Thursday, January 16, 2014

How beautiful would our world, and our global society without the widespread and often have

The GREED should be enshrined as a recognized INSANITY in society! The year 2013 is coming to an end! Our Zeitgeist unfortunately not yet! The greed for money, power and position ulcers will remain and viewed?
the values of the company should not come from the having, but rather from the realm of being. Do not you think? The book by Erich Fromm "Have or to Be" is recommended to be very.
How beautiful would our world, and our global society without the widespread and often have "normal" greed? ulcers If the greed as a recognized and proscribed mental illness among men distributed, we could live on earth as in "heaven."
Tweet This entry was posted on 30 December 2013 by Klaus Schreiner published in Open citizenship papers. ulcers Tags: constitution. Article Navigation ulcers sense of shame somewhere in nowhere! Money determines our / their actions? Money makes unabashedly! Happy new year and Happy New Year 2014
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Deselection agricultural wrong anti-corruption poverty banks banking secrecy citizens ulcers civic democracy democratic states financial mafia financial questionnaire freedom greed profit Herwig van Staa corruption ulcers criticism muzzle media media finance freedom of morality Parliament obligation Platter radio resistance law Legal Ethics Legal Philosophy government ulcers silence tax money tax havens Tirol disobedience injustice responsibility Constitutional property taxes Resistance Resistance Law Economics Austria latest posts fluoride II - Interesting information for your own health! Personal responsibility right and wrong to recognize - to glorify a criminal class as a legislator, is that right?! Sold politics? Corporate lobbyists determination! Fluoride - toothpaste - destruction and poisoning rates - critical ulcers Inform yourself and decide for free! Martin Hauser honor from the EU Parliament: Politics degratiert be communicated to learn management of the corporations! Lobbyists, TTIP & Co ruled! We, the societies of Europe are sold by our own PEOPLE'S REPRESENTATIVES)? science of the soul consciousness thoughts feelings values will freedom life responsibility Latest comments Thomas Kirchner at exsanguination of the population for the "capital elites" are socialized by the policy paid! Here is an ATTAC Report taken over 1:1, for Ireland Rescue! Guru at The Subsidized - Tiefschwarz - ÖVP - Sayings - Poverty is a scandal! Karl Klingenschmid at Politically indebted wage slavery 2.0 and Mietsklaventum, taxpayers and Collaborators are held to the assets of the wealthy to multiply - It is enough (no more to life!)! : (Reconquista in Have / Are you a conspiracy theorist A test and a very good video about Michi Repair at Cafe Tirol - Good example in Pill at 08:03:14 ulcers and 10:05:14 as a model / pilot project for Austria Start your own Repair?? Cafe. :) link!

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