Friday, December 19, 2014

According to Ruediger Dahlke genetic disorders has to do with a big step toward recovery from a bad

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Eat against doldrums!
It makes a difference, of course, what. No countless chocolate, because in addition to just throw up a short time, the balance sheet will not be grateful. Choose from the following spirits rather forced, healthy meals when attacking the autumn depression.
Depression is the same word in this context, I do not like, because obviously the more serious thing than just food could be expelled. I prefer to call rosszkedvnek, depression, apathy, which assailed the onset of autumn and winter, and try to do against small changes made in our diet.
The happiness of our two hormones are responsible, dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine is produced by the body, sleep, sports, during sex, for example, less food can be obtained. However, serotonin is a different situation, there are certain foods which can highlight the level in our blood, so we cheered, but at least in the long term, and we do not feel so overwhelmed by the cold and dark mornings. What you need vitamins?
Especially B vitamins should eat foods rich against the doldrums, it is often caused by folic acid deficiency depressed mood and low levels of vitamin B-12 also found no correlation. But there is an omega-3 fatty acids essential for the normal functioning of the brain, since the researches have shown that the depression is in almost all cases, the fatty acid is extremely low.
These vitamins are easy to replace either the pharmacy and even halolajkapszulában recommended to consume as omega-3 fatty acids, and B-complex vitamins taken daily for protecting the nerves. The animals are not happy
According to Ruediger Dahlke genetic disorders has to do with a big step toward recovery from a bad mood, if we do not eat animals slaughtered in a slaughterhouse. The famous German doctor and naturopath, according to the records would be the best, if at all, would not eat meat, but it makes some concession that if he awakens in us an irresistible desire to be held freely, happily deceased animals to select. genetic disorders The meat does not build up in their stress hormone, and Dahlke to believe that it also has an effect on us, who consume the food. Scientific tests have not proven anything like that.
Then why bother? On the one hand it is much more delicate flesh of the animal, which is not worth the stress before slaughter. The veal tougher for example, pork is soft and the water will be added according to experts, and both of them to acidify if ruthlessly carried to the slaughter of animals. In addition, the soul is undeniably be more relaxed when we consider that the current ebédünkkel Aunt supported living in the neighboring village, whose chickens scratching genetic disorders in the yard, instead of the hens are narrow and crowded cages holding large-scale industrial farming.
You just have not found a farm nearby where happy chickens running around, you unfortunately have little chance in the panelrengetegben. So I'm more in addition genetic disorders to minimizing the meat in the diet, and I'm trying genetic disorders to buy a large-scale farm chicken instead, if they have to. Not incidentally, the same pin &

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