Wartner against warts is the latest innovation in terms of removing warts. Wartner wart kill the virus and removes the cryogenic process. This method is similar to that used by physicians. Wartner freezes the wart completely in one application, resulting in his fall in the range of 10 to 14 days, skin regenerating meantime. systane Wartner consist of a within a kit specially adapted for the treatment of warts. Wartner against warts is the latest innovation in terms of removing warts. Wartner wart kill the virus and removes the cryogenic process. Wartner freezing uses the same technology that applies to doctors. Treatment is fast, effective and safe, allowing you to remove your warts at will like, not to be forced to go to the doctor systane for this. Wartner systane freezes warts fast and forever in just one application. Warts will fall by 10 to 14 days, during systane which time it will be below their already formed new and healthy skin. If the entire wart or a portion of it will not fall to two weeks after treatment, you can reapply without any problem Wartner. Cryo is the safest treatment available without a prescription, because the gas mixture is dosed into the foam applicator systane inside the aerosol container. Thus, the gas can not get out and cases of burns or blast injuries are extremely rare. Cryo treatment is simple, mainly because the applicator is small and allows a safe handling and precise application on the wart or warts. Treatment planting warts that are resistant, it is much relieved through specific accessories such as foam applicators systane larger patches to ensure comfort and a cell for cleaning better and more comfortable.
Avon catalog C17 November-December 2013
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