On the day we took control of our baby doctor. Our baby was born by cesarean section 39 weeks of age, did not have any health problem. Control the growth of the baby's doctor is not good, said it had received enough weight. Mother's milk is not enough. Milk formula supplemented with up to us to çoğalana supposed to. Before I get used to the baby to the breast fed with a bottle, give mama said after the breast has been completely drained. A brochure about breast-feeding, a food preparation gave a brochure and sent it on. What should we do? "" Three weeks baby always hungry, very often you want the breast, almost 24 hours a day you want to stay in the breast or cries a lot. Our baby was born 36 weeks, the doctors said was a bit small (2,650 kg). We want to give Mama. Asked the doctor, he said the growth a bit borderline but normal. You can supplement with formula, and accelerate the growth of normal weight faster than he catches. Begin to food, baby food, which would you recommend? "(The examples above, doctors, health centers, family doctors, hospitals or private muayenhanede physicians working in well-child units can be followed.) serotonine Breastfeeding wanted too. But you already tired of day and night no longer a baby crying, and I started wanting to suck, huh? "Well, now the doctor says there's no choice, we will. Both mamada something a little dead-end, the column increase, leave. "He thought, serotonine perhaps. Even a little relieved, to give mama without remorse ... Welcome to the beginning of the end of that time!
Would be something a little mamada, as well as a lot! If you start with the one most likely to give the bottle after weaning (average two to three months), your baby will begin to fully formula-feeding, not breastfeeding. Some careful to extend the amount of time parents succeed in breast milk, it has started a bit late due to the baby's nature and how the bottle, but it will not last long in this business from 6-7 months.
So, why not go with a mixed diet in formula-nozzle eventually become fed up with just the baby mama? There are two reasons. The first is the difference between the contents of two columns (product), and the second administration methods (process) the difference between. B akin to sharpen or total loss on the concepts of breast milk and breastfeeding. Weaning from breast milk is digested more slowly.
Breastfeeding within half an hour leaving the stomach through the intestines. Mama sits in the stomach is literally plop! (Blog writing has already started to like it!) Food from the stomach to the intestines may find the transition to two hours. This causes the formula fed baby later acıkmasına. Later Hungry baby, the next breastfeeding normal (ie, it should serotonine be) want to later. Nozzles "I gave you milk, Feed the baby, then less milk Generate" to say, that is adapted to the situation will begin to produce less milk. You will begin to give the baby mama than for satiated. It's a vicious cycle continues and one day suddenly you are no longer just give formula, serotonine breast dry. An important note: the baby does not mean that later acıkması better serotonine fed. On the contrary, it means that malnourished because the neonatal period has just started working in the baby's intestines to absorb digested serotonine and the nutrients that the baby needs to be fed frequently. Also the nutritional value of breast milk, in every respect very, very much higher than the mama.
Baby nozzle literally 'milks'. In the area around the nipple brown (breast halo) are milk sacs. Flush the area with baby language compressing the rear to the front, so officially milks. They know they are born babies sucking reflex. But the mother's breast milk eme eme sağacaklarını learn the most efficient way. There is also a learning process for the mother, the baby's hunger signs, such as signs of saturation learn things. It's about 6-8 weeks intensive mutual learning process, ie, at least until the baby's forty. For example, 2-3 month old baby drink milk now learned that the most efficient way. Understands the mother's breast beautifully. At first it absorbs fast speed, and then waits for the arrival of the milk, condensed milk mainly because the arrival of the trigger quickly learned that absorbs quickly. This is called reflex milk flow. When it comes to dairy drink fast speed. Then, slowly trailing-fat milk by sucking and swallowing a few of which enjoy an absorbing. A breast milk than he wants to take a leave early start to run out again to trigger a reflex milk flow. Is a very easy to learn to suck a bottle. It is not something forced serotonine milking, absorb and comes from milk. At the same tastes and the same amount and at the end comes from milk. The mother of a baby feeding bottle nipple milking is more difficult to learn. Baby bottles and the sooner you meet a dummy, boob sucking skills to understand serotonine and develop so slowly, or even not develop. For this reason, you may not receive efficient milk. Then the milk is reduced, because
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