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High blood pressure, or what is known as excessive stress is a serious health problem, can lead to heart attacks or stroke, or kidney failure. As the blood pressure, which is 140/90 asacol mmHg or more index is high. As high pressure is usually diagnosed when the person continues to rise in reading during a specific period of time.
Common causes, or factors that contribute to high blood pressure are: obesity, genetic factors, and excessive drinking, asacol food contained high salt, and lack of exercise, aerobic, and tension, and grains load regulation, and pain relievers, and kidney disease, diseases of the adrenal gland. asacol
1. Lemon lemon helps in maintaining the softness and elasticity of blood vessels, and remove any stiffness, the high pressure will decrease. In addition, you can reduce your risk of heart failure, in attendance asacol to eat lemon juice on a regular basis due to its content of vitamin C. Vitamin C is where the potent antioxidants that contribute to modify the harmful effects of free radicals. Simply put, drink a glass of warm water after adding the juice of half a lemon to it every morning on an empty stomach, but better results do not add salt or sugar.
2. watermelon seeds These seeds contain a compound called cucurbocitrin (cucurbocitrin), which helps to expand the capillaries. At the same time, it helps to improve renal function, which helps in reducing blood pressure levels, and helps a lot in arthritis.
I found a pilot study conducted in the state of Florida in 2010, that watermelon helps to lower blood pressure levels according to the relaxed vessels to its impact. Isaac equal amounts of dried watermelon seeds as well as poppy seeds, and take a teaspoon of the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach and other spoon evening. Alternatively, you can add Mlaqin of melon seeds red powder to a cup of boiling water. And soak for about an hour, and then liquidate it, and take four tablespoons of the water at regular intervals during the day.
3. Garlic Many studies have shown anti-hypertensive owned by the effects of garlic. Although both raw and cooked garlic helps to adjust the high blood pressure, and at the same time reduces cholesterol levels. Garlic also helps to stretch and relax the blood vessels, so activating the production of nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide. asacol
Take 1-2 cloves of crushed garlic gently daily, since you can simply flatten them with your hands. It can crush garlic cloves frees hydrogen sulfide, a compound that improves the blood supply, and removes gases, and reduces stress on the heart. If you do not like eating raw garlic, or if you cause a stinging sensation, asacol then your taking it with a glass of milk. You can also Tmzjh with five to six drops of garlic juice in 4 tablespoons of water, and then taking it twice a day.
4. The banana banana is a fruit which can people who suffer from high pressure to take them regularly to adjust. Where the banana is rich in potassium source, which reduces the effect of sodium. So try to eat a banana or two a day, in addition to bananas You can try dried apricots, and Zubbeb, and currants (currants), and orange juice, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes baked, yellow watermelon, winter asacol squash.
5. celery The high content of a chemical compound vegetable 3. n-butyl Vttalid, and content in the celery helps in controlling high blood pressure. Since Fattaladat helps to relax the muscles surrounding Bjaddaran asacol arteries, which in turn creates a space that allows blood to flow without any difficulty or resistance. At the same time, it can help to reduce stress hormones, which grab the blood vessels, and thus contribute to raising blood pressure. Try to eat one leg of celery with a glass of water a day, and if you prefer, you can be dealt with directly through the day.
6. coconut water that people who suffer from high blood pressure should keep their bodies in good condition hydration. asacol It is good to drink about 8-10 glasses of water daily. The coconut water is especially useful for reducing blood pressure. A study published asacol in 2005 in West Indiana Journal of Medicine, that coconut water is rich in potassium, magnesium, vitamin C has shown, and can help to reduce systolic blood pressure. In addition to the coconut water, you can use coconut oil when cooking.
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