I considered trying to write a humorous post about this but right now, sitting on the couch with three brand new, aching hole in your stomach that dwells in bloody bandages, so I do not see the humor in it all. Hypotyreosen feels like a burden but still a manageable one, anyways so I obviously can joke about it. This post is probably the most heartfelt post to date and I apologize for the ill layup. Hopefully the humor come later, when it has fallen into.
Today it was time for the next round and one can atleast say that the 25 tubes of blood drawn so fa not been in vain. There had been talk briefly glucose tolerance test about a possible keyhole surgery but I heard nothing more about it until a tantalura rang up for a week and a half ago and equalized in the receiver that I would select a date. Just like that. Suddenly, I was dressed in flimsy knee socks and one of those linen that is open in the back of a bare dressing room and after waiting a while I was led to the operating room. Once there, I got tillochmed leave the panties from me and the anxiety glowed in my whole being. Five nurses cared much, looked at me with sympathetic and warm eyes but it did not help. Tears rolled down the sides of the face-down in the ears after I put on the table and I had to swallow glucose tolerance test hard to push away the panic that spread in the body. Electrodes were glued onto the chest and collarbone while a muscle glucose tolerance test movement gauges were put on the same hand that had a needle taped and painkillers, anti-nausea and late anesthetic pumped out through the needle. glucose tolerance test Breathed on orders deep in an oxygen mask, and the next feeling I perceived was step into a corridor and how the bunk I was on with a rocking motion stopped. It hurt on my stomach, I felt sick and the feeling seemed glucose tolerance test to be remarkably similar to the times I tried to sleep my way through a proper hangover accompanied with an edited menstrual cramps. The needle in the hand cut as I moved lazily and the room was spinning. A nurse patted me. Did not want to wake up but could not rest.
When I few hours later nausea and convulsively glucose tolerance test gripping a sick bag was told that I was suffering from endometriosis handball with characteristic adhesions between the uterus and the peritoneum and the disease persists in the abdomen heart fell down and did the heinous tingestarna company.
In just one week I have been transformed from an undiagnosed, non archives slow person to a woman with typical hidden women's health, and thus doomed to treatments, side effects and consequences for most of my remaining life. The anesthesiologist pointed out earlier is that "I have read your journal but it is not so much in it," and I could not feel anything but I longed to return to that time in a way that I never coveted anything in my entire life. Three years after I sought help for the first time and become recurrent turned away with "It's normal to have pain in the menstrual cycle"-bullshit, I got black and white that there is something wrong with me - for real. I will not dwell on thoughts of things could have been easier if I had been taken seriously glucose tolerance test for the first time, done is done. I think the only reason glucose tolerance test why I even talk about it here for you all is that maybe I can help someone glucose tolerance test to not take that kind of idiotic response in three years of health care. It IS not normal to have pain. For my part, after this procedure, so should the direct pain can be remedied by means of the combustion appliances and it will be interesting to see if I for the first time in four years can get to be pain free for more than two days at a time.
Hello! Have just found your blog and just have to say that you write terribly good. Long but still readable and interesting. Then I want to say good luck with everything, hope you feel better soon!
Welcome Jimmy! And thank you, it's so fun to write Thank you for kind words, I hope that it anyways will feel better when you know what it is and that it is possible to do something about it even if the treatments is not exactly something to hang on the Christmas tree !
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Welcome! My name Ellet and here chumps and dramatizes I need to .. yes, it is fun. I live with my partner in a townhouse that is dubbed the Golden boob. I am a left-handed, introverted, individualistic, metal listening terraced housing anti-white interiors advocacy archeology loving northerner who relegated to the outer corners of Västergötland. If you need to contact me by mail: ellet at ellets.se Hope you enjoy, have a cookie! And remember, it is
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