Saturday, December 14, 2013

Sharp pain in one of three areas inside which get their innervation nerve neuralgia may be caused b

Facial pregnancy week by week pain can be caused by a large number of pathologies. Indeed, in most cases there is no point worrying because these pains are due to minor problems they are likely to pass without treatment. However, there is a need to switch gentle diagnostic process and exclude the remote pregnancy week by week possibility that the onset of the face are due to a serious problem. Areas sensitive to pain the head and face
Skull and face are the main center of our reception, feeding and breathing control. Our senses ability to function depends on intact nerves making their way from the brain to the face. Through these senses we perceive information (feel, taste, smell, eyes, ears), texting (different facial expressions and head movements, voice messages). Through the mouth and nose, we consume, breathe and communicate.
Injury, almost every one of these tissues or structures may cause facial pain either directly or by projecting pain. Among the areas which may cause harm to facial pain and / or head inside pregnancy week by week the skull include: sinus venous, arterial Hmningieliim and other membrane that surrounds the skull, cranial nerves (Hkrnielim) and parts of the brain (Thalamus). Outside the skull: the outside of the skull (Periosteum), the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, blood vessels, nerves of the neck C2, C3, eyes, ears, teeth, sinuses, throat, nasal cavity muscle. Possible causes of facial pain
Common causes of facial pain are obviously marginal and symptoms for which all are expected to pass without treatment within a few days. For example, facial pain arising pimples, mild inflammation (rhinitis) of the sinuses pregnancy week by week (Sinusitis), headaches pregnancy week by week or mild trauma. pregnancy week by week However, there are also serious factors, life-threatening, may also cause facial pain. Among the factors that should include: significant trauma in one of the parts of the face, cancer by one in the face or upper part of the lung, inflammation of bone infection Hmstoid pregnancy week by week (Mastoid process), an infectious inflammation of the sinuses (Sinusitis), upper respiratory infection, inflammation of ear infections, inflammatory and infectious teeth or gums, inflammation in one of Interior Designers (Trigeminal pregnancy week by week neuralgia, herpes pregnancy week by week zoster), parotid salivary gland damage (Parotid gland), eye injuries, jaw joint inflammation, inflammation of the blood vessels in my temples, and more. Below detail possible causes facial pregnancy week by week pain: - inflammation of the nasal passages (Sinusitis)
Inflammation of the mucous membranes of one or more spaces sinuses (sinus) are found in the bones of the skull. Typical symptoms pregnancy week by week can include runny nose could be sustained pregnancy week by week discharge, sneezing, damage the sense of smell, fever, feeling of fullness in the face and facial pain and head. Sinus cavities are normally sterile, but their proximity to the caves nose infiltration of pathogenic factors, the formation of mucosal inflammation and increased production of mucus and secretions. Symptoms of synovitis appear when the drainage of the sinus openings become blocked and then begins and internal damage in the sinus spaces. - Jaw joint syndrome (TMJ syndrome)
Jaw joint (Temporo-Mandibular Joint) located at the front of the ear, which connects the lower jaw to the skull serves us well to a variety of tasks including chewing, speaking, swallowing, yawning, and more. Exposed jaw joint injuries (bruises, pregnancy week by week discharges), for use of excessive loads, structure and dysfunction (congenital or acquired), and diseases (arthritis, malignancy, etc.), just like all other joint in the body. "Jaw pregnancy week by week joint syndrome" (Temporo Mandibular Joint Syndrome). It gathers a variety of symptoms that appear in the jaw joint, neck, face, head and surrounding pregnancy week by week tissues, and stem injury and dysfunction of one or both jaw joints. Symptoms can include: pain, joint noises while moving and movement restrictions. - Trigeminal neuralgia (trigeminal neuralgia) pregnancy week by week
Sharp pain in one of three areas inside which get their innervation nerve neuralgia may be caused by nerve injury. More common in women in the fifth decade of their lives. The third branch of the trigeminal nerve is more easily damaged than others. It is important to remember that trigeminal neuralgia numb just sharp pains and intrusive Hniscim short periods of time. Touch points such meager face around the nose and lips can cause pain to appear. - Migraine (Migraine)
Characteristics of migraine include visual disturbances, nausea and headaches and sometimes severe facial pain and throbbing. Migraine aura precedes the number of minutes can have strange tastes in the mouth, visual disturbances, and tingling of the areas inside and on one side of the body. In some cases, migraine sufferers pregnancy week by week can suffer temporary paralysis in half of the body. Exposure to light may hurt. Factors that may lead to the development of migraine include stress, pregnancy week by week certain foods such as chocolate and dairy products, pregnancy week by week perfume and menstruation. - Facial pain on a background of stress (Tension face ache)
Headache and Facial spanning several hours a day and sometimes every day may also be caused emotional background. In fact almost every pain syndrome have mental state or other effect on the formation or transformation into chronic pain but some people state of mind is a powerful and dominant weight and even the creation of pain and the fact that is not healed. People who suffer from mental background face are probably the largest group of sufferers phenomenon. This group is often credited, as appropriate treatment there is a tendency to diagnose the problem and treat accordingly sinusitis. How Evaluated facial pain?
Diagnosis and management of facial pain pose a challenge to all clinicians. Facial pain may be caused by a wide variety of factors. Is necessary to start the diagnostic work taking medical history and learning pregnancy week by week of all the symptoms that accompany facial pain. Then perform a thorough physical examination which will include, of course, pregnancy week by week a comprehensive neurological examination. Avoid excessive tendency to identify the nasal inflammation (sinusitis) responsible for facial pregnancy week by week pain.
We will try to diagnose the cause of facial pain through learning about the severity of pain, the exact location of the pain, the type of pain, which worsens the pain or what reduces pain and of course what are the symptoms other than pain in the face

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