Monday, December 22, 2014

The autumn colic mood swings leading cause a decrease in the number of hours of sunshine, as the su

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September has arrived, it gets dark earlier, more and more clothes and you probably also remember wistfully back to the moment when the blazing sun on his back but I thought even keep a little colic that day. Yes, this is certainly the fall, but you can do about it, to seal in your favor and stick with the same cheerful and energetic than before. Serotonin
Serotonin is a kind of happiness hormone secreted by the central nervous system and produces gyomorbélben. colic Made of tryptophan, an essential amino acid, meaning the body is unable to produce. Low levels colic of serotonin may be responsible for depresszióért the migrénért the levertségért and excessive in meat, as the carbohydrate and temporarily increase the serotonin levels.
The autumn colic mood swings leading cause a decrease in the number of hours of sunshine, as the sun plays a role in serotonin production. colic Exercise has been shown to also stresszűző effect, and if the two are bonding, an afternoon running outdoors or on a weekend trip with the family, we guarantee you will improve your mood. The vitamins B5 and B6, and folic acid is essential for the synthesis of serotonin, colic so you should consume foods rich in B vitamins. Hormone serotonin
Tryptophan virtually colic all protein-containing foods can be found, especially in large quantities in oats, bananas, fish in animals, eggs, red meat, and oilseeds. It should, however, aware of is that of the tryptophan lactose intolerance resulting poor absorption, leading to low triptofánszinthez.
In summary, colic in this case care should fall to your diet, because the changed weather conditions changed meals entail, but when you consider the above information, eliminates the autumn depression and you can Boru serenity.
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