and urinary tract infection), increased risk of fungus (eg Candida, also because of the low body temperature) Body - overweight and obesity, weight gain (inexplicable), difficulty down syndrome in losing weight, increased bleeding / bruising, accelerated aging, enlarged tongue with teeth marks, puffiness (myxedema) around; eyes, face, hands, feet, ankles, upper arms, abdomen (ascites) Hair - dry, brittle, hair loss, hard to curl hair, lose the outer third of the eyebrows, decrease in body hair Nails - Dry, brittle, cracked and soft skin - dry and cracked down syndrome skin (mostly heels and hands), rash, wan and pale skin, dark circles under the eyes, muscles and joints - cramping of muscles, myopathy (muscle fibers are not working correctly thus muscle weakness), pain in joints, tendons and muscles Mentally / I brain - Depressivity, decreased sex drive, decreased working capacity, decreased concentration, decreased motivation, apathy, want to be alone, feelings down syndrome of bitterness, lost self-confidence, anxiety, anxiety, depression, mood disorders (mood swings), pseudo-mens (dementia related conditions), dysarthria (speech disorder due to decreased neurological muscle control), craving for salt (iodine), cravings for simple carbohydrates down syndrome such as sugar (for fast energy), decreased down syndrome appetite (hunger)
Thyroid control: metabolism, brain development, respiration, heart and nervous function, blood cells, muscle and bone strength, body temperature, menstrual cycles, weight, cholesterol levels and skin hydration. The thyroid controls metabolism - that is, the formation and decomposition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
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