Sunday, November 24, 2013

I had symptoms gestational diabetes such as: fatigue, weakness, dry skin, dry hair and digestive pr

Introduction I am not a professional writer. Nor am I a doctor, a medical researcher or a biochemist. I am simply a man who has seen his life derailed by thyroid disease and at the same time suffered for many years of ineffective treatment with thyroid hormone (synthetic T4, known as Levaxin in Sweden). I managed to eventually regain my health and getting my life back through research, determination and effort with other treatments. The critical part of my recovery involved gestational diabetes the use of an accessible, rarely prescribed thyroid hormone, known mostly through its simplified name - T3. The correct name of this naturally produced hormone is triiodothyronine and its synthetic counterpart called Liothyronine (known as Liothyronin or "Lio" in Sweden). T3 is the biologically gestational diabetes active form of thyroid hormone, and at the cellular level is the T3 thyroid hormone that keeps us healthy.
During my recovery process, I learned to use thyroid medication with T3 in a proper and safe manner. Many doctors are taught that the only necessary medication with thyroid hormone is levothyroxine (synthetic T4 or Levaxin, as it is called in Sweden) and they will not print T3 (Lio). For some patients with thyroid disorders may be the only T3 thyroid hormone that makes it possible for them to regain their health. Some doctors also fear the use of T3 because they mistakenly believe it causes problems such as high pulse or osteoporosis. gestational diabetes T3 can cause problems, which all thyroid hormones can, but invariably caused problems of misuse. Another medical myth is that blood sampling of thyroid hormones always shows the actual hormonal activity. In reality, gestational diabetes measuring only the levels of thyroid hormones that circulate gestational diabetes in the blood and provides no insight into the effectiveness of these thyroid hormones gestational diabetes are inside our cells. There are those myths and the lack of a wider range of available treatments with thyroid hormones which relegates thousands of thyroid gestational diabetes patients in a permanent gestational diabetes hell of hypothyroidism. gestational diabetes
Treatment with T3 alone is sometimes required because some problems can occur at the cellular level so that other thyroid medications can not correct it. In my own case was T3 my rescue.
My thyroid problems and recovery I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, when I was about 30. I got thyroid medication with T4 (corresponding Levaxin) and they told me it would fix all of my symptoms, but the symptoms persisted. I finally reached a point in my illness when I got thyroid gestational diabetes and adrenal disease. I had lost over a third of my body weight and I fainted due to low blood pressure. I was nearly crippled and slept 4-6 hours during the day, except gestational diabetes that I also slept at night. I could barely walk upright and walking up stairs was difficult. My career was lost, and in many ways it was very hard for my family.
During my illness, I received synthetic medicine with T4 (Levaxin) for about six years but my health continued to deteriorate. It did not correct my symptoms but my results of laboratory tests of TSH, FT4 and FT3 were improved and were all within the laboratory frame of reference gestational diabetes for this treatment. Eventually stopped treatment with T4 and I got to try medication with natural dried thyroid hormone. When this does not work I was prescribed synthetic T4 together with synthetic T3 (Levaxin and Lio).
I had symptoms gestational diabetes such as: fatigue, weakness, dry skin, dry hair and digestive problems. My brain felt like it was in a fog, I could not think clearly and had low blood pressure. At the beginning of my illness, I had gained gestational diabetes a lot of weight, but since part adrenal insufficiency became a part of my problem, I lost weight, became weaker and began to swoon.
I finally got printed T3 (Lio) alone and then I started to get better, but it took me three years to start learning how to use T3 properly. In total, it took me 10 years to recover me from the beginning

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