Sunday, December 7, 2014

Pointer: CSF HIV AIDS test Guthrie CNS Apgar score IVF Endoscopy allergy analysis anemia appetite a

Fertilization in vitro. IVF - in vitro fertilization. Test-tube baby | The human body from "A to Z"
Of all the methods developed to help infertile couples to conceive, the most well known IVF. Over the past 20 years, this technique has changed the lives of many people, giving them a chance to artificially achieve conception.
The technique of fertilization in vitro (literally means fertilization "in vitro", it is the same in vitro fertilization - IVF usually abbreviated) was developed through the inspiration and skill gynecologist aspirin complex Patrick aspirin complex Steptoe and Robert Edwards scientist. Steptoe was a pioneer in the use of a laparoscope for direct inspection of the pelvis during abdominal surgery. Laparoscopy allows the doctor to examine the ovaries, making it possible to select the egg minimally invasive surgery. Edwards has specialized in reproductive physiology. Before working with patients for many years, he conducted research on in vitro fertilization in mice. The first success of Edwards and Steptoe was widely coverage of the birth of Louise Brown in Oldham (Lancashire) in 1978. The birth of the so-called "test-tube baby," considered the most outstanding achievement of modern medicine.
Tubal first IVF was developed to solve the problem of infertility in women with blocked tubes, aspirin complex which make it impossible meeting aspirin complex of sperm and egg. ECO allowed to circumvent the problem: the egg is extracted aspirin complex from the body, is fertilized in vitro, and the developing embryo back into the uterus. Soon after IVF was used in a variety of cases of infertility, regardless of the specific causes, although more recently IVF was powerless against severe male infertility factors.
Almost three decades have passed since the first successful birth of "test-tube baby." During this time, in the original method of treatment, there were several breakthroughs that have had a significant contribution to the success rate of IVF. At the same time there have been numerous changes aspirin complex in clinical practice, aspirin complex which made the resulting pair of treatment specifically aimed more and less disruptive, with an emphasis on outpatient treatment instead aspirin complex of inpatient and treatment under ultrasound instead of invasive surgeries under general anesthesia.
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Categories: Anatomical Atlas of Diseases Product Index drugs Medical Imaging Radiography aspirin complex Ultrasound aspirin complex Endoscopy Pathology Virology Immunology Chemical Pediatrics Pediatric Surgery Children's immunity Clinical Pediatrics Baby Care Reproductive Medicine Therapy Oncology Dermatology Endocrinology Physiology Surgery Ophthalmology Plastic Surgery Encyclopedia of Life periods Glossary
Pointer: CSF HIV AIDS test Guthrie CNS Apgar score IVF Endoscopy allergy analysis anemia appetite aspirin complex antibiotic bacterium hip biopsy pregnancy infertility aspirin complex disease pain abdomen vaccination virus vitamin hair doctor gangrene aspirin complex gene herpes eye sip glucose aspirin complex hormone larynx breast breasts group glands depression diagnosis donor Doppler airways stomach gall bladder stomach animals dependence conception zygote vision tooth itching aspirin complex immune system infection insulin injection cataract oxygen Chinese medicine intestine skin limb bone marrow beauty blood vessel blood leukocyte lungs medicine treatment face uterus menstruation mycological analysis of brain breast MRI thinking bladder muscles drug adrenal nerve newborn foot nails nose examination ovulation body tumor surgery fingers memory aspirin complex parasite liver pathology pigment digestive tract fruit pancreas spine sweat kidney prostate cancer child psychology psychosis radiograph fontanelle birth mouth hand heart retina symptom Lhermitte Down syndrome Sturge-Weber syndrome, Turner syndrome ear consciousness sperm spin spinal puncture alloy foot joints rash therapy testing allergy test tissue aspirin complex trauma ultrasound toxin enzyme ear surgery aspirin complex cholesterol phobia chromosomes cystoscopy skull eczema embryo erythrocytes poison testicles ovary ovum Disclaimer:
You should not rely on them for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition. When complaints about the state of health and any painful symptoms you should always consult with a physician. The authors and the publishers do not accept responsibility for any loss or injury caused to any person acting or refrains from acting in accordance with the information contained aspirin complex in this publication. Design

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