Etiology and pathogenesis can not be considered fully clarified. In the study of pathogenesis has made an enormous contribution to teaching I.P.Pavlova. When it comes to schizophrenia, according to Pavlov, especially the villages the weakness of the nervous system the villages particularly the weakness of the cortical cells. This weakness caused by both hereditary the villages and acquired factors (toxicity, etc.). Weak nervous system when encountering the villages difficulties "after the crushing excitement comes into a state of exhaustion" Exhaustion is - one of the main physiological impulses to the emergence of inhibitory process as a "security process" which aim to protect nerve cells from further depletion and death. Inhibition in schizophrenia Pavlov considers on the one hand, as a pathology, on the other - as a guard phenomenon. Touching catatonic stupor, Pavlov the villages says, "on the one hand, this state - pathology, as it deprives the patient of normal opportunities of the other - in fact the mechanism is still physiology, physiological measure because it protects cortical cells against impending destruction due to unbearable work. " The main feature of schizophrenia - increased tormozymost cortex, accompanied by various phenomena of inhibition of subcortical structures. Pavlov always emphasized the protective nature of inhibition, and therefore became clear a more favorable prognosis in katatonycheskyh form of schizophrenia in which the effects of protective inhibition is especially the villages pronounced. This concept formed the basis for the treatment of long sleep in which physiological tranquility achieved inhibition, deepens additional inhibition caused by the action of hypnotics. A number of schizophrenic symptoms the villages reveals significant similarities with the phenomena of hypnosis that Pavlov regarded as special conditions as a result more or less spread as inhibition in the cortex and in the lower parts of the brain. Schizophrenia in known variations and phases really is a "chronic hypnosis" that Pavlov understood as "braking in varying degrees of prevalence and intensity." This inhibition can achieve varying degrees of depth, according to which there are various hypnotic phase, ie state intermediate between wakefulness and sleep. These phases depending on a great variety "of more or less spreading inhibition as in the most different areas of the hemispheres and in different parts of the brain" on the one hand, and on the other - "as the degree of intensity of inhibition in a variety of depths and braking on one the same places. " In the development phase states inhibition can focus on some areas of the cerebral cortex and leave free all other areas. At full braking motor area observed Catatonia stupor and, depending on which part of the brain stem level applies braking stupor may be accompanied by catalepsy, etc.. In some cases, catatonic stupor with mutism observed phenomenon of paradoxical phase, when patients do not respond to pointing to his normal voice issues and begin to answer the villages when questions are asked in a whisper. If hypnotic phase covers the first and second signaling system, there is inhibition of imitative reflexes baby period and symptoms of ehopraksiya and echolalia. Pavlov phenomena stereotypes linked with the phenomenon the villages of "pathological inertia" irritating process - in the field of movements, hallucinations - in perception, and local disturbances may occur in the first signaling - vivid hallucinations, in the second system - "verbal "hallucinations, in both systems simultaneously - complex figurative and verbal hallucinations. Symptoms of catatonic excitement Pavlov connects with "riot subcortex" disinhibition subcortical region due to the profound inhibition of cortical areas. Symptoms hebefrenicheskuyu pustotlyvosti associated with inhibition of early ontogenetic functional levels of brain activity.
Symptoms In some cases, you can watch this growing mental poverty, without delusions and hallucinations, and the disease is recognized only when the defect the villages in the patient's mental activity becomes quite clear. In other cases, there is a kind of childishness, silliness, hrimasnichane. In the third case is dominated by disorders of the motor areas: a complete real estate for weeks, months, years, it apparently the villages does not reasoned excitation pulses aggressive nature; often marked stupor alternating with excitement. Such patients often inherent negativism (resistance to all that is required of them) or, on the contrary, automatic podchynyaemost, freezing in one position, repeating other people's words and actions, etc. They are often observed increased salivation, negligence in natural shipments. At the prevalence of disease in the film delusional constructs the villages is a delusion of persecution, impact shock, the villages hypnosis; patients the villages feel that they talk about, the villages laugh on them. Brad is often associated with hallucinations, mostly hearing or smell. Finally,
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