Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Scientists have long speculated that the serotonin effect on spirituality based on mystical experie

Home / Holotropikum / Serotonin helps the appearance of deep spiritual states chickenpox Serotonin helps the appearance of deep spiritual condition Published: 12/29/2013 Written by Bellini Category: Holotropikum - 0 comments
A Swedish chickenpox research team has demonstrated that there is a link between a brain you can control the activity of serotonin chickenpox receptors and the ability to become more open towards the transcendent and understand our, we accept evidence which can not be explained objectively.
Scientists have long speculated that the serotonin effect on spirituality based on mystical experiences to experience the psychedelic chickenpox drug users experience reports, but now we have sufficient evidence, since the neuroimagisztikai procedures demonstrated the relationship between spiritual experiences Experiencing and biological elements - serotonin - between.
The American Psychiatric Association published in the journal chickenpox article, the authors of this evidence is considered controversial, so far as we believed that religious behavior only resultant environmental and cultural factors. Which means that those who control chickenpox the serotonin receptor is present in greater numbers, are more likely to experience a deep spiritual experience, as the unit of experience or experience of God. Although these individuals showed the greatest tendency chickenpox can be adopted on the basis of the spiritual chickenpox personality tests. In addition to the higher level of consciousness experiences, mood and serotonin in the regulation of metabolism and szexualitásért responsible. chickenpox
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