Monday, March 23, 2015

Khandan - high blood pressure is not limited to the elderly, is linked to life-style habits and unh

Khandan - high blood pressure is not limited to the elderly, is linked to life-style habits and unhealthy eating, and currently affects many people after the age of 30. The health complications that can cause high blood pressure effectively and prevent it through chicken pox symptoms healthy diet management. The nuts and dry fruits, and a means to control high blood pressure, and prevent infection. Eating a handful of pistachios a day to reduce high pressure effectively dried fruits and nuts contain a high proportion of dietary fiber, as well as a range of nutrients contributes to the control of blood pressure levels. Here are the top 4 Nuts help to control high blood: Cashew pressure. Cashew is a natural remedy ideal for high blood pressure, because it contains low levels of sodium, high potassium. Afattsag. Pistachio features its content chicken pox symptoms rich in fiber, and it is low-calorie, in addition to the antioxidants it contains. Eating a handful of pistachios a day helps to lower high blood pressure effectively. Almond. Almonds contain a large proportion of a compound called alpha-tocopherol plays an important role in maintaining blood pressure levels. Improves Almenttm consumption of almonds to control the pressure level, especially among men. Dried plums. Dried plums great features its content of potassium, which works to combat high blood pressure. One of a handful of dried plums can reduce high blood pressure significantly.

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