Constipation Constipation is defined as difficulty in imposing aua feces, feces incomplete or not frequent. There is another mode stools and everything comes out. The ideal situation once daily in the morning is not an effort! The smell should aua be minimal. Stools with sharp odor indicates advanced decay. Stool should not float. aua Not desirable to have the remnants of undigested food. The texture should be uniform (no lumps). Causes of constipation: a minority of fiber in diet, lack of water, lack of exercise, food intolerance, stress, pockets in the intestines, IBS tumors intestinal fissure / hemorrhoids, magnesium deficiency, pregnancy, use of medications that cause constipation, iron (not organic - but chemical) use Fuller laxatives (chronic), under-active thyroid, lack of stomach acid, chronic use enema, quitting smoking. Supplements: calcium + magnesium - are shrinking muscles. Therapeutic dose lecithin - If there is no breaking down fats in the body good! B5 + B6 Probiotics - is not for everyone, not recommend in cases of chronic constipation, chronic constipation because many accompanied aua by gastrointestinal toxicity was so early intestinal cleansing and liver cleansing and only after a month - two months we add probiotics. Dietary recommendations: whole foods are rich in dietary fiber, sugars download, ground flaxseed (excellent and contain a lot of fiber, they swell and form gastrointestinal pressure). Touch Therapy: Shiatsu (Chinese medicine). Touch therapy is right and good work on the intestines and treats aua these issues. Treating the problem of constipation Aaron Ovadia naturopathic 054-6363866
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