Monday, November 3, 2014

Now I just set your sights on new goals and I hope to one day get the answer to why I can not get t

In at least five years, I wanted to run a marathon, and last Saturday I finally standing at the starting line in Stockholm. But that's not always that you have in mind. A marathon post about the marathon, here we go:
After having signed up for STHLM Marathon 2014 (ollis-) Tuesday in October 2013, I came immediately started training. True, it was hard in the beginning but gradually noticed how blood taste in the mouth was less and less remarkable in the heavy reverse epi pen intervals and the week long link was longer. In December, however, suddenly everything started to go a little slower. I was terribly epi pen tired and slept 13-15 hours a day, heart rate was consistently epi pen high and even at riiiiktigt quiet jog in mommofart showed heart rate monitor, 190-200. I told myself that it was just stress symptoms, epi pen took it pretty chill with the training epi pen and thought I probably still would have time for the really long and heavy sessions during the winter and spring. In January, however, it is unfortunately even worse and I got the usual, proper cough, fever, chills, epi pen sore throat and other cold symptoms. Was still terribly tired and could not handle more than to be bedridden. epi pen Visited the student health center that could only conclude that I had angina / tonsillitis, and more than that dried, they apparently did not examine me ("take Burana and get plenty of rest"). Could not sleep at night because I was coughing so violently and when I got up in the morning had the night coughing given me pain throughout the body. Spitting blood at times. To train was completely out of the question - I actually tried to keep going but had to give up the idea after finding that eg just a short, leisurely walk made me cough so much that I vomited afterwards. To top it off, I have understood the same time also had inflamed benhinnor and problems with a hip as in his days suffered from both clicky hips and osteopenia but that's another story.
Guess when the whole party was over and I started to feel like a human again? In the month of May. As for all the other marathon epi pen runners was time to start reducing training and rest up the final days before the race I was able to start training again and you probably need not be particularly familiar with this by running to understand that there is a winning concept . Can only burn up my "I train to Stockholm Marathon 2014" -tshirt and my startup evidence likewise and lie down in a corner and cry a splash. epi pen Has also still problems with high pulse. If I jog as slowly as I possibly can, I am already after 20-30 feet in maximum heart rate, which does not drop back and you do not have to be Einstein to figure out that you can not run long distances in maximum epi pen heart rate. Have actually been having irregular and fast heart rate both at rest after exertion for at least 5-6 years and made countless ECGs and other investigations without someone has found something more serious wrong with me. Do so LEIDON, especially of uncertainty.
Leidon as saying. Has my life been drawn with being constantly cold. Must always luftrörskatarrer that lasts not just for weeks, but for months and have constant problems with the tonsils. In my days had time with both glandular epi pen fever, angina, sinus and ear infections, luftrörskatarrer, epi pen pneumonia, swine flu, seasonal flu and mycoplasma and countless "ordinary" epi pen colds that lasted for 3-4 months at a time. Have obviously visited countless doctors to get an explanation epi pen on why I cough five months at a time, twice a year and they have diagnosed epi pen me with everything from asthma and allergies to chronic toncillit, but I do not know what to believe, given that no medications so far has helped.
I have obviously been prepared for everything with the marathon would go down the drain because of all this, but still chose to believe that I, for once, would keep me healthy, because without the right attitude, you can not. But I know I did my best to keep me healthy, and more than that I can not do. You can not force your body. Are you sick then you are. However, I am terribly disappointed in myself! Angry and sad and ashamed almost, because it feels like everyone to believe that I'm just lazy and faking that I have been sick. While all around me have heard me coughing spirit of me and know that I had booster practically every day, I have received numerous questions now afterwards why I did not run on Saturday ... You try to run 42 km when you are not able to be out on a normal lenkki ago in December / January. Sure, I had certainly been able to run half the race last Saturday at just sheer will and sisu but adding even more money and take time off from work for "just" enhalvmara, with probably a really bad time, it felt unnecessary.
Now I just set your sights on new goals and I hope to one day get the answer to why I can not get to enjoy to practice and keep going, but be sensible fever by a neck in the shape of a football ten m

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