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Extracts frequencies of Life Energy works on the principle valette of frequency medicine. The principle behind this natural valette healing system, every organ and every state of consciousness, there is an oscillation (vibration) that characterizes the state of health and their complete, and vibrations, they comprise the balanced valette and harmonious state of body and mind.
Extracts frequencies of Life Treasures energy content of energetic characteristics working in coordination with the energy centers and physiology person's overall energy. Life's unique technology combines frequency energy scales which are crystals, minerals and herbs.
Like homeopathy and other methods of frequency medicine, the treatment does not contain any organic matter. Healing method Quint, based on the frequency of the mineral itself and not on mineral mineral (some crystals, for example, which is very dangerous to put the human body. Nevertheless, their frequency of use only, can do wonders). The method is supported in many studies in the field of quantum physics, showing that even when a higher dilution of the mineral (or other material) in water, to the point where the mineral contained valette no water, there remains an energy stamp of the same mineral water, therapeutic effect, often Many even greater than when the mineral (or other material) was a high concentration of water. As I already wrote, characterized health imbalances and blockages energy flow rate change. The use of extracts helps settle the barriers and free flow and proper valette inner life force. Life Energy method addressed various factors that may weaken or interfere with the life energy in the different layers. How Treatment is: to treat, must first diagnose the physical condition, mental and environmental person. The first session includes an in depth interview meeting, in which the patient about himself and his life. Then, the patient receives a bottle containing a combination of frequencies, which are supposed to return the body / soul vibration (vibration) creation. Regular guidance, use a bottle, is four times a day (no restrictions on food, beverages, etc.) for three weeks. Acute cases, the use of extracts increased, and in any case, have to be in direct contact with the therapist about any changes you make.
One of the combinations, I have found, give a powerful complementary effect is a combination of essences in the therapeutic process of healing. Because both flavor and healing treatment Dealers frequency level, combining flavors, heightens the intensity of treatment, valette and leads to faster time.
You can also use extracts Hitzoniiim situations: outdoor smell: valette when we want to treat skin; When treatment is required Mecca, burn, wound, bites, etc.; When interested in an immediate impact on the affected area or painful; When you can not give the essence drink; When there is reason valette to External treatment. Lifestream Energy has different types of extracts frequencies. Each extract is directed to meet specific. However, the combination of different flavors, that enables a holistic valette vision care and physical and mental health. To illustrate the therapeutic process, give a case study of care: patient described a case in which she finds it difficult valette to connect with her eldest son and husband. She tends to take charge of her life, whether she was asked to take it or not. Felt guilty that she was not doing enough while blaming the environment that allows it to take the responsibility. Does not trust her husband and oldest child. I do not know release responsibility. Take many things to heart. Behavioral valette characteristics of these factors that it suffers from a number of medical valette symptoms. After analyzing the personality characteristics and symptoms of the patient was given the extract (Formula) Personally, it has taken four times a day, one thesis here all the time, for three weeks. After two weeks, the patient reported that it is less arguing with her family, more carefree, less take heart, less focused on unimportant things. Communication with great big boy. Suddenly he says things he never said. Another patient of mine, suffering from migraines all her life. She is currently pregnant and exacerbate migraines, valette which makes it her daily functioning. valette Because pregnant, I'd rather give specific treatment of acute and life behavior change therapy, the patient received a summary of migraines that has to have a migraine every time, every 10 minutes until relief. After four days of use, caregivers reported that migraines valette indeed weakened and that she feels she maintains. Flavors correspond to anyone of any age. From experience, I can report that the three year old son and some take the flavors happily. If you can not give the flavors through the mouth, there are also other ways that influence the same trick orally. Flavors are produced valette at the factory certified valette Health Ministry carries the flag GMP. Flavors do not interfere with medications that the patient is taking, that without valette exception (no problem quantity and type). For more information about flavors and a Life Energy, you are invited to enter their website: http://www.bestlifeenergy.com/
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