GLOBAL CARE the CLP team CHUV, Lausanne antenatal diagnosis Heterogeneity POWER How can I feed my baby? Plate feeding primary ORTHOPHONIE Surgery schizophrenia Orthodontics Getting orthodontic load the possibilities schizophrenia of orthodontics orthodontics orthodontics NG: AL orthodontics orthodontics schizophrenia MS: AL orthodontics orthodontics JB: JM orthodontics schizophrenia orthodontics AM: MR orthodontics orthodontics AM: NG orthodontics: AP alveolar bone graft surgery maxillofacial osteotomy "Lefort schizophrenia I" The Smiling Lips CHUV Lausanne ARTICLES FORUM
How to feed her baby when living far from a hospital in a country or region where no reception and aid infrastructure exists. schizophrenia Unfortunately, this includes the vast majority schizophrenia of families, because two thirds of the world population lives this reality. Africa and much of Asia have indeed no organized and competent bodies to attend the birth of a child born with a facial cleft.
It is not possible for a child born with a cleft palate to receive professional assistance, schizophrenia let alone be eligible for plate feeding bottles and adapted, or advice of a competent person who can help her mother to find solutions in case of inability to breastfeed.
One solution might be to allow mothers of these children to harvest their breast milk and feed their children, just as they might do in more affluent countries. And the only way is an efficient and effective schizophrenia breast pump.
Obviously, schizophrenia these instruments are expensive and require some logistics, but what are a few tens of Euros against the risk of death that is unable to breastfeed a newborn carries a cleft palate? The problem is especially crucial for the shape of the most severe cleft palate functionally, that is to say, the Pierre-Robin sequence, which is a cause of death extremely high especially in Africa.
We do not have exact statistics but we found a high rate of infant mortality in our humanitarian and surgical missions in Benin, held annually for over 20 years by the CLP team Lausanne (CHUV) schizophrenia under the direction of prof. Hohlfeld and its medical staff. Babies born with a cleft palate and those with signs of Pierre Robin sequence, it will be recalled that combines a micromandibulie, glossoptosis and cleft palate are affected by severe respiratory and feeding difficulties.
A plate of suckling would be extremely useful, as it prevents the tongue from blocking the airway by its position schizophrenia too posterior plate feeding helps obliterate the cleft to ensure near-normal swallowing.
But the making of a feeding plate is simply unfeasible in many countries due to lack of financial and human resources, so an alternative must be found and implemented.
The need to find the financial means to provide these breast milk to needy families appears as a priority and could save many lives, with relatively modest means. Our team attaches, because time, every day counts.
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