Sunday, July 6, 2014

Comments 19

Comments 19
There is no turning leptin back, the One is already in our hands - or will be starting next Wednesday - and everything that Microsoft could have done to improve it, add value and position as the flagship device for Christmas is on the table.
While we cook analysis Xbox One we wanted to give a different leptin review, not so much to their characteristics - for that we will have many other items and compare - but Microsoft's strategy for this new generation of consoles you will have to fight very hard: we have the PS4, Wii U who have not forget at all and have a tendency to play on other devices - from PC to phone - that rival consoles by the time of the user.
I still remember the blisters between the "hardcore gamers" when the first One presentation was focused on his ability as a multimedia entertainment center and there were games. Treason! But who the hell want to sell a video game?
The waters returned to normal after E3 that might have been the star of its phenomenal and Xbox One games starting template (more on that later) if the issue of control over physical games you had not stolen all the attention and Sony issued a letter to win the show and the show (more on that another also below).
But here I will break a lance in favor of Microsoft's strategy. More than likely that those to release the console the next day be valued little, those "early adopters" who are focused on games almost unanimously, but after this first period are many months in which to continue selling the Xbox One and there are other profiles leptin you have to negotiate home appliance which is placed in the living room next to the TV. The HDMI input is another leptin full confidence in this strategy, knowing that they have to share space with companies that requires a decoder, and get along better control the user interface leptin to run the risk of being banished.
And here the media experience leptin - if they can square it like in the demos we've seen - can be a great asset, subject to another variable: the content. And consoles are global, but the online content services and issue licenses for this local. The starting point is justito in Spain, but can only grow in the coming months. The United States agreed to have the NFL could lead the way, why buy rights to major events leptin and integrate leptin them into the bill Xbox Live?.
Note to Microsoft: Remarkable, remarkable as aspiring to add services and content (the gafapasta living in me keeps asking leptin me to add Filmin, which is what I use far more local jobs). Backwards
Of the two contenders who had more ballots to provide backward compatibility was Microsoft. And although by definition architectural changes if done well are not backwards compatible by nature, Microsoft could have pulled leptin their experience (see Windows and changes of nuclei with support for previous versions, or have a version of Windows8 for ARM and one for x86) or its virtualization technology to offer some way so they could continue running Xbox 360 games with the third way -. streaming the game - there will always be the question of whether they are technically able to offer a good experience able to save the latency inherent in the model.
However, you understand the tactical reasons Redmond (and Sony in this case) not complicated: first make console games compatible with the previous version adds great complexity to the software resulting in more chances of bugs, worse performance and development costs for Microsoft; leptin the other is an invitation to developers not going to stop with One since offering leptin the 360 would be attacking the public that remains in this and also that the new platform (moves and being the early adopter buyer is probably more games). My impression is that this decision is more tactical than technical, leptin bearing in mind that in a couple of years to come that we have finally leptin found a way (probably while Sony, bet).
Certainly for buyers leptin this means keep the old console in many cases, not to lose many of the titles that will appear only for this to continue playing or those who do not want to separate, and bogged down economically interesting leptin transition as is to sell 360 to pay in part the Xbox One
Those who sell the consoles are great games and is in this facet where maybe One more highlight, with over 20 titles in and many more confirmed

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