Saturday, November 30, 2013

TSH level is one reason often lower in summer and higher in winter. May have to do with vitamin D l

TSH level (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) is the first thing you check when you suspect a thyroid disorder. It acts as a signal from the pituitary to the thyroid bladder infection symptoms gland that tells the thyroid how very faster / slower it to produce thyroid bladder infection symptoms hormones T3 and T4. In primary TSH Hypothyroidism is an abnormally high level when the brain screams at the thyroid to produce more. Unfortunately, not thyroid capacity to do this without sending it out as much T3 and T4 (thyroid hormone), it can only give out - which is far too little.
TSH level is one reason often lower in summer and higher in winter. May have to do with vitamin D levels (more on that coming soon). bladder infection symptoms Typically, TSH levels longer during the day and higher at night. The higher the TSH the slower bladder infection symptoms metabolic rate and the lower the TSH - the higher bladder infection symptoms metabolism have.
Scientists and doctors disagree on what is considered to be within normal levels. From what I've read is the normal value of 0.3-2.5. In contrast, mean certain doctors a value should not exceed 2 - others say the third
It is important to note that TSH level may be within the normal even for those with hypothyroidism. There are different types of the disease (such as subclinical). Therefore, it is important to take all samples T3, T4, TPO, Tg and TRAK (antibodies against the thyroid gland). For me personally, I was initially a blood test for TSH level was found to be at 12. Then I had to go back to take the rest of the sample where the evidence showed that I had the autoimuna variant of Hypothyroidism. Other words this is Hashimoto diseace or primary hypothyroidism. Here's a great youtube video showing the interaction between TSH, T3 and T4

Friday, November 29, 2013

I run no patients with diabetes, it is centralized to the children

E-health - the county councils on the right path? - Stockholm
Advanced training in clinical ECG interpretation. - Stockholm
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10:25 "It's two steps forward and one back" 28-11 Student believes that apps can simplify everyday 21-11 They may build New Karolinska it 21-11 soon open Caregiver Guide 15-11 Thousands could see sensitive info
41 Comments Send "onclick =" return Type 2 and dried pig thyroid ') "target =" _blank "title =" Share on Twitter ">" onclick = "return Type 2 and dried pig thyroid ') "target =" _blank "title =" Share on Facebook maternity allowance ">
Diabetes actually means only urinating a lot, but you just say diabetes, it is understood that what is meant is diabetes mellitus, maternity allowance the patient urinates large amounts of honey-sweet maternity allowance urine. (Unlike the extremely dilute urine in diabetes insipidus, who has nothing with diabetes to do.) Pediatricians are most preoccupied with DM type 1, an autoimmune disease in which the body itself attacks the beta cells in the pancreas insualæ. DM type 1 is caused by insulin deficiency, and can not currently be treated in any other way than to deliver maternity allowance insulin.
Age, Diabetes, or rather DM type 2, is quite another. Here, there is no shortage of insulin, on the contrary, insulin levels high, but the generally overweight body cells do not respond normally. The treatment is preferably a life adjustment, in the alternative oral medications and ultimately insulin.
I run no patients with diabetes, it is centralized to the children's hospital, so the only hormone deficiency I deal with on your own is hypothyroidism, thyroid hormone deficiencies. (I do not count bedwetting as ADH deficiency, although those who wets the bed sometimes given anti-diuretic hormone therapy).
Average hypothyroidism is fairly easy to diagnose. Unless thyroid maternity allowance dryers produce hormone responsive pituitary gland head and whips the thyroid with rising levels of TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone. I check TSH on broad indications, everyone maternity allowance with poor growth in height and all who are weary and depressed. For the few patients I find prescribed Levaxin, thyroid hormone T4, and we dispense so that TSH becomes moderately depressed again.
Most people who are frozen, exhausted, depressed, impotent, constipated, who feels puffy with frizzy hair, they have unfortunately not hypothyroidism, they do not have hormone problems that can easily be solved with pills. Or they can have it anyway? maternity allowance Can they have a disease in which TSH is normal even though there still exists a relative deficiency of thyroid hormone - is there a sort of hypothyroidism type 2?
(There are rare central hypothyroidism who do not have high TSH values, where the problem is contrary to the pituitary gland does not work and creates too little of TSH, often too little even of other pituitary maternity allowance hormones. But we leave pituitary outside this discussion.)
Hypothyroidism Type 2 was never mentioned in my old textbooks, and do not make it in today's training either. maternity allowance Hypothyroidism Type 2 is a non-recognized fashion diagnosis who live their own lives in a gray area outside of conventional medicine, widely believed by people who are happy to have been a "real" declaration of private laboratories to help with the "diagnosis" and of a few doctors who are on the wrong track. It begins gradually maternity allowance to learn about hypo2 in magazines and tabloids.
As early as 1891 began to treat hypothyroidism with dried thyroid glands from different animals, in 1926 synthesized T4 for the first time and then it was easier to administer. It teaches rare are occasional patients who are less able to convert the prohormone T4 to the outside of the body active version of the hormone, T3. Within hypotyreos2 network will want to be treated with either T3 or more often they are not as standardized fashioned pig thyroid preparations containing T3: T4 ratio of approximately 1:4. Such preparations are available maternity allowance upon license is Armour Thyroid.
On the web, this population active in clubs and on many blogs. There is a group on Faceboook called "Stop the mistreatment of hypothyroidism." A googling maternity allowance of hypothyroidism type 2 provides over 10,000 Swedish hits. Many patients are convinced that the doctors who are trying to investigate and treat as usual, severe underdiagnostiserar. Thyroid Association has in an attempt to influence doctors developed its own variant of the memo Stockholm primary care. Compare the official on with patient association variant. The blogs are discussing the patients their symptoms, suggests another type of investigation and treatment. And putting out lists of Swedish doctor who wrote the license on Armour Thyroid.
I think many of my colleagues who have sought a license to pig thyroid has done this on humanitarian grounds, for a

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Moms on TV :-) Breastfeeding, vih the constant debate! Students from Massena to Montauk, from Platt

Hypothyroidism | Dance Loge Hill Wow what a Saturday. Baptism for a girl friend in the morning and then home and rest a little while ago in the road on the 40 year anniversary for Tottes sisters husband. Baptism each on an island so we [...] "/>
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Moms on TV :-) Breastfeeding, vih the constant debate! Students from Massena to Montauk, from Plattsburgh to Poughkeepsie just took the New York State English vih exam. The exam, created by the education giant Pearson, featured passages and questions That required the test taker to be able to comprehend and analyze them. This was no small feat to my Julia
The glossy stone. Joe displays it for everyone. She e so proud that she can climb up o down myself! href = ""> Wow, what a Saturday. Baptism for a girl friend in the morning and then home and rest a little while ago in the road on the 40 year anniversary for Tottes sisters husband. Baptism each on an island so we went first boat we jumped in TORHAMN 9:40. Joe o o Sigge teased played as normal ochSvea was so happy looped throughout the day. Alicia was oxå in a good mood ... she e cold yet so go o happy. We bought a book drop from the brand pumkin. Now take as I have said Alicia pacifier and I can now anesthetize her by running her in the stroller. Absolutely wonderful .. she has changed the pattern from sleeping about two times per day with a maximum of 30 my bedtime to sleep about four times per day with usually one hour of sleep time (but the email a little different sometimes only 30 minutes but can oxå be 2 hours ) clearly notice when she starts to get tired. Itching eyes, yawning, whining little o no fun. That changed at the age of 4 months weekend on the 24/8. Then she took the pacifier at last with.
Freya slept with my sister when we were at the party. We were thinking and did not stay long at the party for Alicia e cold and then we knew that the party would be entitled JOCUND late we were tired after a full day! But Freya still chose to sleep with cousins and they had been so cozy with barbecues, play o movie. The following day they went to the playground then picked Tottenham and got to take home a fabulous vih apple cake. Mumms .. thanks vih sister-sister . I did great clean and wash up a little laundry.
Husstatusen?! Now, the last rooms had their wallpaper! Ours, Alicia and Shared room. On so pleased we email with our choices! Should the o shoot late and outsourcing. Rooted up some clothes in a size 68 and 74 as Freya had. O so funny o see them again .. blah hello kitty chips jacket that yes love. Although a wind jacket that will be perfect now in regnrusket. Now they feel that autumn is coming. But should be cozy o be lit some candles vih and put on nightwear. Will miss the summer but it's been absolutely wonderful and warm so now say yes actually welcome autumn! This week, put it on the new mom group of Sandra's Alicia bvcsköterska, kindergarten, submit blood for Freya hypothyroidism as they discovered thanks to pku test they do on bb in the head. So Freya takes Levaxin vih every night and has done since she was four days old. In the stomach, she got in the hormone from me but then there she needs to take hormone pills. Another form that has been with thyroid goiter is that one can get in old age. Freya's kind means her thyroid is underactive, so she has to take hormone pills to get even level on sköldkörtel.Freja has thus not affected by it but have always been taking the hormone. she is just as she should be. well they like that tests so they discovered time! The risk of getting hypothyroidism is not great but there is a small percentage and the percentage got our girl. But we e so happy and have never been any problems vih .. She takes his tablet and is tested twice a year, so the hormone vih level is good. The doctors here did not know much and enjoyed reading and asking others for they had no experience. Doctors say blah that you do not know why kids get it. such as e they just. So this week it's vih a small finger stick (baby-they take in your head) then they sent for answer. Call us o tell if it is good or whether we should increase the dose. How she got into the tablet as baby-crushed tablet in a spoon with a spoon and then mix with milk and pull up into a syringe and then she got suttat in it. Now she gets it in his hand o swallows, never been any worries. Not fun o take fingerstick vih but it's fun to play in the children's section and you get a tattoo or so after :). she s so brave, clever vih o durable our little stumpa .
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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thyroid control: metabolism, brain development, respiration, heart and nervous function, blood cell

Up here with symptoms ... They are many! This is because the thyroid gland has control over his body. Metabolism occurs in every cell. When metabolism down syndrome is clinically low, thus become the energy supply throughout the body very low. Therefore you get many symptoms that you initially can not connect to each other the foremost man immerses himself down syndrome in this disease. In addition, the symptoms slowly down syndrome over months or years and they are very diffuse. I mean - all is swell tired sometimes! You start to question yourself - maybe I have not trained enough? or maybe I should eat more vegetables? ... So fighting it and trying to feel better - but nothing happens. It's like a race you will never win. Therefore it is so important to listen to your body. If it feels wrong - well then it's something that is wrong!
Here is a list of the most common symptoms of a Hypothyroidism is Primary. In this case, the disease is fully developed where all test results indicate disease. There is much discussion huvida you feel the symptoms of Secondary hypothyroidism (mild hypothyroidism). I'm nobody special drop but I can very well imagine that we know of the biggest symptoms. The most significant symptoms are the terrible fatigue. Next on the list is that the body runs at low speed. The energy is not there to get the body to go around - it freezes and all bodily functions are slow. Symptoms are somsagt many and here I share with you the symptoms that I myself can relate and have an understanding of. The symptoms that are in italics are the most significant along what I've read.
"Energy level" - miserable, deafening and chronic fatigue (could be worst in the morning, down syndrome or that they "crash" in the afternoon), great lethargy, loss of strength, fatigue, weakness, poor visual acuity, sensitivity to sunlight, slurred speech, slow speech, poor hearing, deafness, memory problems, brain fog, mentally dull, poor concentration, dizziness, slow movements and reflexes, lack of coordination, increased need for sleep, insomnia, sleepiness at rest, not more alert of sleep, headaches, migraines Heating control - feeling cold, can not withstand the cold, low body temperature (35.5 to 36), cold hands and feet, decreased sweating ability Digestive organs down syndrome - slow digestion, constipation, decreased down syndrome appetite (hunger), worse renal function Bloodstream - poor blood circulation, tingling and numbness in hands and feet, weak pulse, lower blood pressure than they should have, irregular heartbeat, low blood sugar / hypoglycemia, increased sensitivity to exogenous insulin, high cholesterol, anemia (anemia) Throat, throat and lungs - hoarse, raucous and deep voice, crowded throat when swallowing, sore throat ( feeling of lump, pressure or burning), swollen tongue with teeth marks, choking sensation, difficulty taking a deep breath, breathlessness Female - irregular and long menstrual cycles, prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding, menstrual cramps, pain before menstruation, infertility, emdometrieos (an inflammatory disease) Immune system - impaired function, higher risk of infection (such as the upper respiratory tract and urinary tract infection), increased risk of fungus (eg Candida, also because of the low body temperature) Body - overweight and obesity, weight gain (inexplicable), difficulty down syndrome in losing weight, increased bleeding / bruising, accelerated aging, enlarged tongue with teeth marks, puffiness (myxedema) around; eyes, face, hands, feet, ankles, upper arms, abdomen (ascites) Hair - dry, brittle, hair loss, hard to curl hair, lose the outer third of the eyebrows, decrease in body hair Nails - Dry, brittle, cracked and soft skin - dry and cracked down syndrome skin (mostly heels and hands), rash, wan and pale skin, dark circles under the eyes, muscles and joints - cramping of muscles, myopathy (muscle fibers are not working correctly thus muscle weakness), pain in joints, tendons and muscles Mentally / I brain - Depressivity, decreased sex drive, decreased working capacity, decreased concentration, decreased motivation, apathy, want to be alone, feelings down syndrome of bitterness, lost self-confidence, anxiety, anxiety, depression, mood disorders (mood swings), pseudo-mens (dementia related conditions), dysarthria (speech disorder due to decreased neurological muscle control), craving for salt (iodine), cravings for simple carbohydrates down syndrome such as sugar (for fast energy), decreased down syndrome appetite (hunger)
Thyroid control: metabolism, brain development, respiration, heart and nervous function, blood cells, muscle and bone strength, body temperature, menstrual cycles, weight, cholesterol levels and skin hydration. The thyroid controls metabolism - that is, the formation and decomposition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
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I live, I breathe, I work, I work, and more than that it will not. I have not really recovered me f

I live, I breathe, I work, I work, and more than that it will not. I have not really recovered me from the news I got a week ago. I have Hypothyroidism and should be treated with Levaxin forever! This announcement got me on paper with no opportunity to ask questions about what it really means. I had to read me the information about the state and how the medication works. What makes me the most frustrated is that doctors already a year ago had my low values in black and white. Values were outside the reference values, yet neglected. The low values along with MY illness narrative (description of my symptoms) compeed really gave a clear picture of what was wrong, but still it was not taken seriously.
I do not know how long I had "hypo" really, but probably a longer period if I take into account the symptoms compeed that existed, to come and progressively worsened over the years, especially over the last year. The recent period compeed has also characteristic symptoms compeed of fatigue occurred and escalated (which in turn may be a symptom of "Hypo"). These symptoms I have of course ignored because "I am made of steel" until then that it was inevitable. When I noticed that I lost the words, forgot about sentences and among the very purpose compeed of my call. When the irritation and mood swings got worse and becoming more frequent. When performance deteriorated significantly in all I took me, both physically and mentally and when fatigue became so extreme that it hard to stay awake when the body was not moving or when it required the focus and concentration. compeed However, all this turmoil has been an awakening and everything has now become so clear. My extreme fatigue, my decreased sweat production (during training), extreme "cold sweat" during compeed the night, my extremely low blood pressure (90/60), low body temperature (35.7), memory problems, slow-witted, poor eyesight, emotionally unstable compeed and my social isolation all have been signs that the body is not able to do more. Since I however is strong in the psyche have neglected all signals while body collapsed more and more. However, I started to get really scared when my sleep was affected and I had trouble compeed sleeping. This has never ever been a problem for me and after a period of sleep disorders such echoes Peter Währborgs words in my head when my night sleep is interrupted for the fourth time, "When it has gone so far that you do not get your deep sleep so it goes very fast performing"
I have been afraid. I've been crying compeed like a child and I have accused myself over and over again. For unfortunately, I am aware of how I pushed my body over the past five years and now I'm talking not only about training but also other factors around the surrounding. My ambition and my driving has contributed to many positive aspects in my development, but has also resulted in me never stops, not even when it is flashing red! However, there is this sense of purpose still remains in me and will help me to become the energetic and well-Linda as I once was. The Linda who did not have to make an effort to be friendly and social. The Linda who always had laughs and had significantly longer fuse than today. The Linda who had a high tolerance level, high creativity and above all a high level of happiness and motivation. compeed
Finely written! Nice to have that confirmed Unfortunately, society today healthy until one has become sick / had a diagnosis. But remember that you are still the same nice man inside the diagnosis and let it not be to much power over your future life Keep it nice!
Wow, what a pain! But how lucky you finally got help, it sounds awful! Although the course is not fun to have hypothyroidism, so you know that now what it is and can work on getting back. Hope you feel better soon! Hug
But the poor thing What sad to hear that you felt this way. But good that you have got help and got everything confirmed. Not fun at all with the thyroid as knasar, have friends who have the same problem and they get tablets etc.
Linda, I become quite teary-eyed when I read this Poor you what all you had to go through. compeed Unfortunately, it's more common than you think. Have friends and close family members who had to struggle to get a diagnosis of a thyroid compeed disorder. How can that be? One just wonders. I'm glad you now have medicine and I hope that one day you are back to your normal self.
Oh no what a shame to read that you feel so bad. Really suffering with you. Stay up now and let your body get take time to repair itself. Hope the medicine starts to help and you will return to your true self. So maybe we will even get you back in the blogosphere since Fight on!
Oh no so sad! You seem to be a fighter so I have no doubt that you wage war on, but a shame that you have had to fight an uphill battle for so long. The förtjän

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hand in hand - how do we care love their IT systems? - Stockholm down s syndrome

Hand in hand - how do we care love their IT systems? - Stockholm down s syndrome
Can Swedish down s syndrome primary care be the best in the world? - Stockholm
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122 Comment Send "onclick =" return physicians treating "hypothyroidism =" "type =" "2 =" ') "target =" _blank "title =" Share on Twitter ">" onclick = "return physicians treating down s syndrome "hypothyroidism down s syndrome =" "type =" "2 =" ') "target =" _blank "title =" Share on Facebook down s syndrome ">
All the doctors have been trained in diabetes mellitus type 2. But most Swedish doctors have never heard of hypothyroidism type 2. Those who heard about it (before they read this blog) has probably been introduced for the diagnosis of any patient who put it on himself, and desired treatment despite down s syndrome normal levels of TSH and free T4.
I've looked online and found a Finnish and a few Swedish doctor who, despite a lack of scientific studies nevertheless believe that the diagnosis hypo2 there. (Number of articles in credible journals down s syndrome is equal to zero.) As I understand the reasons for those colleagues diagnosed only with the patient's down s syndrome reported symptoms, or by squeezing the upper arm and discover what it regards as myxedema, or by sending samples to Scandlab for a urine analysis T3/T4 for 1895 crowns. (This is not a test that is used by hospitals endocrinologists).
Some doctors experiment with their own normal limits of TSH, and consider values above 2.5 as high. I have learned that when a woman with true hypothyroidism ("type 1") becomes pregnant, the man any dose up Levaxin and aim for TSH below 2.5 to be completely on the safe side so that the fetal brain are guaranteed not to get too little hormone. But it is not this low boundary used for purposes of diagnosis in the initial round.
Bo Wikland down s syndrome who have reception on Läkarhuset at Haymarket teaches according to the interview on an online magazine consider 2.5 as the normal down s syndrome limit of TSH, and the patient reports symptoms consistent with hypothyroidism he recommends proceeding with antibody assays and / or fine needle biopsy even with normal TSH. If you find that any sign of autoimmunity would warrant treatment, as in this patient, who wrote in an online forum 2009-04-02:
"After a general review of some symptoms down s syndrome and blood pressure measurement, we reviewed blood samples taken last time at Sophia Hospital. down s syndrome It was found that all samples were normal ... except that antibodies (Tg-ak) had a value of 100 where the reference is <4.1! May I say YES!? According to Bo's task mean Welfare that you never insert Levaxin if TSH, f-T4, f-T3 is within the frame of reference, and if I understood correctly regardless of symptoms. Bo seems to be disagreed (who's surprised), and suggests that elevated levels of antibodies nevertheless suggests down s syndrome that something is wrong. Well it was somehow justification to print Levaxin on trial for 6 weeks to see if I feel better. "
According to Professor Ernst Nystrom who writes on the Internet Medical is up to 20% of healthy women who have anti-TPO while "only" 2-3% develop hypothyroidism. Detectable down s syndrome autoantibodies is not necessarily associated with disease. Anti-TG down s syndrome (thyroglobulin) think Nystrom is not indicated in hypotyreosutredningen, down s syndrome anti-TG measured what I understand, mainly when you want to safely determine the TG level at follow-up of thyroid down s syndrome cancer (but I may be wrong, it's not a test I usually take on any of my patients).
Some Swedish patients who can not get their usual doctor to believe down s syndrome in hypothyroidism, or who can not get the doctor to write out dried pig thyroid instead of Levaxin turn to a doctor in Finland. Karin Munsterhjelm Ekenäs is a general practitioner, but seems partly outside conventional medicine with the treatment of amalgam illness, electrical hypersensitivity, hypothyroidism type 2 and a belief down s syndrome ortomolekylärmedicin (where she understands what I expect porcine thyroid).
According Helsingborgs Dagblad is a general practitioner in Angelholm who says that hypothyroidism is a common disease and refers to reports that 40-50% of people in the U.S. suffer from low metabolism. Either "Hypothyroidism Type 1, which can be determined by blood tests, or the more hidden variant, type 2, which is not seen in blood tests because the fault lies at the cellular level."
The same thoughts expressed by a professor down s syndrome Karl E Arfors: "The down s syndrome value of TSH is perhaps the primary hypothyroidism - but not in hypothyroidism type 2 - which is a conversion problem in the peripheral tissue - when usually not enough T3 formed." Professor Arfors seems to mean that half of Swedish women over 40 years should receive supplemental down s syndrome thyroid hormone T3. Arfors think I'm not working down s syndrome clinically, down s syndrome and the antroposofiske doctor Einar Berg can no longer write a few recipes, but he lectures at Scandlab of hypothyroidism type 2. <

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I considered trying to write a humorous post about this but right now, sitting on the couch with three brand new, aching hole in your stomach that dwells in bloody bandages, so I do not see the humor in it all. Hypotyreosen feels like a burden but still a manageable one, anyways so I obviously can joke about it. This post is probably the most heartfelt post to date and I apologize for the ill layup. Hopefully the humor come later, when it has fallen into.
Today it was time for the next round and one can atleast say that the 25 tubes of blood drawn so fa not been in vain. There had been talk briefly glucose tolerance test about a possible keyhole surgery but I heard nothing more about it until a tantalura rang up for a week and a half ago and equalized in the receiver that I would select a date. Just like that. Suddenly, I was dressed in flimsy knee socks and one of those linen that is open in the back of a bare dressing room and after waiting a while I was led to the operating room. Once there, I got tillochmed leave the panties from me and the anxiety glowed in my whole being. Five nurses cared much, looked at me with sympathetic and warm eyes but it did not help. Tears rolled down the sides of the face-down in the ears after I put on the table and I had to swallow glucose tolerance test hard to push away the panic that spread in the body. Electrodes were glued onto the chest and collarbone while a muscle glucose tolerance test movement gauges were put on the same hand that had a needle taped and painkillers, anti-nausea and late anesthetic pumped out through the needle. glucose tolerance test Breathed on orders deep in an oxygen mask, and the next feeling I perceived was step into a corridor and how the bunk I was on with a rocking motion stopped. It hurt on my stomach, I felt sick and the feeling seemed glucose tolerance test to be remarkably similar to the times I tried to sleep my way through a proper hangover accompanied with an edited menstrual cramps. The needle in the hand cut as I moved lazily and the room was spinning. A nurse patted me. Did not want to wake up but could not rest.
When I few hours later nausea and convulsively glucose tolerance test gripping a sick bag was told that I was suffering from endometriosis handball with characteristic adhesions between the uterus and the peritoneum and the disease persists in the abdomen heart fell down and did the heinous tingestarna company.
In just one week I have been transformed from an undiagnosed, non archives slow person to a woman with typical hidden women's health, and thus doomed to treatments, side effects and consequences for most of my remaining life. The anesthesiologist pointed out earlier is that "I have read your journal but it is not so much in it," and I could not feel anything but I longed to return to that time in a way that I never coveted anything in my entire life. Three years after I sought help for the first time and become recurrent turned away with "It's normal to have pain in the menstrual cycle"-bullshit, I got black and white that there is something wrong with me - for real. I will not dwell on thoughts of things could have been easier if I had been taken seriously glucose tolerance test for the first time, done is done. I think the only reason glucose tolerance test why I even talk about it here for you all is that maybe I can help someone glucose tolerance test to not take that kind of idiotic response in three years of health care. It IS not normal to have pain. For my part, after this procedure, so should the direct pain can be remedied by means of the combustion appliances and it will be interesting to see if I for the first time in four years can get to be pain free for more than two days at a time.
Hello! Have just found your blog and just have to say that you write terribly good. Long but still readable and interesting. Then I want to say good luck with everything, hope you feel better soon!
Welcome Jimmy! And thank you, it's so fun to write Thank you for kind words, I hope that it anyways will feel better when you know what it is and that it is possible to do something about it even if the treatments is not exactly something to hang on the Christmas tree !
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Welcome! My name Ellet and here chumps and dramatizes I need to .. yes, it is fun. I live with my partner in a townhouse that is dubbed the Golden boob. I am a left-handed, introverted, individualistic, metal listening terraced housing anti-white interiors advocacy archeology loving northerner who relegated to the outer corners of Västergötland. If you need to contact me by mail: ellet at Hope you enjoy, have a cookie! And remember, it is

Monday, November 25, 2013

I finally got an explanation on why I for a long time measurement bit strange. After I was on healt

I finally got an explanation on why I for a long time measurement bit strange. After I was on health care for a while (and nagging about my strange and vague symptoms that I instinctively felt were too abnormal to be coincidence) so I had to take some tests that showed some interesting. Low iron and vitamin D deficiency had I but the big news was that my thyroid gland produces too little (or nothing) of the hormone thyroxine. umbilical hernia I'm not so bad that I can not cope with everyday life, as the wonderfully talented nurse I met today explained was due to the disease has not had time to deepen. umbilical hernia My values and symptoms, would have been worse if I had waited to seek treatment. Anyway, I got today with my medication that I should start taking tomorrow, and then I'll continue to take some more samples (which is probably my biologist to partner will analyze, hehe!) To investigate the cause of the disease. Will talk to my endocrine doctor tomorrow: the most skilled physicians I have ever met, remember that I then bizarrely critical in the doctor-patient conversations (my study interest)! One can debate umbilical hernia much about the diagnosis or no diagnosis. But for me, this feels a wonderful, a diagnosis, Tjohoo! Now, these pills might get me to become a little more alert, and stop wasting time to reflect on what is wrong with me! Tjodelidoo!
2013 (59) November (5) October (7) September (6) Diagnosis: Hypothyroidism Bysjöloppet Atvidaberg A have-the-honor-cake from Jonas Congratulations on my birthday! "It's a saturday night" Baptismal gift: a Vilac car in August (6) July (9) June (13) May (10) April (1) January (2) 2012 (26) November (1) October (1 ) August (3) July (4) June (4) May (5) April (8)
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Sunday, November 24, 2013

I had symptoms gestational diabetes such as: fatigue, weakness, dry skin, dry hair and digestive pr

Introduction I am not a professional writer. Nor am I a doctor, a medical researcher or a biochemist. I am simply a man who has seen his life derailed by thyroid disease and at the same time suffered for many years of ineffective treatment with thyroid hormone (synthetic T4, known as Levaxin in Sweden). I managed to eventually regain my health and getting my life back through research, determination and effort with other treatments. The critical part of my recovery involved gestational diabetes the use of an accessible, rarely prescribed thyroid hormone, known mostly through its simplified name - T3. The correct name of this naturally produced hormone is triiodothyronine and its synthetic counterpart called Liothyronine (known as Liothyronin or "Lio" in Sweden). T3 is the biologically gestational diabetes active form of thyroid hormone, and at the cellular level is the T3 thyroid hormone that keeps us healthy.
During my recovery process, I learned to use thyroid medication with T3 in a proper and safe manner. Many doctors are taught that the only necessary medication with thyroid hormone is levothyroxine (synthetic T4 or Levaxin, as it is called in Sweden) and they will not print T3 (Lio). For some patients with thyroid disorders may be the only T3 thyroid hormone that makes it possible for them to regain their health. Some doctors also fear the use of T3 because they mistakenly believe it causes problems such as high pulse or osteoporosis. gestational diabetes T3 can cause problems, which all thyroid hormones can, but invariably caused problems of misuse. Another medical myth is that blood sampling of thyroid hormones always shows the actual hormonal activity. In reality, gestational diabetes measuring only the levels of thyroid hormones that circulate gestational diabetes in the blood and provides no insight into the effectiveness of these thyroid hormones gestational diabetes are inside our cells. There are those myths and the lack of a wider range of available treatments with thyroid hormones which relegates thousands of thyroid gestational diabetes patients in a permanent gestational diabetes hell of hypothyroidism. gestational diabetes
Treatment with T3 alone is sometimes required because some problems can occur at the cellular level so that other thyroid medications can not correct it. In my own case was T3 my rescue.
My thyroid problems and recovery I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, when I was about 30. I got thyroid medication with T4 (corresponding Levaxin) and they told me it would fix all of my symptoms, but the symptoms persisted. I finally reached a point in my illness when I got thyroid gestational diabetes and adrenal disease. I had lost over a third of my body weight and I fainted due to low blood pressure. I was nearly crippled and slept 4-6 hours during the day, except gestational diabetes that I also slept at night. I could barely walk upright and walking up stairs was difficult. My career was lost, and in many ways it was very hard for my family.
During my illness, I received synthetic medicine with T4 (Levaxin) for about six years but my health continued to deteriorate. It did not correct my symptoms but my results of laboratory tests of TSH, FT4 and FT3 were improved and were all within the laboratory frame of reference gestational diabetes for this treatment. Eventually stopped treatment with T4 and I got to try medication with natural dried thyroid hormone. When this does not work I was prescribed synthetic T4 together with synthetic T3 (Levaxin and Lio).
I had symptoms gestational diabetes such as: fatigue, weakness, dry skin, dry hair and digestive problems. My brain felt like it was in a fog, I could not think clearly and had low blood pressure. At the beginning of my illness, I had gained gestational diabetes a lot of weight, but since part adrenal insufficiency became a part of my problem, I lost weight, became weaker and began to swoon.
I finally got printed T3 (Lio) alone and then I started to get better, but it took me three years to start learning how to use T3 properly. In total, it took me 10 years to recover me from the beginning

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The stuffy room is a battleground for care planning - all are gathered in the small room care; pati

I saw a while ago, an interesting program on thyroid gland (thyroid) and obesity. It showed how the thyroid affects the metabolism, gume both positive and negative. But that's no new knowledge.
A doctor claimed that you can control their weight through hormone manipulation. He based his opinions on the phenomenon that the thyroid changes during human development stages. A young man has a "normal" production of the hormone, gume while the power and ability to produce the hormone wears off over time. Hence the elderly have lower metabolic rate with increasing weight as a result. Dr. Bjørn Solberg writes, inter alia: "T3 and T4 regulate metabolism and has great comprehension for sales both of carbohydrates, fats and proteins - Thyroid s important for the body's heat production - Very hormone gume in the body gives a feeling of warmth - Concurrent with the increased metaboliske activity is also activated Na-K pump in cell membranes - Thyroid s important for normal growth and development, also mental. "
The more I read about research on this important gland, the more I become convinced of its vital function in overweight process. Clinicians agree that the thyroid has the metabolism to do, but you dare not take the step to regulate the function of medicine Liothyronin. Most doctors agree that all people are different in all the body's functions and organs. Therefore, the means and the limits it marks out for submissions of various organs function only indicative. Many of our medical profession uses under the outdated social board, these values that generally prevailing limits. One must of course remove all the templates contained in the medicine's nooks and crannies and make sure the individual. Newer studies showing benefits of T3/Liothyronin Has anyone eaten Liothyronin? (Underactive thyroid) Women are denied the treatment that makes them healthy Thyroid page - if hypothyroidism Your Medications - Liothyronin Thyroid Diseases
Anorexia nervosa gume Brisbane Criminal room Friendswood Marrenad Bullying Zero Tolerance Sex for a young audience Sex Education Schools Inspectorate Theme bullying Girl Guide
Diabetesdoc Diabetes Association Diabetes Knowledge Normalize your blood sugar Symptoms generally gume Symptoms Type 2 diabetes
Pharmacy Service duping gullible politicians!
The stuffy room is a battleground for care planning - all are gathered in the small room care; patient and the children, representatives from the municipality, and so I like to tell about the hospital stay and the patient can handle ...
The Commission pleases we not rulers - We would never dare to express ourselves gume in the name of all Göteborgare and our aim has never been to write a review report to please those in power, ...
Strong role for statins for primary prevention? - Article in Läkartidningen today, by Peter Nilsson. gume "LDL gume cholesterol is a well established causal risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which can be reduced by state ...
Higher mortality after myocardial infarction among women - It is common for middle-aged women die after their first heart attack than to middle-aged men do. Reveals gume a thesis from the Sahlgrenska Academy ...
Falun Hospital winner in Sweden's best hospital food! - The Jury of the newly established prize Sweden's best hospital food - the last step, today appointed Falun Hospital as the winner of the contest. Hospital gets three ...
Jim Mann - Bread is a bag of sugar! - Jim Mann is an internationally recognized nutrition expert. He was one of those responsible for the organization's European Diabetes (EASD) Dietary 2004. He was att ...
Will the key questions from the researchers or the parents? - Last night I was in the audience last night as Prematurföreningen and Little Children's Fund organized to mark världsprematurdagen gume who went by the bar ...

Thanks for a very nice blog with very good recipe o thoughts on training. I myself have been diagno

Now in the morning, they talk about hypothyroidism in the morning cerebral palsy news on TV 4 - ask the doctor. The doctor responds to viewer questions and talk about the disease. Other broadcast starts at. 9:20, you are interested in knowing more about the disease so I can highly recommend you to change the channel to TV 4th They describe it in a very good and educational way and helps with lots of useful information. If you miss the broadcast, there is also the opportunity to check on tv4play.
Thanks for a very nice blog with very good recipe o thoughts on training. I myself have been diagnosed hypotereos for 8 weeks ago. Struggling with sluggish thinking, weight cerebral palsy gain and more. Starting to notice a little change, to take a new tsh test in the week. Low of 14 before, but hope for improvement. Have ruled out flour and white sugar and trying to train. My stomach feels much better cerebral palsy too. Just saw the segment on television. Thanks for the tip!!
Thanks so much for your nice words, I am glad to hear :) How nice that you got help and it seems to be going in the right direction :) I'm cerebral palsy keeping my fingers crossed for you. I think it is extremely important that they lift up the subject more often in the media so wrapped on TV4 was really appreciated. However, I would prefer that they went deeper into the subject, but it certainly has limited time :)
This I have to see on TV4 play, thanks for the tip :-). Are in a difficult period now and have had stagnant bowel in a few months and had to take help to even empty out anything. Not even the one I got, which would clear the bowel completely, before a planned colonoscopy worked. So will get to do it all again. Have blah white fingers, dizziness, extreme fatigue, lost fitness, stomach pain, is clumsy, grouchy, on the pixilated. But my TSH value is only between 5-6 so too low for help, even though I said I would like to get pregnant while I can, have not many years to forty migration namely. Is SO sick the Swedish health care right now, stayed for a while ... But may think positive and try to make the best of it. Will look at the program and see if I get any wiser :-). Hug!
I get so frustrated when I read this! (Not at you but on healthcare) Reference range for tsh is between 0.3 to 4.7, BUT if your tsh is normally located on the ex. 1.0, it is enhanced with the values you have today. They can not only check on tsh but must also measure the values of your thyroid hormone (T4 and T3). These values are low so they need to continue the investigation. Tsh is Thyroid Stimulating Hormone while t4 and t3 is produced by the thyroid gland. If the thyroid gland is not functioning properly, it can not produce enough thyroxine (T4) but also t3 and thus is tsh elevated as it tries to "whip" The thyroid gland to produce more. Deal with services and demand that they also test the T4 and T3. I do not care overlook this even though it is so common. Scary is what it is. Hope they find what it is that is not right <3
I also have to shoehorn into a good descriptive text about this particular "The levels of TSH are often the first changed if problems cerebral palsy in the thyroid. Expressly for them, where necessary increases or decreases the level of T4 initially kept within limits despite a disease of the thyroid gland.
Often, cerebral palsy therefore, a measurement of the patient's TSH enough to make sure everything works as it should. If the patient has symptoms cerebral palsy of either an over-or under-active thyroid gland will gladly both TSH and T4 checked. If both readings are normal but the patient has still been on the symptoms, it may pay to check also the levels of T3 in the blood. "
Thank you for the time you take to give so wise and comprehensive reflections and answers, will be warm in the heart. You feel it's word of genuine care and that you really understand. I have previously always been at 1.99 regarding my TSH, but in the beginning of last year I noticed a big change in my mood and sought out, after a lot of ifs and buts, healthcare. The sample cerebral palsy showed as mentioned earlier, TSH values and low values of the adrenal glands, high potassium and low blood sugar. Have not had any problems with these values before. cerebral palsy Do not know if they checked the T3 and T4. Will now do a colonoscopy cerebral palsy when I recent months has gone from a bowel movement a few times a day, not at all if I do not get bowel stimulant together with a solution that will soften the bowel contents. My changing values they do not seem to put any weight at all, unfortunately. To add is that I have not changed anything in my diet the last 4 years, so the problem cerebral palsy of the gut is probably not diet related. Sometimes it feels as if one has to be healthy to cope with being sick or that you become pure hypochondriac, when well taken the step to go to nursing with her problem. The positive in all this is that you share your story and experiences, it gives hope and strength to fight on. Thank you, Linda!
You certainly do not need to thank, I will be extremely pleased to be able to help, even if d

Friday, November 22, 2013

5 weeks ago

Thyroid page - if hypothyroidism: If hypothyroidism mmr vaccine in Nyhetsmorgon: The doctor Mikael Sandström told me about hypothyroidism and responded to viewer questions on TV4 today. What good that hypothyroidism is entered mmr vaccine in television. Thanks from o ..
Marie Blekinge, Sweden 3 children's mother / grandmother ... Happy Busy Lives / Fotbollsfru = married to a football Hehe ... loves tulips, a tulip can say so much ... love it when we go out with the boat in the archipelago ... excursions just a jerk so pack a lunch, etc. .. write calligraphy ... bathe in the hot tub ... ℒ ℴ ν ℯ being with my near & dear ones ℒ ℴ ν ℯ View my complete profile
So happy!
5 weeks ago
2013 (155) November (8) October (13) September (13) AJ oops Ehhhh .... Ad .... Free interpretation ;/ Thyroid page - if hypothyroidism: If hypothyroidism in ... Three shots ;))) Panorama just a bit like that ... Bloggeri blog-arrange ... My common mmr vaccine mistakes: P Plenty plenty of good good: P Full Roll ;))) The last holiday week ... Just a bit like that ... August (10) July (12) June (13) May (26) April (18) March (20) February (11) January (11) 2012 (200) December (8) November (7) October (12) September ( 12) August (15) July (13) June (13) May (22) April (24) March (20) February (30) January (24) 2011 (267) December (12) November (13) October (24) September (21) August (17) July (21) June (20) May (23) April (27) March (37) February (24) January (28) 2010 (411) December (27) November (37) October ( 51) September (57) August (41) July (47) June (32) May (31) April (36) March (35) February (11) January (6) 2009 (63) December (19) November (9) October (1) September (1) August (8) July (11) June (3) May (2) April (3) March (1) February (5)

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Most often drops more weight .. (2326) Some pictures (some more naked than others) nutrex (2302) Booty (2190) You can not touch this (1991) Ugh (1897) Final pressure soon (1886), Day 2 (1823) Final Training Day (1784) girly to 1000 (1706) Education again (1697)
Should maybe start by saying that I'm not deathly ill. You already know by now that I had problems with her skin, and although it has become so much better so doctors have finally found what is wrong. Then I had a suspicion that something is really not been right for so I searched for over 1year ago a doctor. The only thing he said to me after I told him that I started to get acne after the age of 20 who never seemed to give way and I felt tired, decrepit and generally miserable, and I lost an incredible amount hair was frozen, had difficulty to control heating / cooling, got shooting pains in the head, visual disturbances, been distracted, etc., so he wanted nutrex to give me a lot of medication for acne. What the hell had little acne to do with the other symptomena? My diabetes doctor asked me in March if I had started eating these pills, my answer was no, and she said I'd rather not do it then it would exacerbate my already small chances of getting pregnant. I went in April to a naturopath to check what was wrong. Without mentioning more than I wanted to have an alternative medicine for acne so he concluded nutrex that I had a hormone imbalance called nutrex to do. Given that I have a sensitive liver when it comes to medicine nutrex so he said that if I even began to eat acne medicine skin would only get worse. And surely the hell, I have noticed in the past when I've had other tablets that have never been better and given up. He noted that I had hypothyroidism, wrong with the thyroid gland, and that was what made me feel like I did and that I also had PCOS. I got a mix spices that I would make tea and it was actually better after just a few weeks. For 3veckor ago I was at a third doctor and talked fertility, we did a series of studies (without me telling what naturopath already said) and last Thursday nutrex I got provreultaten. I have hypothyroidism and PCOS. And that's what I was treated for right now. He said it is not unusual, nutrex and there are many who use different devices finally become pregnant. But it's a tough road to get there. I will now eat among others Levaxin rest of my life to my hypothyroidism and other tablets for PCOS. But since my tests showed that they showed, it means I'm the type who would feel better by eating the pill during that time I was not thinking of becoming pregnant while taking medication for PCOS. All this took a while before it landed, I refused to get out all the pills on Thursday. Today I'm inside on day two with levaxinet and I have decided not to dwell on self-pity. I KNOW that I am strong. If I have managed to grow up at 10årsåldern and take care of my diabetes then some tablets a day not be an obstacle. I have such good people around me so I never have to feel alone. If one day I'd get me to cry, I do it, I know they are going to wipe my tears and hold me. So now the new journey begun, and for those of you who want to read a bit more about hypothyroidism and PCOS then just Googling. Tjillevippen!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

If the thyroid gland in the current issue of the magazine - Among seven possible explanations for c

Among seven possible explanations for chronic fatigue include thyroid dysfunction as a possible explanation, according to this week's addison s disease edition of Tara. I'm in a note next to the article. The purpose of it, and with Thyroid Book, is to try to contribute to adult education. Want to point out that thyroid disorders are common and that they should be stood first in the list!
Carpal tunnel syndrome and thyroid hormone deficiency addison s disease
Archive January 2009 (24) February 2009 (13) March 2009 (18) April 2009 (24) May 2009 (7) June 2009 (1) September 2009 (8) October 2009 (9) November 2009 (14) December 2009 (5 ) January 2010 (7) February 2010 (6) March 2010 (8) April 2010 (10) May 2010 (5) June 2010 (2) July 2010 (2) August addison s disease 2010 (7) September 2010 (6) October 2010 (6 ) November 2010 (4) December 2010 (7) January 2011 (16) February 2011 (12) March 2011 (10) April 2011 (11) May 2011 (10) June 2011 (2) July 2011 (5) August 2011 (4 ) September 2011 (11) October 2011 (7) November 2011 (4) December 2011 (9) January addison s disease 2012 (3) February 2012 (2) March 2012 (3) April 2012 (2) May 2012 (1) June 2012 (1 ) August addison s disease 2012 (1) September 2012 (1) November 2012 (2) June 2013 (1) September 2013 (2) November 2013 (3)
This page is mostly about hypothyroidism and some other thyroid-related issues. I like writing is patient addison s disease and does not work in health care. I act as a private person at leisure to try to help, including by being active in patient forums. The contributions are my own and are not connected to any organization. First, I include science-based content, but I also have things that I know that many patients wish it would more research within (for example, diagnostic and adrenal gland). The content addison s disease herein, neither should be construed as medical or professional advice, have not been reviewed by a physician. Provläs gladly Thyroid Book (see tab at the top) to preview peek at a text that is fact checked by a medical specialist. If you are unsure how to do this, you should deal with services. I hope that both patients, families and healthcare addison s disease professionals should be able to enjoy the content here and in Thyroid book, which I also wrote. You can get help finding interesting posts by searching for words in the search box or by choosing addison s disease a topic above. The inserts (available in the middle addison s disease of the page) are displayed in the order they are published. Please use the comment feature below each post. If you have personal issues, they fit better, however, in patient forums addison s disease (see tips below on the forum I've found). addison s disease I remove inappropriate posts, addison s disease such as those that are off-topic, and outdated posts. If you see something that you think I should remove, please feel free to get in touch with eva.skraddare @
Thyroid Association Norwegian Thyroid Association Thyroid patient - global support community Thyroid patient advocacy UK Thyroid UK Swedish endocrinologist Association British Thyroid Foundation European Thyroid Association, American Thyroid Association, Thyroid Foundation of Canada, Australia Thyroid Thyroid Federation International 1.6 & 2.6 million club - for women's health addison s disease
Thyroid Association (Facebook) Myxedema (Facebook) Stop the mistreatment of hypothyroidism (Facebook) Hypo / hyper addison s disease - if thyroid Sonja's forum (in Norwegian) Mary Shomon - American Samantha Long - English
Sticky chocolate squares with raspberry - What I baked yesterday afternoon - lightly sticky chocolate squares with raspberry - fell on good ground at today's meeting. 25 people were fed - the staff may be ...
Thyroid Cancer Patients: Why You Need to Own Your Cancer - An Interview with Peter Edelstein, MD - Peter Edelstein, MD, FACS, FASCRS, is a double-board certified surgeon addison s disease and a passionate cancer patient advocate. After years of experience partnering wi ...
If the thyroid gland in the current issue of the magazine - Among seven possible explanations for chronic fatigue include thyroid dysfunction as a possible explanation, according to this week's edition of Tara. I am a ...
The Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, and Thyroid Patients: How will it be for us? - U.S. Thyroid patient havebeen abuzz behind the scenes for months about what the Patient addison s disease Protection and Affordable Care Act ((PPACA), aka Obamacare, will me ...
Eva's blog
Many proof-readings addison s disease - but it eventually became a book - Ten times the proofs were read bokmanuset, five times of facts Examiner, once by fellow patient, once or twice by linguist friend and two or three ...
General (82) Birth and Pregnancy (28) Treatment (41) Diagnosis (41) Personal Care (26) Hyperthyroidism (5) More research is needed (37) Related Diseases (45) Sampling (25) Symptoms (53) dried pig thyroid (13) Young people (1) Vårdguiden FASS medical book Netdoktor Pro Västra Götaland - read about "Levaxin" More on TSH (thyroid test) - Clinical Chemistry, Kalmar Some, Stockholm County Council - for physicians Internet Medicine -

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

If you bend forward at the waist, diaphragm help to move more easily and thus more air can enter th

A lung disease irregular heartbeat that over 12 million Americans suffer from diagnosed and many ot t about the symptoms, but do not know they are sick, it is called COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In Romania, according to a study in 2012 on nearly 10,000 people shows that Romanians irregular heartbeat do not realize the severity of their disease, their access to specialist analyzes with spirometry is extremely low, although the disease strikes equally the rich and poor, especially men. These people do not realize that panting and coughing are signs of this disease, if untreated reach incapacitating. At the end of the disease the patient goes to lose breath at the slightest effort.
According irregular heartbeat to the doctor, irregular heartbeat COPD affects you severely disabled ESRD between irregular heartbeat 40 and 65 years. The disease irregular heartbeat is caused by smoking, so to breathe more easily, the most important is to stop smoking immediately and permanently! It's irregular heartbeat so easy to slow down and stop the disease!
"Worldwide, the most common risk factor irregular heartbeat for COPD is smoking. However, spirometry is recommended only smokers, 46% of those diagnosed with COPD is smoking. Other risk factors are industrial dust, chemical pollutants, smoke produced irregular heartbeat by burning bio-fuels (coal, wood, manure), "he said in a press conference, the president of the Romanian Society of Pneumology, Professor Luke Clancy .
For those interested to test their lung health in November, with World COPD Day (16 November), no less than 64 doctors offering free spirometry - like testing analysis to determine the level of alcohol in the breath, which do police drivers and the results are given on the spot.
Testing for COPD will be held in cities - Alba, Arad, Bucharest, Bacau, Baia Mare, Băileşti, Nasaud Brasov, Calarasi, Campina, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Craiova, Focsani, Galati, Hunedoara, Iasi, Ludus , Lugoj, Medias, Oradea, Piatra Neamt, Pitesti, Ploiesti, Reghin, St. George, Sighet, Slobozia, Targu Mures, Timisoara, irregular heartbeat Urziceni and Valcea, based on appointments to doctors and clinics that are in the table below.
- Physical movement strengthens the heart, blood vessels and muscles. As the lungs are in better shape, the oxygen requirements that must inspire it is lower, the higher oxygen demand is lower, the lungs work is easier. "
- You can avoid exacerbations (exacerbations) of the disease, if you avoid pollution, cold or humid air, allergens, cleaning products. If you cook, make sure you have the window open or hood on. People with COPD should be vaccinated against the flu first.
"Breathe through your nose for about 4 seconds. irregular heartbeat Then exhale through your mouth for 6-8 seconds, with lips almost closed - pursed. This maneuver will help to pull more air in the lungs and thus make more room in your lungs for the next inspiration.
Both manifestations of COPD (emphysema and chronic bronchitis) requires a healthy diet. Patients with emphysema are rather irregular heartbeat weak, with a pronounced dyspnea and often shows signs of malnutrition. Are hypermetabolic, burn more calories, you press the stomach and diaphragm so it can never be filled. On the other hand, patients with chronic bronchitis may be overweight, which is an additional burden to their lungs. Both sub-groups irregular heartbeat of patients with COPD should eat healthy and underweight people would need to supplement your diet with food suplimete.
In COPD, the diaphragm has a tendency to fall and, frequently, to atrophy. Any attempt to support the diaphragm will give the patient an improvement in breathing irregular heartbeat capacity. To practice this technique sit back and supported by pillows. Put one hand on your belly and the other on your chest. Breathe irregular heartbeat long, belly shall swell and raise his hand with it. Hand on your chest should not move. Expires; hand on your stomach should return to the starting position. Practice breathing from the abdomen when lying down, in series of 20 minutes a day, two or three times a day until you can breathe so naturally without effort. Then try to do the same sitting irregular heartbeat or standing.
If you bend forward at the waist, diaphragm help to move more easily and thus more air can enter the lungs. You can practice this sitting down or standing, provided that you lean slightly forward, keeping your back straight. Many patients with emphysema using this technique. He leans forward irregular heartbeat and supports his arms on a chair or a table, this posture shoulder muscles in turn auxiliary irregular heartbeat respiratory muscles, shoulder muscles are very little used in breathing by people who have

Emphysema, lichen planus diseases emphysema, emphysema Naturist Treatment, Remedy emphysema, How to

Emphysema, lichen planus diseases emphysema, emphysema Naturist Treatment, Remedy emphysema, How to treat emphysema, emphysema medicinal paste emphysema, pulmonary emphysema Children, Elderly emphysema, pulmonary emphysema Adults, Infants lichen planus emphysema
Emphysema is a condition characterized by distended alveoli, alveolar septa atrophy and increased lung air content. There are several clinical forms: bullous emphysema is a localized form, characterized by single or multiple bubbles highlight of which are the result of bronchial obstruction, rupture of alveolar walls. Compensatory lichen planus emphysema is also a localized form, which occurs in the vicinity of lung injury (parenchymal resections etc.)
Emphysema senile involution is a physiological condition common in older people. Obstructive emphysema that is emphysema - the disease is a permanent dilation of alveoli, generalized, diffuse and progressive Accompany it with the time for serious complications and irreversible. This is an embodiment will be described. Etiology: disease occurs more frequently after age 50, usually in men after obstructive airway disease, which makes airflow obstacles: chronic bronchitis, asthma, chronic tuberculous lesions, pneumoconiosis. Constitutional factor may act by weakening congenital lichen planus lung tissue elastic conjuctivo. Mentioned factors increase lung air content and lead to loss of lung elsticitatii with pulmonary capillary rupture. Pathology: lungs are distended, enlarged alveoli with thin walls are easily breaking and forming bubbles. Often there is a bronchial infection. Right heart is enlarged. Symptoms: The onset is insidious, with cough, at first dry, then with expetoratie and exertional dyspnea expiratory character. dyspnea at rest appears only in advanced stages. Repeated bronchitis, which generally occur in winter, is the first clinical manifestation. The accompanying time, dyspnea and wheezing. During the state, expiratory force is diminished. in severe stages, patients fail to extinguish a lit match at some distance (5 cm). Patient is often characteristic appearance: pale face, with cyanosis of the lips and cheeks, short neck, and muscle mass turgid jugular neck relief. On inspection it is found that the thorax is globose, barrel-shaped lichen planus (with two enlarged diameter), ribs and leveled more prolonged exhalation. Inspiration is short and expiration prolonged wheezing. Exploring respiratory function, show an increase in residual volume, a decrease in maximal expiratory flow decrease in FEV mainly and vital capacity in secondary (obstructive ventilatory dysfunction). Evolution: Evolution is slow and progressive emphysema, appearing numerous complications: chronic bronchitis, bronchial dilatation, and finally spontaneous pneumothorax, respiratory failure and right heart failure (cor pulmonale chronic).
Emphysema lichen planus is increasing lung alveoli lung expansion due to destruction of part of the lung tissue elastic elements + + interstitial sclerosis right side of the heart failure, mainly due to chronic bronchitis.
Is due in most cases, like cardiac asthma and thyroid disease, liver cranky (upward pressure bronchi leading to the growth of the liver, lungs and heart), thyroid dysregulation and, not least, silicosis (from inhalation of dusts containing silica). Emphysema is also due and pertussis. The ancients often seen in glassblowers and old singers. lichen planus
Respiratory surface of the lungs shrink, interstitial sclerosis causes some alveoli are destroyed along with the capillaries in this area. In advanced stages of emphysema lung ischemia appears so.
Besides chronic bronchitis, emphysema favors other diseases: asthma extended pneumoconiaze, mechanical supradestinderea the glass blowers lichen planus to music when wind instruments, removing a portion of the lung. Emphysema occurs mostly in older men who have dyspnea, cyanosis face.
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blogroll pharmacy NOVASHOP.RO Personal Development Blog at If you want to h

Remedies against pneumonia and emphysema | GREEN PHARMACY
Among the most common diseases in the cold season are the most important respiratory diseases caused by the body debility and changes in environmental factors, ie temperature hcg injections and humidity. We try to present hcg injections some data on pneumonia today and emphysema.
Pneumonia, and popularly known as "flash lung" consisting of inflammation of the lung parenchyma, with suppuration, one or both lungs are the result of a cold, was not treated properly. It is favored by cold, fatigue, exhaustion and various infections (influenza, measles, whooping cough). After shooting mode, can be bacterial or viral pneumonia.
Bacterial Pneumonia caused by the presence of groups of bacteria (pneumococci, hcg injections staphylococci, streptococci), starts suddenly with a high fever (39-400C), chills repeated twinges and pains in the chest and shoulder, body weakness hcg injections and dizziness. Read full article
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Gratuit: UPDATE: Amy Winehouse suferă de emfizem pulmonar | NewsNOW
(*Aduce completare de la paragraful şase, Amy Winehouse pcos suspectă de emfizem pulmonar.) PEOPLE | Amy Winehouse poate răsufla uşurat… analizele efectuate pentru pcos a se stabili dacă are tuberculoză au ieşit negative. Doctorii spun că solista are o puternică infecţie pulmonară. Amy Winehouse, în vârstă de 24 de ani, a fost internată pe data de 16 iunie 2008 la clinica londoneză ‘Marylebone’, după ce a leşinat acasă. Analizele efectuate nu au fost concludente, iar medicii au presupus că Amy Winehouse are tuberciloză. Purtătorul de cuvânt al solistei, Chris Goodman, a declarat pentru revista pcos americană People : “Are o infecţie pulmonară şi a efectuat nişte analize de rutină pentru TBC, care au reieşit negative”. Amy Winehouse ar putea suferi de emfizem pulmonar, spune chiar tatăl ei, Mitch Winehouse . Această boală este cauzată de fumatul în exces şi consumul de droguri. De precizat că mama solistei a murit de cancer pulmonar în anul 2006.
You’re currently pcos reading “Gratuit: UPDATE: Amy Winehouse suferă de emfizem pulmonar,” an entry on NewsNOW Published: iunie 23, 2008 / 2:58 pm Categoria: 2. Music News Etichete:
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Monday, November 18, 2013

-Flowers and leaves of coltsfoot (Flores et Folium Farfarae), which is prepared infusion of 1 teasp

Emphysema is a serious disease of the lungs that is caused by intense degenerative processes of lung tissue due to severe chronic bronchitis, asthma long term, to
Medicinal plants used as adjuvant in this disease are the antitussive effect and cardiac tonics, because respiratory failure chlamydia caused by pulmonary emphysema is associated most often with heart failure.
-Flowers and leaves of coltsfoot (Flores et Folium Farfarae), which is prepared infusion of 1 teaspoon of herb / 200 ml.apa, including drink 2-3 cups / day.

Silicosis is a form of severe pulmonary sclerosis, chlamydia which occurs due to the inhalation of silica dust, an occupational disease in miners.
In this serious lung disease may be used as a complementary chlamydia therapy, flowers chlamydia and leaves of coltsfoot (Flores et Folium Farfarae) associated with plantain leaves (Folium Plantaginis) and licorice (Radix Liquiritiae).
I am Doctor of Pharmacy (Ph.D) and I was Associate Professor at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Targu Mures (Romania). I worked more of 30 years in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), Especially in: phytotherapy, aromatherapy, apitherapy, Homeopathy and dietotherapy. View my complete profile
2010 (15) December (15) 2012 (143) October (16) November (37) December (90) dietotherapy A healthy and easy to prepare salad Special Salad of celery How do we define diet therapy? Nutrition as a factor prevention in various bowl ... What we get with a healthy diet? What is herbal chlamydia medicine? chlamydia How to get quality herb? Formulations that herbal medi ... What effects and therapeutic uses in medicine have ... About the therapeutic effects chlamydia of solar radiation ... Chromo therapy, an alternative to modern medicine. Light polarized in the service chlamydia of human health. What is homeopathy? In what conditions we can use homeopathic remedies ... The role and place of complementary medicine and alternative ... What are the most common methods to treat CAM ... Why are always current CAM therapies? Complementary and alternative therapies used in A. .. Phytotherapy respiratory disorders chlamydia What is cough? chlamydia What herbs used for phase irritating ... What herbal expectorant chlamydia effect using ... Heidi Chocolate, food or medicine? How to treat bronchitis with herbs? Herbs expectorant effect. Adjunctive herbal pneumonia treatment of asthma. Emphysema and silicosis may benefit from t .. Aromatherapy in the treatment of breathing disorders ... Apitherapy, chlamydia a therapeutic effective in preventing ... Other traditional methods used to treat ... Complementary methods useful in allergic diseases. Phytotherapy allergic diseases. Other methods of CAM to treat diseases ... After 5000 years of tradition, Ayurveda reborn ... Introduction to biofeedback. Manual therapies in XXI century medicine. When nothing helps us, we turn to psychotherapy ... Did you know that 80% of diseases are due to the stress ... Do we really need Brain Fitness? Why so many people die of heart? Herbs used in cardio-vasculitis ... Herbs cardio-depressant chlamydia effect. How can we treat angina pect herbs ... Atherosclerosis, silent killer. Treatment of mild hypertension. Therapies "soft" chlamydia in nutritional and metabolic diseases. What is diabetes? Phytotherapy, valuable adjunct in diabetes. Obesity, a major health hazard! "To not get hit gout." Complementary methods in the treatment of rickets. Herbs and aromatics toning .... And silicon is important for the body! Brain Fitness, a chance for our minds. chlamydia A healthy recipe for your diet from a gourmet Székely. Onions, a food-medicine. Bean salad, healthy and easy to prepare celery, Romanian aphrodisiac. Eternal youth. The complementary anti-aging therapy. Complementary treatments / tra

Sunday, November 17, 2013

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Emphysema - as to why and how you recognize | NewsRing - News Online
Emphysema is a respiratory disease that leads to an increase in volume the villages of the lungs and makes breathing painful and difficult. the villages Emphysema often triggers hardcore smokers, but not only. Once installed condition, the only solution is to live more timely detection of symptoms.
A respiratory embarrassment of increasingly disabling a wheezing, productive cough, a barrel-shaped chest cavity, a paleness, unusual fatigue, sometimes weight loss, here are some symptoms that should alert a person and make her think of a pulmonary emphysema, especially if it has exceeded 50 years, according to the Journal des Femmes.
This pathology is characterized by progressive distention of alveoli in which air enters. Little by little, the villages alveolar wall destruction. The patient can not breathe properly and dramatically reduces respiratory capacity (generally reaching a rate of 50%).
If is based on a genetic abnormality, emphysema can be put, most often related to external factors, the first being placed tobacco. the villages Indeed, it is estimated that one in five people who develop this disease, four are or were smokers.
Treatments have proven to be critical. If a patient is progressively reduced the villages respiratory capacity, there is a risk that he severely damaged his heart. Thus heart failure appears much more complicated.
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More in 'Life' Road to Everest climbers is pegged with dead bodies over time (Gallery) Discover the magic of winter at Christmas Fair in Vienna the villages A theory hallucinating, but the argument: People are not on Earth! Salman Khan arrived in Romania. Yulia winds at the airport waiting
Latest News A man was found stabbed in a house in the capital. Driver Sebastian Vettel set a record for consecutive wins. Road to Everest climbers is pegged with dead bodies over time (Gallery) Romanian football awaited news: "It will change legislation" are cities that provide the villages half of Romania's exports
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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Deficiency of protein. In a small percentage of patients, emphysema is the result of a genetic defe

Emphysema is a progressive lung disease that causes impaired respiration and reduced exercise capacity. The main manifestations of emphysema is shortness of breath and reduced exercise capacity, both worsened as the disease progresses. Over time, symptoms become so severe that breathing is difficult even at rest, and pulmonary infections aggravates the patient's condition.
Smoking. insemination The most common cause of emphysema is smoking. Cigarette smoke destroys the cilia in the respiratory mucosa of the respiratory tree. They are designed to clear the airways and prevent penetration into the alveoli of the substances in the air, germs, irritants, etc. microscopic pollutants. In the absence of cilia healthy airway irritants remain a part enter the alveoli generating inflammation and ultimately destruction insemination of elastic tissue in the walls of air sacs and bronchioles.
Deficiency of protein. In a small percentage of patients, emphysema is the result of a genetic defect that does not produce enough of the protein called alpha 1-antitrypsin. It helps protect the elastic tissue of the lungs by the action of enzymes. Alpha 1 antitrypsin insemination deficiency leads to progressive lung tissue distrigerea and finally the appearance of emphysema.
There are a number of factors that favor the occurrence of emphysema. Age. Although specific Pulmonary emphysema is progressive, most people with emphysema smoking product insemination began to accuse the symptoms of the disease between 50 and 60 years. Passive exposure to cigarette smoke. Both active smoking and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke increases the risk of emphysema; Occupational exposure to various chemicals. The smoke produced by burning chemicals but inhaling dust from wood, cotton etc, increases the risk of emphysema. Heredity. Alpha 1 antitrypsin insemination deficiency is inherited cause of emphysema, especially before age 50, even if a person is smoking. HIV infection. Smokers with HIV have additional risk to emphysema than those uninfected. CTD. Some diseases affecting the connective insemination tissue associated with emphysema.
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