Sunday, February 23, 2014

First of all, the central concept of

I have not written a text for your blog, can not seem to catch a bit of time, and the ideas are piling up. I still just not getting, but I feel I must respond. Namely, on Saturday 9th 11th 2013th I was to look Rojca Emil Jurcan lecture entitled, "Istrian mikrofašizam" melancholia trailer (here's the picture) under the Anti fa festa. That day has been a guest lecturer at Radio Maestral the show pill that I accidentally listened to (and you can listen to it in full here). Already melancholia trailer at the listening radio broadcast it was very strange use of terms such as "mikrofašizma", "corporatism", "corporate governance", and the like. Immediately I felt that I was the speaker knows exactly what he is. The lecture was repeated all the same, the same order as that day was on the radio. Then I realized that these terms are used in totally the wrong way, that they do not understand the speaker, and that the whole story is based on the tower of cards, or the castle of sand next to the sea at low tide. But first things first.
First of all, the central concept of "mikrofašizma" is totally misplaced. Jurcan, as I said, took the concept of "mikrofašizam" by Felix Guattari (although Guattari wrote about it along with Gilles Deleuze, with whom he often worked in tandem). The term is unreasonable in itself, and everything else that comes from postomoderne (do not put links to the Croatian edition of The Wikipedia articles because they are desperate). Incidentally, these postmodern concepts are so incomprehensible that, for example, melancholia trailer Andrew C. Bulhak agreed melancholia trailer The Postmodernism Generator (more on that here), and Alan Sokal was once disgraced postmodern team (later melancholia trailer with Jean Bricmont ridiculed that whole scene in the book fangled nonsense (EN) / Intellectual scams (FR) in which an entire chapter is devoted to nonsense Felix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze). But back to our story. So Jurcan used the concept - "mikrofašizam" - which is pretty vague, and by me and tautological, in the wrong way. The term itself is based on pseudoscience, respectively, on Psychoanalysis (najprimamljivijoj type pseudozanosti), or the concept of desire. For a better understanding melancholia trailer I suggest reading this tekstića in which the author quite clearly (how is that even possible when it comes to postmodern) explains the concepts of micro-and mikrofašizma. In short, mikrofašizam occurs in situations when it seems that some rules are self-explanatory and that they should not be too much even explain (as unconsciously accept them). Example advised to tekstiću described a situation in which we are stoked people melancholia trailer in the subway do not hold the right side of the stairs, and I would add that it is in the "unwritten rule" greeting, respectively, of regarding it's rude. What, when you know how things are and not something that should philosophize. melancholia trailer " As far as micropolitics, Deleuze and Guattari believe that the rules are petty everyday melancholia trailer political, have an impact on the "big" policy (something like Foucault mikrokapilarnosti power). You could say that mikrofašizam the situation when at a lecture, for example, on the Istrian melancholia trailer mikrofašizmu, can not argue otherwise because all participants think alike and have the opposite opinion means to be a "servant of capital", "mercenary IDS", etc. Such situations ... then a significant fascism. The alternative is probably behave schizophrenic because that way you do not respect the rules mikrofašizma unconscious, melancholia trailer and so reduce the desire (do not ask me how) and everything is great, no rules, wild, "from below", "the soul" and what do I know . But as soon as we begin to create rules of schizophrenia and then it becomes mikrofašizam melancholia trailer (Aaaaarg, I no mad ;)).
I honestly do not know how they ekiparci from Pula Group of the psychoanalytic concept of an opaque reach "Istrian mikrofašizma." They think that each of us unconsciously follow any rules so that it eventually leads to some specific policies IDS, all together based on Istiranism (required look disgraceful article melancholia trailer about Istiranism the Croatian wikipedia) melancholia trailer or accepting some, like, typical of Istrian narrative? What, truffles, wine, region leader. Bo. Jurcan by building something in his story, but it is not very clear. It's getting into Bertos and his book Ethnos and ethos homeland as the progenitor of some "istrijanskog" discourse, although in my opinion Bertoša was quite Croatian nationalist established (not just by me). I say "was" because it seems lately melancholia trailer that turned to Venice and that somehow melancholia trailer invokes the Venetian time. On the other hand Jurcan wanted to deconstruct the discourse (how heavy words) melancholia trailer on the Istria region as a leader, but I have not heard any news. That Istria was not exactly rich region of Austria, Italy or anything, melancholia trailer it was always quite pos

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