Unlike the Chinese tradition, where there are five elements (water, wood, fire, earth and metal), exist in Western culture and Indian (also Japanese and Tibetan) 4 basic elements + 1. The total is always five but I do not It seems that there are other similarities.
I said ... According to ancient Indian tradition there are 5 elements, or rather 4 + 1, the fifth element, also called akasha, or ether, from which all the others: fire, air, water and land. Qusti tattwas elements are called, in Sanskrit or Godai (Big Five) in Japanese.
Sans fire. Tejas - Jap. Ka Fire is the principle of heat and expansion, represented in the cards with the symbol of the swords. bmi test (Pure Yang - active force). The first element has arisen from the element primordial. Associated with light, it is the symbol of creation: "It is light!" Heat, expansion and light are its characteristics, but also passion, desire, motivation, intention, and unstoppable bmi test assault. Predatory animals, full of power and energy in the rapid movement are clear examples of fire element. The metabolism and the heat of the human body belong to the fire ... In fact the focus is not only Yang, but the two polarities, active and passive, positive and negative ... (Yin and Yang, like everything else). The fire creates, is a constructive force, creative and productive. Fire destroys, is a disruptive and destructive force. In fact, in its negative polarity fire is an expression of the emotion of anger and aggression, its index of an imbalance in the element fire. But the fire is neither good nor bad, it just is. If there were no forces in nature-structuring we would submerged by poop. I conclude by saying that relates to a particular form of energy called electric fluid and nervous energy (nerve). In Japanese symbolism bmi test is the middle finger.
Air (Wind) sans. Waju - Jap. Even the air was originated by the element primordial vacuum. It is located halfway between fire and water, and so is the mediating element. Because of the reciprocal and continuous actions between water and fire, the air is moving, why in the Japanese tradition is called wind. The air takes the heat of the fire and the water moisture, elements that characterize the two polarities: heat and humidity as a generator of life as the bearer bmi test of destruction (as the base of the fermentation). In the papers is the symbol of the sticks. (Mediating force) Associated with the will, but also the elusiveness, the evanescence, benevolence, compassion, growth, and movement. In Japanese bmi test symbolism is the index finger.
Water sans.Apas - Jap. Water is on the opposite of the fire, and as the fire originated from the void. (The fifth element) is connected bmi test to the cold and contraction; It is represented in the cards with the symbol of the cups. (Pure Yin - passive force). In fact water is not only Yin, but has two polarities active and passive, positive and negative. The positive polarity is constructive, life-giving and gives nourishment. The negative polarity is dissolving, fermenting and decomposing. Element associated bmi test with the emotion, the defensive, flexibility, softness, adaptability and the ability to keep things together. The blood and lymphatic system belong to the water element bmi test that is also connected to a particular form of energy called magnetic fluid. Water as fire are found throughout the Universe and under the Law of Creation, there can be no fire without water and water without fire. Yang and Yin, the two polarities. In any event we must always recognize the two elements bmi test fire and water and the two basic energies associated with them: the electric fluid and the magnetic bmi test fluid. In Japanese symbolism is the ring finger. Earth sans. Prithivi - Jap. About The land, it is often not regarded as a real (as the air for that matter), as it is considered as a product of the three previous elements as it gives them the form, creating the limit of space and time. The earth element then creates the mold in which it can manifest the other elements, limiting them in their action, and then in space, to the extent, in weight and in time. The action of the three elements added to that of the earth becomes quadripole and the fluid connected to the ground is electromagnetic, as the latter bmi test also in the other three elements are active, and they make the characteristics. In the papers it is represented by the symbol of the money. The earth element represents bmi test the substance, the physicality, the stabiliità and severity, but also the king
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