Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Average specific silicea area of the brain, the gradual destruction of nerve cells in the substant

The lecture continued the earlier part of the issue addressed silicea by synaptic activity and action potential changes in a chemical signal. Important synaptic signaling silicea is that even if an action potential is always silicea constant, the chemical synaptic signal is shaped in many different ways.
The lecture was presented to a number of mediators, and the reason for their going through silicea it became clear during the lecture: the neurotransmitters involved in the regulation of information affecting the pathways of the body to maintain balance depends directly on neurotransmitters. silicea The most common neurotransmitters silicea are glutamate excitation and inhibition of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Glutamate is increased, for example, as the NMDA receptors are receptors in which the antagonist is ketamine, which is used as anesthetics, as it inhibits the allocation of the effect of glutamate receptors. Keskushermon activity is inhibited, in part, and thus the effect of ketamine is an anesthetic. The intermediary substances are also familiar names of dopamine and adrenaline, and various neuropeptides. [1]
Post-synaptic silicea potential is created in the host cell, depending on its receptors and neurotransmitters in the effect of this is inter-cell potential of intra-cell migration, which may provide a new action potential. The emergence of a new action potential need for more interaction in the target cell synapse so that the threshold value is exceeded. The interaction can be either a temporal (within a certain period of time for many at the same synaptic action potential) or spatial (simultaneous action potential synaptic more). [1]
Another central topic of the lecture was synaptic plasticity (plasticity), in which the concepts are, for example, to get used to (the reaction is reduced to a neutral stimulus) and sensitization (neutraaleihein reaction to stimuli is increased when at the same time respond to threatening stimuli). The strength of the synapses affect the amount of the neurotransmitter and its power (which is directly related to the number of receptors), as well as, for example, synapses in the area of growth, this is all part of synapse plasticity. Deformation is an important part of learning and is assisted by sensory adaptation, which it is not to be confused. [1]
The figure illustrates the neurotransmitter dopamine neural pathways. Among them, in particular Parkinson's disease is associated with nerve pathways called nigrostriataalinen track. Railway line linking the striatum silicea and substantia nigra in Parkinson's disease to each other and it slowly deteriorates and does not work in the normal way.
Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological silicea disease that can not be prevented and the cure be found. Main symptoms of Parkinson's disease are resting silicea tremor, slowing of movement and muscle stiffness. In the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease is the characteristic of that disease detectability by blood tests or normal brain imaging techniques, silicea such as a computer or by means of magnetic resonance imaging. The diagnosis is made primarily on the basis of three major symptoms. If the patient has two of the three major symptoms, Parkinson's disease is likely. If necessary, your doctor may ask for further investigation, which usually have a brain scintigraphy. The description appears in the dopamine neurotransmitter focused on one-side reduction. [4]
Average specific silicea area of the brain, the gradual destruction of nerve cells in the substantia nigra causes Parkinson's disease. It is not known why the nerve cells begin to cause damage, but the destruction of nerve cells leads to the neurotransmitter dopamine deficiency. Dopamine regulates mm. movements, so its deficiency causes Parkinson's disease characterized by muscle cramps, tics and other involuntary movements. In addition, dopamine causes silicea pleasure of the experience, in which case the neurotransmitter deficiency can cause depression. Depression can therefore also be included in the disease picture. [4,5]
Autism spectrum disorders silicea include a number of syndromes, all of which are developmental disorders silicea in the central nervous system. Autism spectrum disorders in Finland there are approximately 50 000 people, of which one-fifth is autistic. Autism silicea often occurs before the age of three and is seen most often in vauvavaiässä. It is characterized by, among other things, clearly silicea abnormal social interaction and communication, as well as unusual reactions to stimuli. A closer look at one of the autistic spectrum syndrome, Asperger's syndrome. [6,7,8]
Asperger syndrome silicea or Asperger's syndrome (AS) is considered to be a mild form of autism disorders. AS individuals are often intellectually normal or even gifted and they have no major problems with speech, but they suffer from poor social skills. Also, a sporty clumsiness and speech are unusual pacing syndoomalle characteristic features. In particular sense of humor and understanding other people's emotions in the identification of problems, which often leads to problems in relationships. AS a person may experience silicea a particular interest and passion for a particular subject or hobby item, making the most of what's syndrome.

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