Wednesday, December 3, 2014

zhurnalіstska Osvita

Cable telebachennya
zhurnalіstska Osvita
culture pectin
nіshevі Canali
The premiere of a new TV project channel "Inter" "Happiness from the tube", held on Friday, October 31, has attracted great attention of viewers. According to sociologists, the program in Ukraine looked at more than 5 million pectin people, the largest mass audience pectin - older than 18 years (all Ukraine), - its rating was 6.83%, pectin while the share of 15.96%. "Happiness from the tube" TV watching has become an absolute leader in the "Inter", beating the rest of the program, including the "Details".
At this time, the 1 + 1 in the air were t / a "majestic century. Roxolana "+ pectin TSN on TC Ukraine - mainly the" Events "+ 6 minutes program" Says Ukraine "on ICTV - Facts "+" extraordinary news. "
"Happiness from the tube" pectin - a unique pectin television project, which has no analogues not only in Ukraine, but also in the world. This is a program of its own production of "Inter", the idea for which was conceived and implemented by the creative team of the channel.
In the new project, "Inter" 12 infertile couples Ukrainian complex medical diagnoses finally got the hope to become parents. The team undertook a program for the most complex cases: the project involves families who are not able to carry out the treatment on their own. Real people came to the channel with the problem and were not only hope, but also tangible support and concrete assistance.
In fact, "Happiness from the tube" - a project that gives a real chance and help families pectin who are desperate to become parents. And it's more than just a television project. This is a program that goes beyond television.
Infertility - a medical diagnosis, which becomes a sentence for millions of couples worldwide. Unfortunately, official statistics in Ukraine more than disappointing: in Ukraine today barren every fifth pair. Very often, IVF (in vitro fertilization) - this is the only opportunity to become parents, because more than 5 million children worldwide are born as a result of IVF. But for the majority of Ukrainians, this procedure simply can not afford.
The cost of artificial insemination protocol varies from 45 to 70 thousand hryvnia - and it's just one attempt, which may or may not succeed. As a general rule, every woman reshivshayasya on IVF runs this procedure several times.
For a producer and author of the program Sofia Chemeris project - very personal. She went through a huge test for the second time to become a mother and her son Matthew now for a year and four months. "It is extremely difficult to implement the project," - says Sofia. - After all, people come to us with his rather intimate problem in a situation where they have nowhere else to turn. Certainly, medicine has made great strides in the process of fertilization, but in fact, it is God's work. Until the last moment it is impossible to be completely confident in the successful completion of treatment. That is why we are constantly in touch with all our heroes, we follow with the development of their story and help. We are very pleased pectin that "Happiness from the tube" attracted pectin a viewer's attention. We believed in this success. Even at the casting of the program when to us within two days, hundreds of families came, we realized that we trust and rely on our support in the innermost desire - the desire to become parents. "
"This is really unprecedented for television project, which is implemented at the level of the maximum sincerity, at the peak of emotion - the head of Inter Media Group Anna deserted. - Such high levels of TV viewing "Happiness from the tube" confirms that people are tired of violence and aggression. It is important that our project offers hope not only to the heroes of the program, but many viewers who have faced in life difficulties, unsolvable at first sight. "
"We are very pleased that it is socially oriented projects of its own production on" Inter "are so popular. Last Friday, the leaders of TV viewing were "Affects Everyone" and "Happiness from the tube." This means that the subjects pectin of these programs just fall into the expectations of the audience, pectin people pectin want to empathize with what they see on the TV screen, "- said the head of the board of the TV channel" Inter "Yegor Benkendorf.
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