Emphysema, lichen planus diseases emphysema, emphysema Naturist Treatment, Remedy emphysema, How to treat emphysema, emphysema medicinal paste emphysema, pulmonary emphysema Children, Elderly emphysema, pulmonary emphysema Adults, Infants lichen planus emphysema
Emphysema is a condition characterized by distended alveoli, alveolar septa atrophy and increased lung air content. There are several clinical forms: bullous emphysema is a localized form, characterized by single or multiple bubbles highlight of which are the result of bronchial obstruction, rupture of alveolar walls. Compensatory lichen planus emphysema is also a localized form, which occurs in the vicinity of lung injury (parenchymal resections etc.)
Emphysema senile involution is a physiological condition common in older people. Obstructive emphysema that is emphysema - the disease is a permanent dilation of alveoli, generalized, diffuse and progressive Accompany it with the time for serious complications and irreversible. This is an embodiment will be described. Etiology: disease occurs more frequently after age 50, usually in men after obstructive airway disease, which makes airflow obstacles: chronic bronchitis, asthma, chronic tuberculous lesions, pneumoconiosis. Constitutional factor may act by weakening congenital lichen planus lung tissue elastic conjuctivo. Mentioned factors increase lung air content and lead to loss of lung elsticitatii with pulmonary capillary rupture. Pathology: lungs are distended, enlarged alveoli with thin walls are easily breaking and forming bubbles. Often there is a bronchial infection. Right heart is enlarged. Symptoms: The onset is insidious, with cough, at first dry, then with expetoratie and exertional dyspnea expiratory character. dyspnea at rest appears only in advanced stages. Repeated bronchitis, which generally occur in winter, is the first clinical manifestation. The accompanying time, dyspnea and wheezing. During the state, expiratory force is diminished. in severe stages, patients fail to extinguish a lit match at some distance (5 cm). Patient is often characteristic appearance: pale face, with cyanosis of the lips and cheeks, short neck, and muscle mass turgid jugular neck relief. On inspection it is found that the thorax is globose, barrel-shaped lichen planus (with two enlarged diameter), ribs and leveled more prolonged exhalation. Inspiration is short and expiration prolonged wheezing. Exploring respiratory function, show an increase in residual volume, a decrease in maximal expiratory flow decrease in FEV mainly and vital capacity in secondary (obstructive ventilatory dysfunction). Evolution: Evolution is slow and progressive emphysema, appearing numerous complications: chronic bronchitis, bronchial dilatation, and finally spontaneous pneumothorax, respiratory failure and right heart failure (cor pulmonale chronic).
Emphysema lichen planus is increasing lung alveoli lung expansion due to destruction of part of the lung tissue elastic elements + + interstitial sclerosis right side of the heart failure, mainly due to chronic bronchitis.
Is due in most cases, like cardiac asthma and thyroid disease, liver cranky (upward pressure bronchi leading to the growth of the liver, lungs and heart), thyroid dysregulation and, not least, silicosis (from inhalation of dusts containing silica). Emphysema is also due and pertussis. The ancients often seen in glassblowers and old singers. lichen planus
Respiratory surface of the lungs shrink, interstitial sclerosis causes some alveoli are destroyed along with the capillaries in this area. In advanced stages of emphysema lung ischemia appears so.
Besides chronic bronchitis, emphysema favors other diseases: asthma extended pneumoconiaze, mechanical supradestinderea the glass blowers lichen planus to music when wind instruments, removing a portion of the lung. Emphysema occurs mostly in older men who have dyspnea, cyanosis face.
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