Colleagues Help Where can I find this sticker on your car? It's bmi gone nowhere under the hood. Back to top
And colleagues that you responded so they knew about it told you where to look ....
And colleagues that you responded so they knew about it told you where to look .... Offf ... my mistake. Sorry I missed just one point as I read demek (in the trunk under the spare tire cover) Thanks
Incidentally bmi I have one patch as in the trunk and in the service booklet. Except that both are the same and equally incomplete! bmi I turned on the VIN-code on this site, and after about a day ('cause I let it go in the evening and checked bmi it again the next day after work) checked it out and downloaded. If my tape contains sample code PR-50 and ETKA th wondered about some things bmi what makes me, it downloaded bmi my VIN codes were probably 150! Now ETKA th'm not interested wondering what part of the car is just my ... Usage is simple: 1. Open this site 2. Follow the steps in the screenshots below. bmi 3. In case you do not and introduce for the first time, repeat the steps from the beginning after some time (about one day). Back to top
I downloaded the text file and have two questions: 1.First ten codes are separated by a semicolon, then follows a series of about 400simvola (5 lines), how to find out (separated) individual codes? 2.How to use these codes ETKA's? Back to top
I downloaded the text file and have two questions: 1.First ten codes are separated by a semicolon, then follows a series of about 400simvola (5 lines), how to find out (separated) individual codes? 2.How to use these codes ETKA's? Copy this text file where you downloaded it to C: \ ETKA \ USERDATA \ FGST and open your ETKA th already have paid in F1 SEARCH and filter out everything just to your Colizzi
Copy this text file where you downloaded it to C: \ ETKA \ USERDATA \ FGST and open your ETKA th already have paid in F1 SEARCH and filter out everything just to your Colizzi thanks bmi mate, I missed ... Back to top
File is named Vin-and my car and extension. Txt. I put it in that directory. Nothing appeared in F1 SEARCH! Drop-down menu is blank. What I did wrong? bmi Check whether bmi your MAINTENANCE -> INI EDITOR -> F1 SEARCH (Theia things are on the menu of the program) if you correctly set the argument Path to this folder where you put the file SUCCESS Back to top
Posted November 21, 2011 - 22:31
My tape had these codes here: WAUZZZ8EZ1HHHHHHH; 8E20B4; 5B5BLA; ALT; xxxxx; bmi ENM; 035; 20032001; X2B; 2001; 0B4, N3A, E0A, 7A0, 4UE, 6XC, 5SJ, 6TS, 1KD, J0L, 1LB, 1BA, 3FA, 5MA, 7X0, 4R5, F0A, 8GL, 0G1, 0YH, 0JG, T0F, 3ND, 8JK, U1B, X2B, 1N1, 1MR, 8Q1, 9Q2, 8Z5, MW2, 7Q0, CA1, 7K0, 4X3, 3Y0, 4K4, 5D1, 1SA, 0GG, Q1A, 4GP These are from the site that you pointed out: WAUZZZ8EZ1HHHHHHH; 8E20B4; 5B5BLA; ALT; xxxxx; ENM; 21, 05022001; X2B; 2001; A8S, G0C, K8B, T0F, C01, J0L, WB1, CA1, H6U, 1MR, 6PC, 6Q2, 6R2, 8UD, 9Q2, A00, B0A, B99, E0A, FA0, FC0, FM0, F0A, L0R, MW2, N3A, QE0, QH0, QQ0, QV0, Q1A, U1B, VB0, VC0, VR0, V0A, 0CS, 0F2, 0GG, 0G1, 0JG, 0LL, 0TC, 0VF, 0W2, 0YH, 1BA, 1C1, 1D0, 1EX, 1G3, 1KD, 1LB, 1N1, 1PC, 1SA, 1S7, 1T2, 1VG, 1WH, 1W0, 1X0, 1YA, 1Z5, 2A5, 2G1, 2KR, 2K1, 2T0, 2V1, 2WA, 2Z1, 3B0, 3CA, 3C1, 3FA, 3L3, 3ND, 3Q1, 3S0, 3X0, 3Y0, 4A0, 4E0, 4GP, 4KC, 4K4, 4L2, 4N0, 4P2, 4R5, 4UE, 4W0, 4X3, 4ZE, 5C0, 5D1, 5K5, 5MA, 5SJ, 6E0, 6M0, 6SS, 6TS, 6U0, 6V1, 6W5, 6XC, 7AL, 7A0, 7B0, 7CA, 7K0, 7M0, 7P0, 7QA, 7Q0, 7X0, 8GL, 8JK, 8KB, 8K0, 8N4, 8Q1, 8TD, 8T0, 8X0, 8Z5, 9AD, 9M0, 9NX, 9P0, 9T0, 9VD, 9W0;; 0;;; Do you understand what I mean? Back to top
I realized colleague. Those that I took off the site, however, are not separated by commas, as in you and have a whole series of characters ... AI do not know how and what I can use them. Those from the tab I have checked what each means, but the things that I downloaded from the site .. it's not-code not found. Maybe I can not separate bmi the individual codes ... I thought ETKA th I will decipher them
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