Home / Featured / Myths, legends and beliefs about cancer (I) Myths, legends and beliefs about cancer (I) Posted on March 24, 2014 by Jose Josan in Featured, Health and Wellness with 0 Comments
We are surrounded by urban legends, myths and beliefs that are part of our lives and although it is likely that there is some truth in them, in the case of diseases such as cancer must pass the state to "believe" the state of "knowing" mental health act and this is achieved on the basis of evidence and clinical studies with scientific rigor. Based on information from the National Cancer Institute of the United States, I will point out and comment on some of these myths:
The probability of dying from cancer is decreasing dramatically since 1990 and continues to decline for many reasons: the discovery of new and more effective medicines, knowledge of the disease and development of improved diagnostic methods every day. Today almost 90% of people with breast, prostate or thyroid cancer can survive 5 years after diagnosis, and even diseases like breast cancer HER (+) can become chronic and continue mental health act living patient by a number mental health act undetermined years if diagnosis and treatment is appropriate is early and specific. mental health act I invite you to read this Annual Report on the Status of Cancer. mental health act
These, as you know, are statistics, but the best way to fight cancer and survive is prevention, early diagnosis and timely treatment that requires an individual commitment and staff to cope.
NO. And no scientific evidence supporting this claim: saccharin, cyclamate, asparíamos, acesulfame potassium and neotame. All these artificial sweeteners except cyclamate have been approved for consumption in the United States by the responsible agency, the FDA. We invite you to read a report (in English about it) Artificial sweeteners and cancer.
No. What is known is that cancer cells consume more sugar than normal cells, but that does not mean that eating sugar cancer worse. What happens is that a diet high in sugar or flour will cause weight gain and and we become obese. SI And obesity is associated with an increased risk for not one but many types of cancer, please review this report obesity and cancer risk.
No, the studies done so far confirmed. As in the case of cells, the magnetic energy emitted by these wires is a low frequency radiation does not alter our genes. Besides the electric and magnetic energy emitted is usually blocked by walls and other objects that weaken the energy emitted by power lines.
Some types of viruses that can cause cancer, the human papillomavirus that is linked to cervical cancer. Some bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori, which can cause gastritis, gastric ulcer and gastric cancer. And while it is true that these microorganisms are contagious cancers from these no.
Another very rare circumstance is when a transplant and the person who donated the organ had a previous history of cancer, but this risk is very low (2 persons 10,000 transplants). Doctors avoid using bodies with a history of cancer.
No. There is no reason to conclude herbal product that is effective for the treatment of cancer. In fact, some herbs can be harmful when consumed during chemotherapy or radiation because they can interfere with the operation of these treatments.
Cancer patients should consult their doctor about any product of complementary and alternative medicine that may be using, including vitamins and herbal supplements. Here are additional information if they want to pursue the subject mental health act (in English) on the botanical and herbal products that have been studied.
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