As it often happens that a couple eager to have children, but, unfortunately, because of the many factors a woman can not become pregnant. Years go by, but she did not dare to act. And for good reason. The problem of infertility, to date, is not so rare. Fortunately, there is a way out of this situation, perhaps, quite expensive - not every infertile couple ragweed can afford it.
What did you mean? Today, as a common variant of the answer to the question, where do babies come from ("found in cabbage", "store-bought", "stork brought", "Santa Claus gave"), and could be considered another "got out of the tube" . The first child "test-tube" appeared in England 28 years ago. Until now, there are many disputes about how good or artificial insemination, or bad. Especially a lot of opponents of this kind of conception ragweed of children is among the representatives of the church. What do couples who have put this disappointing diagnosis "infertility"? Artificial insemination or IVF (in vitro fertilization) can help even in the most desperate ragweed situations. It may be:
obstruction of the fallopian tubes or the lack thereof; incurable endometriosis; insufficient number of sperm in the semen of her husband; immunological incompatibility of the couple; "Vague" infertility (when, after a full examination and can not find the cause).
Many people are afraid of the word "artificial". In fact, the children, "conceived" in vitro absolutely normal, and do not differ from children who are born naturally. To do this, and there is a clinic fertilization. After all, this procedure takes a woman's egg and the sperm of her husband - the same "material" to help meet smart scientists. Developing such child in my mother's belly, pregnancy is just like all the same and lasts nine months. That's just probably have to visit the doctor a little more often. Although, it's even better. ragweed Somehow There is a misconception that children ragweed are "test-tube" must be born with a genetic disease, ragweed they are more weak and underdeveloped, and that in the future, these children will not be able to conceive and give birth naturally. In fact - it is not. All diseases and abnormalities in children who were conceived via IVF may occur with exactly ragweed the same probability as in the natural fertilization. Myth is that the children of the "test-tube" can not have children of their own, you can dispel the simple fact that the first child, who was conceived via IVF in 1978 in England, Louise Brown, now 28 years old, has already given birth to quite normal and healthy baby. If you decide on IVF, it is first necessary to visit a gynecologist. This is necessary in order to make sure that you can easily bear a child. Then will need to pass various tests. Among them are the most important: blood tests for AIDS, syphilis, Hepatitis B (surrender and husband and wife); smear on purity and high vaginal infections (especially chlamydia); analysis of the husband's sperm. Can, of course, more research ragweed is needed and about which doctor will tell you. You must have patience, because IVF is quite a serious step that requires a lot of time and nerves.
How is artificial insemination? In a nutshell, and without scientific terms - it looks like this: using a different hormonal therapy stimulates the ovaries, which resulted in several mature eggs. The wall of the vagina and the egg is pierced with a special thin needle, sucked the contents of the ovary and the egg under a microscope selected. Do not be afraid, ragweed this procedure is absolutely painless, as is done under anesthesia and takes only a few minutes. Extracted egg placed in a special sterile tube with a special nutrient medium. After some time in this tube are added sperm and embryo while grown in an incubator. If all is going well - a couple of days growing embryo is placed in the woman's uterus. Most likely, ragweed doctors may prescribe medications special welcome to embryos succeed better. Subsequently, with the passage of such a pregnancy observe occupational therapists. IVF procedure is a serious interference with the female body. It requires a very large responsibility on both sides (as with your husband, and doctors). Do not be afraid and do not be surprised if you will be required to sign a huge amount of information and documents. Especially big trouble with the documents ragweed you have to, if you suddenly need the services of a donor. His commitment must be legally documented, ragweed and your acquaintance with them is necessary. Donor sperm is needed in cases where a spouse ragweed is completely lacking germ cells, or they are of poor quality. The decision to use the services of the donor must be scrupulous
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