Hallucination - It's an image that arises in the mind and does not correspond to external stimuli. The cause of hallucinations may be fatigue, some mental illness, staar use of certain psychotropic substances and hallucinogens. For the first time the term was introduced into use in the early 19th century.
Hallucinations are the following varieties: Assitsiirovannye True False imperative Reflex (pseudohallucinations) Ekstrakampinnye Functional Elementary and hypnopompic hypnahohycheskye Hemionopticheskie Hallucinations Bonn
Associates - a hallucination, characterized by the appearance of images, staar which is consistent and logical. Examples of such hallucinations may be the voice that announces further followed by visual hallucinations.
These hallucinations. Mental perceived phenomenon or object are psychologically objective space. In contrast to the ideas and illusions, staar according to popular belief, these are not hallucinations may occur in mentally healthy people. These hallucinations, in turn, are divided into the following: auditory (acoustic), visual, olfactory, staar tactile, visceral (somatic), gustatory, vestibular, proprioceptive (motor) and complex (hallucinations related to a single object, but in the aisles of different senses). For visceral hallucinations characteristic objectivity - an indication of the presence of living beings, specific items that are under his skin, internal organs, feeling an electric current through the body.
Is imperative verbal hallucinations, other than povelevayuschym, imperative tone. Most of these voices "ordered" to perform any act that may be dangerous to others and the patient. staar These hallucinations can often occur when homitsidnom and suicidal behavior.
To false hallucinations include perceived phenomena and objects that are illusory space. These may be symptoms of schizophrenia, a syndrome of mental automatism and other diseases. This false perception hallucinations differs from all the others - they are not perceived by ordinary, provided staar a sense of "inner", "spiritual" hearing or vision.
Functional hallucinations occur when the phenomenon or object seen against the background of the current actually existing on the same analyzer (eg, sound of water and rustling leaves people can hear it). These hallucinations are different from the real presence of real stimulus that affects the analyzer, as well as the illusions in which no typical perception of the real stimulus. When functional hallucinations imaginary and real objects coexist along. They also include "visual echo" or traces phenomenon - perception of abuse when moving objects appear next discrete images. These images staar can occur even when a person mentally quite healthy, but much too tired.
Hallucinations staar Bonnie arise in those cases where the function of any analyzer staar completely staar absent or greatly reduced, ie deaf people staar begin to hear sounds, and blind - to see some visuals. This title has received this type of hallucinations after Charles Bonnet described the fact of their presence in his grandfather, cataract patients.
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WARNING! The information published on this website is reference. Diagnosis staar and prescribing medications require knowledge staar of history and direct patients. We encourage you to exclude cases of confusion on the use of drugs and diagnostics to see a doctor.
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