Tuesday, May 6, 2014

* Equal Pay Commission proposes thirds of leave, with a portion of the mother, part of the father a

* Equal Pay Commission proposes thirds of leave, with a portion of the mother, part of the father and some optional distributed. WARN: NHO Sigrun Vågeng warns that Norway can not afford to extend maternity leave. Photo: Espen Braata
Several key Labor politicians, with Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, quickly went out and dismissed the claim of tripartite and stated that they would rather work to extend the current leave scheme, so that the father can get more without the mother must give up time.
- We already have very good welfare system in Norway, and four additional weeks will cost society very much, which is not the way to do that in a time of labor shortages, said Sigrun Vågeng, director of employment policies of NHO NTB .
- NHO is keen to look at measures to remedy the fact that men go from women in terms of wages when the kids come, but change must happen within the current leave length, say Vågeng, pointing out that Norway today already has one of the longest and best maternity schemes.
Today's leave arrangement conveys a right to stay home with the baby for 44 weeks with full pay, and in one year by 80 per cent pay. In its policy statement yesterday the coalition government in order to expand fullønns-leave for another five weeks, reserved father. The first of these weeks were met in the summer of 2006. Overall, now the father of six weeks earmarked leave.
Related 13 weeks pregnant articles Ombudsman supports the tripartite of birth binder Ombudsman believes a tripartite of parental leave between mothers and fathers are the best for the children. 22/01/2008 06:39 Labor women will have longer paternity leave is brewing up a new kind of government paternity leave. This weekend passed women's network in Oslo Labour that one third of parental leave should be allocated to the father. 21/01/2008 06:26
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