Thursday, September 11, 2014

On the question of fracture prevention candida diet is an older meta-analysis by Tang et al. before

Sobering candida diet new meta-analysis on the benefits of vitamin D | DGE Blog
Medical News in brief the German Society of Endocrinology candida diet (Spokesperson: Prof. Helmut Schatz, Bochum) From now on commenting with the possibility posts! Sobering new meta-analysis on the benefits of vitamin D
A few days ago appeared in Diabetes & Endocrinology Lancet online (1) a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials candida diet of vitamin D, which found that a general vitamin D prophylaxis, and with or without calcium, the incidence of heart attack, stroke, cancer, also fractures and femoral neck fractures in total did not decrease. The authors are of the opinion that it would be found in future studies with a similar design, also no significant risk reduction.
The threshold of benefit of vitamin D was chosen a risk reduction of 15%, with the exception of 5% for mortality. For myocardial infarction and ischemic heart disease 9 trials with 48,000 people, of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases 8 with 46,000 for Cancer 7 with 48,000, and for all fractures were pooled 22 studies involving 76,000 people considered. For these endpoints, the result was in the range of ineffectiveness, which was defined as <15%. Vitamin D supplementation alone also reduced not broken hip by 15% or more (12 studies, 27,000 people). Only for vitamin candida diet D along with calcium resulted in living in institutions such as homes for the elderly people a benefit (2 studies candida diet with ~ 3800 people), but not for people under normal living conditions (7 studies candida diet involving 56,000 people). candida diet Whether vitamin D reduced mortality with or without calcium ultimately remained unclear (38 trials, 81,000 people).
After a year-long wave of euphoria over the "sun hormone" vitamin D now follow increasingly negative studies and meta-analyzes. Even a general benefit to the skeletal system is considered questionable or absent. The German Society of Endocrinology (DGE) has always taken in its press releases and blog posts, waiting until a skeptical attitude, apart from the musculoskeletal system (2). The speaker was often criticized for both online candida diet and in person by proponents of a broad vitamin D use. Karl Michaelsson, the author of the editorial (3) to the recently published work points out that in the United States between 2002 and 2011, the annual sales of vitamin D have more than tenfold, from 42 to 605 million U.S. dollars. Objections, the dose should only be increased in order to obtain candida diet a benefit, candida diet keeps Micharlsson preclude high annual vitamin D doses may even increase the risk of fractures and falls (4), and without urgent indication for vitamin D intake in a pronounced lack the damage is possibly higher than its benefits.
For cardiovascular effect of vitamin D through two large studies, the VITAL and VIDAL-study (2), which will bring in a few years probably candida diet final clarity. Here also the risk of cancer is to be mitbeurteilt. A meta-analysis for total mortality of Rejnmark et al. (5) in 70,000 patients did not show for vitamin D with or without calcium, taken together, a mortality reduction of 7%, however, influenced vitamin D alone the death rate.
On the question of fracture prevention candida diet is an older meta-analysis by Tang et al. before (6), which had resulted in a significant reduction of the overall fracture risk by 12%, particularly for individuals with good compliance of 24%. In the new work, the findings of Chapuy et al come. (7.8) relating to a reduction of femoral neck fractures with calcium and vitamin D in elderly candida diet home residents expressed. The extent to which the limit was selected carefully candida diet from 15% to evidence of a benefit - for the overall mortality of 5% - remains to be seen. It must also be remembered that very heterogeneous studies, especially in relation to the vitamin D dose were evaluated: This was from 200 to 1100 units / day or 100,000 to 150,000 units every 3 months. On the much discussed U-shaped dose effect candida diet of vitamin D was not discussed in detail. In conclusion agrees with the speaker the first author of the study, Dr. Bolland but that it was time to establish evidence-based thresholds for a clinically relevant reference range of vitamin D.
(1) MJ Bolland et al .: The effect of vitamin D supplementation on skeletal, vascular, or cancer outcomes: a meta-analysis trial sequential THE LANCET Diabetes & Endocrinology, Early Online Publication, 24 January candida diet 2014 Doi: 10.1016 / S2213-8587 (13) 70212-2
(6) BMP Tang et al, Use of calcium or calcium in combination with vitamin D supplementation to prevent candida diet prevention fractures and bone loss in people aged 50 years and older: a. Meta-analysis. THE LANCET 2007. 370: 657-666

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