Blood cancer detainee's family wants justice 23/09/2013 - 12:04 Mersin, was arrested six months ago, Mehmet Barlas blood cancer treatment, is being held at grd kelepeli bunk bed hospital. His family referred to the danger of life by duyduunu requiring fifths disease to yardmna olduunu and someone asked yarglanmasn as Barlas pending.
Mersin - Mersin, was arrested fifths disease six months ago, cancer patients in the hospital since Mehmet Barlas'no tutuklandndan tutulduu were expressed as kelepeli bunk. Olduuiin treatment of prisoners claiming to yaplmadn good family, but with formula fifths disease beslendiini ilerlediini hastalandnn Barlas said. In a murder pheli continue yarglanmasna braklmasn the Barlas family that wants free, Cumhurbakan asked the Justice Bakanndan attention. Ilenen Diyarbakr'n a smash in 2006, due to the Tigris ilesine pheli honey as sickle KYNDE yarglanan and Mehmet fifths disease Mersin E Type Closed Prison gnderilen Barlas, fifths disease Mersin University yataa kelepeli blmnde Hamatoloji you sleeping in a way. Barlas acted as a child, and only fed with infant formula said. Barlas is approximately 4 yldrm blood cancer hastalna tutuklandktan captured while in prison stated that after the family moved to force hastalnn Barlas on Mersin University fifths disease Hamatoloji blmne voiced been removed. The family of doctors, Mehmet Barlas hastalnn ilerlediini claimed not interested. Let us assist Cumhurbakan and Justice addressed Cumhurbakan Bakan'na Emine Mehmet Barlas Barlas yllkei 25 (48) flour syled: "My husband is sick. Blood cancer. braksnlar I would like my husband. disease Geir own home. Hi yapamyor a eyin. 5 Sendto I bakyorum him. bottom of it balyorum. braklsn I would like. Cumhurbakan and assist the Minister of Justice whether braklmasna Eimi. Tilt ok ill. every moment tion. If you come longed fifths disease periods of time in the house next to him ocuklarnn LSN. Cumhurbakan'ndan want attention. fifths disease " Atld slander my father ilesine Tigris Diyarbakr fifths disease ylndan fifths disease Mersin g of honey in 2006 stating that Adam Sickle kynden Barlas (17) 2008 ylnda i ved due to a murder atldn babasna advanced fifths disease srd defamation. Oul Barlas, "2008 ylnda our kyden ldrlm a man. 2006 2008 ylnda ilenen ramen us to murder my father kyden g atld on n. slander my father does not pick up on. dad Mersin E Type Closed Prison inmate being tried in patients with cancer. dad i still ylnda 2008 ved pheli incident condition. incident ierde why are you still holding my father is not irrelevant. still being tried under arrest. niversitenin she presents report gsterdiimizde prosecutor and judge, judges, and prosecutors did not believe . Committee report inanmyor. Bakanl'na more before my father's forgiveness and Justice delegation Cumhurbakanna Iin the end of the report but was unable to fax planted. " Prisoners yarglanan braksnlar or my father or pending fifths disease yarglasnlar Mersin E Type Closed Prison inmate babasnn yargland s blood cancer is split ramen 6 aydr Adam yleyen Barlas, "prison has no one to look at. dad braksnlar we bakalm him. hospital if you look in the bottom of a little iyileiyor while. prison, he was taken dnyor still become obsolete due to bs 15-20 in kalyor bakmszlktan. yataa kelepeli blood cancer and my father in the hospital or pending trial or braksnlar nk gre doktorlarnsylediine sre much touted yaamasna not be long. " fadelerini used. And assist us to get the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister addressed the Cumhurbakan Cumhurbakanna flours Barlas said: "My father was sleeping with Mersin E Type Closed Prison. Hastalndan due gryor uan Mersin University Hospital treatment itself. Himself yatalaktr. Himself tanmyor me. If the father of the deceased tanmyorsa bedridden state why it balyor . dad uan hastasdr cancer. Cumhurbakanmzdan here want attention. forgive my father. reports are available in the grld life-threatening. kalyor But not everyone is silent it. Cumhurbakanmzdan demand to pardon my father. So now my dad yledir five on the right side of a child naslsa. konutuumda with the doctors said I could be anywhere at any time ey. vermis in the report, but he could lose at any moment, judge will not admit it. " Zeki Mehmet Barlas Cumhurbakanna blood cancer fifths disease seslendiini call Cumhurbakanna Barlas'naabeyi residence YLE said: "kardeidir cancer of the blood due to a smash ilemedii AS IS sleeping with state prison. was cancer of the blood before entering the prison. prison due to good condition bakmadklarndan ktleti and critical situation now. every moment of life to lose. I'm here Cumhurbakanna call. kardeimi forgive he is my request. We look at him. Cumhurbakanmz kardeimizi Braks our ricamz that he is. " she said. Diyarbakr'n Tigris ilesine central Mersin Mediterranean Iles strawberry honey sickle kynden ylnda Quarter 2006 g, Barlas family ylnda Diyarbak 2008 r for a murder trial ilenen
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